Shop Pengutango's Signature Shop! Check thread for request openings! ♥

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Finished Wondrous' banner! :D Will add it to the main page in a lil bit. Thanks Wondrous and I hope you enjoy it! <3

mtam3211: I'll re-send your mockup, just in case. :)

NinjanaMin and Big Forum User: STILL waiting for payment from you guys... *sigh* Got 'til Sunday until I skip over you guys to the next person in line. I really hope that doesn't happen, but if it happens, it happens.

Big Forum User: I also need an answer about the colors you want for your banner, whether exact colors or the color palette you'd like me to use. I'll wing it if I have to, but you may hate the colors I end up picking...

rudythecat: You are now OFF the wait list!! I'll update the list accordingly. As you've already paid me, you are all set for now. :)
I'd like to request a signature. :) Yours are really awesome, by the way!

Username: LonghornGirl
Town: Bevo
Mayor: Jen
Border: Regular
Template Shape: Rectangle (If possible, I'd like it to look like your sample for "Adrianna of Noveria" In terms of the shape and style. I would like the top and bottom to be this shade of orange (E87A31) and the middle to be white.
Colors: (text, border, background colors) Black text
Background: (if transparent, put "N/A") N/A
Font Preferences: Lucida Calligraphy, please :)
Villagers: (names and include if you want the names included with the sprites) Ozzie, Bluebear, Rudy, Marshal, Julian, Ankha, Coco, Chief, Flora, Tia
Include names under sprites?: Yes
Include dreamies?: (If yes, list the names || If no, put "N/A") N/A
Include names under sprites?: N/A
Anything else: Can you put "Villagers of Bevo" above the Orange bar on the top? And then somewhere next to my villagers, can you put this picture (It's my town flag) I would also like my dream address in the top orange bar like it is in the sample (dream address = 4600-2491-9491)

I hope all that made sense!! Please let me know if it didn't and thank you :D
Thanks! :) Having fun with making all these banners. :D

Thanks for the request! I'll add ya to the wait list for now. Will let ya know, on this thread and PM (if a couple days have passed and haven't gotten payment yet), so please check back periodically for updates. :) Yep, can do all those things you mentioned. :) Your town flag's an extra, so please keep that in mind when ya sent the payment.

Please clarify this: you said ya wanted white in the center bar, but ya put "N/A" for the background, so do I keep it transparent or white? Just wanted to double check. :)


DeviousCrossing: Forgot to ask, but when I looked at your request again as I was adding LonghornGirl's request to the wait list, noticed that you wanted both villagers and dreamies in your request, plus their names, and villager key.

My question to you is, if the banner ends up being over the signature requirements for the forum (which for a circle, may go over by a lot... like 100px or more), are you okay with keeping it a circle, or do you want to change the shape? It's up to you, but I just want you to keep it in mind. :)
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Thanks! :) Having fun with making all these banners. :D

Thanks for the request! I'll add ya to the wait list for now. Will let ya know, on this thread and PM (if a couple days have passed and haven't gotten payment yet), so please check back periodically for updates. :) Yep, can do all those things you mentioned. :) Your town flag's an extra, so please keep that in mind when ya sent the payment.

Please clarify this: you said ya wanted white in the center bar, but ya put "N/A" for the background, so do I keep it transparent or white? Just wanted to double check. :)


DeviousCrossing: Forgot to ask, but when I looked at your request again as I was adding LonghornGirl's request to the wait list, noticed that you wanted both villagers and dreamies in your request, plus their names, and villager key.

My question to you is, if the banner ends up being over the signature requirements for the forum (which for a circle, may go over by a lot... like 100px or more), are you okay with keeping it a circle, or do you want to change the shape? It's up to you, but I just want you to keep it in mind. :)

I'm pretty sure the circle looks small,so if a circle dosen't work then a rounded rectangle will work. :3

And my request post has been updated with new info. :3
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Thanks! :) Having fun with making all these banners. :D

Thanks for the request! I'll add ya to the wait list for now. Will let ya know, on this thread and PM (if a couple days have passed and haven't gotten payment yet), so please check back periodically for updates. :) Yep, can do all those things you mentioned. :) Your town flag's an extra, so please keep that in mind when ya sent the payment.

Please clarify this: you said ya wanted white in the center bar, but ya put "N/A" for the background, so do I keep it transparent or white? Just wanted to double check. :)

Yeah, the extra payment is no problem. :) And yes, white please! I don't even know why I put N/A there. Sorry about that :D

Oh, and I know I said I wanted Lucidia Calligraphy for all of the text, but for the dream address part, can you put that in Arial font please? Thank you :)
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I'm pretty sure the circle looks small,so if a circle dosen't work then a rounded rectangle will work. :3

And my request post has been updated with new info. :3

I'll do my best to keep it a circle. :) Most likely what I'll end up doing is making both rounded rectangle and circle and will send both to ya when I finish the mockups. Will update your request on the list accordingly.

Yeah, the extra payment is no problem. :) And yes, white please! I don't even know why I put N/A there. Sorry about that :D

Oh, and I know I said I wanted Lucidia Calligraphy for all of the text, but for the dream address part, can you put that in Arial font please? Thank you :)

Cool, cool. No prob. Figured I'd double check. :) I'll add that info to your request accordingly.
Username: Mayoraydin
Town: Tsunami
Mayor: Aydin
Border: Dotted
Template Shape: Rounded Rectangle
Colors: Text : #08088A Border #08088A, Background #FFFFFF, Names under sprites #FE2EF7 for girls and #0040FF for boys
Background: N/A
Font Preferences: Text : Courier New
Villagers: Baabara, Cranston, Apollo, Coach, Greta, Agent S, Wendy, Curlos
Include names under sprites?: Yes
Include dreamies?: Roald, Molly. Puck, Gala, Ozzie
Include names under sprites?: Yes
Anything else: Can you add my FC?
Friend Code : 2638-0457-9554
If you can add some ducks or penguins on it - that'd be awesome :)
Thanks for the request mayoraydin! :) I don't see why not, should be able to put those things in. I'll let you know otherwise, but I'm pretty sure I can find some I can add in.

I'll add you the wait list for now. Will let ya know on this and/or PM (as a reminder if I don't hear anything from ya) once you're off the wait list, so please check this thread every so often for updated. :D

EDIT: Forgot to add this. Saw that ya put #FFFFFF (white) for the background in the color section, but under the background section, you put "N/A," so do I keep it white or transparent? Just wanted to double check.
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Yeah transparent haha.
AND CAN you add Fuchsia SHE LIKE JUST MOVED IN >.< that'd be great
Hi, Hi! :'D

Did any of the guys contact you yet?

Nope. T.T Sigh.. I think in the future, I'm gonna update it so I need to get payment ASAP after you post a request, regardless if you're on the wait list or not. Not in effect now, but I'm definitely thinking about it.

Yeah transparent haha.
AND CAN you add Fuchsia SHE LIKE JUST MOVED IN >.< that'd be great

Sounds good. I'll update your info on the list accordingly, as well as you paid. Thanks! :D
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mtam3211: Still waiting for your reply for the mockup...

NinjanaMin and Big Forum User: STILL waiting for payment from you guys... *sigh* Got 'til Sunday until I skip over you guys to the next person in line. I really hope that doesn't happen, but if it happens, it happens.

Big Forum User: I also need an answer about the colors you want for your banner, whether exact colors or the color palette you'd like me to use. I'll wing it if I have to, but you may hate the colors I end up picking...
Yay, thank you so much!! And I know I'm still on the wait list, but is it okay if I just pay you now? I just want to make sure you don't have to wait on me once I get off of the wait list. :) And I know you said the image would cost extra, could you tell me exactly how much I owe you? I just want to make sure I give you the right amount. Thank you :D
LonghornGirl: Yeah, feel free. Like I said in my reply to mszcheysser, I'm thinking of needing people to pay ASAP in the future when they post a request since I've been stuck waiting for two people who haven't paid me yet. >.< I feel bad making everyone else wait as a result. T.T

Anyway, with the image, total is 160 TBT bells. :) Thanks!
Going to send you all my info tomorrow or Sunday. Just let me know price and I will pay as soon as you give me a quote. I've given up on Bato on making me a siggy.
Going to send you all my info tomorrow or Sunday. Just let me know price and I will pay as soon as you give me a quote. I've given up on Bato on making me a siggy.

Okay, that's fine. It's 150 TBT bells plus 10 TBT bells for each extra. Any other questions, feel free to ask. :D ( on my phone, so format might be a lil funky)
Hey, Hey!

For my banner, please do not include Alice. She moved out D:

Instead, please add Bob (lazy Cat). Thank you ^^
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Here is my request

Username: DaCoSim
Template Shape: Rounded rectangle
Colors: (text, border, background colors) [741BE0] [741BE0][see below]
Background: (if transparent, put "N/A") if you can do this from photobucket:
Font Preferences: Showcard Gothic
Villagers: (names and include if you want the names included with the sprites) Dierdre, Francine, Renee, Merry, Barold, Benjamin, Spork, Olaf, Frita
Include names under sprites?: yes I want names, the first 5 in aqua [1BCCE0], the last 4 in red [FA0515]
Include dreamies?: (If yes, list the names || If no, put "N/A") My Dream Team: Bob, Stitches, Rocco, Jitters, Blanch, Bruce, Savanah, Sydney, Bella, Sprinkle
Include names under sprites?: Yes [05FA09]
Anything else: Please add a bullet with the aqua for keeping and red for trading on my villagers underneath
Please include my DaCoSim and underneath my friend code: 4141-2400-0442 in the top left corner and Mayor Midori of Birdsong in the right hand corner with my dream address underneath it : 5400-2760-5968

Just let me know total cost and I will send it tomorrow.
DaCoSim: Thanks for your request info! :) I'll add you to the wait list for now. Will let ya know when you're off, so please check back to this thread periodically for updates. The total cost of your banner is 150 TBT bells. :D
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