Finished Wondrous' banner!
Will add it to the main page in a lil bit. Thanks Wondrous and I hope you enjoy it! <3
mtam3211: I'll re-send your mockup, just in case.
NinjanaMin and Big Forum User: STILL waiting for payment from you guys... *sigh* Got 'til Sunday until I skip over you guys to the next person in line. I really hope that doesn't happen, but if it happens, it happens.
Big Forum User: I also need an answer about the colors you want for your banner, whether exact colors or the color palette you'd like me to use. I'll wing it if I have to, but you may hate the colors I end up picking...
rudythecat: You are now OFF the wait list!! I'll update the list accordingly. As you've already paid me, you are all set for now.
mtam3211: I'll re-send your mockup, just in case.
NinjanaMin and Big Forum User: STILL waiting for payment from you guys... *sigh* Got 'til Sunday until I skip over you guys to the next person in line. I really hope that doesn't happen, but if it happens, it happens.
Big Forum User: I also need an answer about the colors you want for your banner, whether exact colors or the color palette you'd like me to use. I'll wing it if I have to, but you may hate the colors I end up picking...
rudythecat: You are now OFF the wait list!! I'll update the list accordingly. As you've already paid me, you are all set for now.