Shop Pengutango's Signature Shop! Check thread for request openings! ♥

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Username: NinjanaMin
Town: Oakvale
Mayor: Molly
Border: I'll let you decide as you know best!! :)
Template Shape: Rounded Rectangle :)
Colors: (text, border, background colors) White polkadot, Mint background please! :)
Background: (if transparent, put "N/A") 2B polka dot
Font Preferences: main: Swirly text as used in Circle Sample - colours down to you! :)
Standard text for any extra (Animals etc)
Villagers: Bruce, Diana, Shep, Monique, Peanut, Kyle, Zucker, Midge, Shari & Flip :)
Include names under sprites?: Yes please!
Include dreamies?: (If yes, list the names || If no, put "N/A") N/A
Include names under sprites?: N/A
Anything else: friendcode: 0130-1993-2096
Dream Address: 6200-2316-3407

Thank you in advance!! ^^ x

Hey NinjanaMin! Thanks for the request. You're on the wait list, but I'll update the thread when that changes. :D
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Whoo! Another banner finished! Check it out on the 1st page! Thanks Azelia! :D Hope you enjoy it!

mtam3211: Still waiting for payment from you. :) I'll send you a PM tomorrow for a friendly reminder if you don't get a chance to see this today.

Wondrous: You're now off the waiting list. :D You already paid me, so you're all set for now.

All paid! Can't wait for the finished product :)
mtam3211: Awesome! :D I'll update the list accordingly.

As an update, I don't think I'll be working on any requests today since I wanna focus on making several more samples. I will be working on requests again tomorrow! :) Sorry for the inconvenience.
Added a few more examples to my original post. :) Hope to add a few more in the near future. Definitely wished I could have made a post right below my 1st one since the text and BB codes in that post getting pretty long... XD Hm, makes me wonder if there's a limit to how long posts are...
snillos: I sent you the mockup, so please check that out when you get a chance. :)

Minth: Whoo! Since I'm waiting for snillos to get to me about their mockup, I can start working on yours! :D Hopefully, I can send you yours at some point tonight.
Haha^^ Don't worry about me, take your time !
Minth: I just sent ya the mockup, so check it out when ya get a chance. :) It's pretty girly, which I dunno if that's a good thing. XD Though it's not as pink as one of my recent samples. :p

Finished another request! :D Will update the first post shortly. Thanks snillos!! Hope you enjoy it!

NinjanaMin: You're now off the wait list! :D Please send me the payment as soon as ya can.
nice work Pengutango! thanks again haha

Thanks and you're quite welcome! :D


Having a lotta fun with making these, so thanks to everyone who've requested a banner thus far! :D Hope I can make some more once I finish up the current requests.
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I really like the rose border in one of your samples! Can you do that on a circle shaped sig? Also is there anything else you can put instead of roses?
Hi, I know you're busy. BUUUTT, I've had some lovely people do commissions for me and would love for you to add them to my signature (somewhat like yours) <3 I'll of course wait for you to finish everyone on the list! And of course pay you 8D
Whoo! Finished Minth's banner! Will add it to the main post shortly! Thank you so much and I hope you enjoy it!! <3

I really like the rose border in one of your samples! Can you do that on a circle shaped sig? Also is there anything else you can put instead of roses?

I can, however, it will cost you 10 TBT bells since it is more work for me to do that, unless I figure out a quicker way, which for rounded shapes.. there might not be another way, other than manually moving each individual rose. On top of the fact, I have to separate each rose, since right now, it's a single file. It's how I found it. I'll add a note about the rose border on my main post.

Hm, besides roses, I can put ribbons, put a scalloped edge, etc. First two things that come to mind. What did you have in mind? I can try to make it work. Worse case, it doesn't work and I refund you the 10 bells. Scalloped I can do for no extra since I can do that in a jiffy. Let me know. :D

Hi, I know you're busy. BUUUTT, I've had some lovely people do commissions for me and would love for you to add them to my signature (somewhat like yours) <3 I'll of course wait for you to finish everyone on the list! And of course pay you 8D

Yeah, finishing my current requests are my priority, but I can definitely do it after I'm done with those. We can talk about it a lil more when I get to that point. Will let ya know. I'll make an update section on the main post so I don't forget. :D You can send me payment whenever you get a chance. I'll only PM and post a reminder if ya haven't sent it and I'm up to you.

EDIT: I added this on the main post, but I'll put it here as well. I can squeeze you in between requests, as long as you've paid me in full and I have all the info I need. In your case, I need the link for the image you want me to add into your banner.
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Already said by MP, but I have to say it again.

I LOVE IT SO MUCH <33 Thank youuu !
I can, however, it will cost you 10 TBT bells since it is more work for me to do that, unless I figure out a quicker way, which for rounded shapes.. there might not be another way, other than manually moving each individual rose. On top of the fact, I have to separate each rose, since right now, it's a single file. It's how I found it. I'll add a note about the rose border on my main post.

Hm, besides roses, I can put ribbons, put a scalloped edge, etc. First two things that come to mind. What did you have in mind? I can try to make it work. Worse case, it doesn't work and I refund you the 10 bells. Scalloped I can do for no extra since I can do that in a jiffy. Let me know. :D

Ooh ok! I'd like the scallop border. I'm really bad at picking colors that look good together so you can use 367CAD or something that looks better.
Rounded Rectangle
Villagers: Bendecit, Hopper, Flip, Biskit, Cheri, Pashmina, Bill, Rodney
Dreamies: Alice, Merengue, Snake, Gruff, Peoke, Julian, Nana, Kid Cat
font doesn't matter
Want it to say Big Forum User
Fruit with picture: pear, orange, lemon, lychee, durian, coconut, banana
Rounded Rectangle
Villagers: Bendecit, Hopper, Flip, Biskit, Cheri, Pashmina, Bill, Rodney
Dreamies: Alice, Merengue, Snake, Gruff, Peoke, Julian, Nana, Kid Cat
font doesn't matter
Want it to say Big Forum User
Fruit with picture: pear, orange, lemon, lychee, durian, coconut, banana

Thanks for the request! :D Ya got the last spot on the list, so please send me the payment as soon as possible. Question: Do you have any colors you want me to use? If no specifics, a color palette? Need that to work with, or else I may just have to wing it and hope you like the colors I pick. XD
Username: mszcheysser
Town: Lokii
Mayor: Cheysser
Template Shape: 1C
Colors: Can I have a black background? For the fronts, I would like yellow or green! :)
Background: 3C
Font Preferences: Read my comments.
Villagers: Annalise | Apple | Cally | Mira | Alice | Bam | Wolfgang | Buck, I also have Elvis and Teddy
Include names under sprites?: Yes
Include dreamies?: Marshall, Boomer, Merengue
Include names under sprites?: Yes
Anything else:

Hi, Hi! Can I have a banner similar to your example for Adrianna of Noveria? :)

But instead, a female version of Loki? (My mayor character) Would that be extra? Please keep me updated. Thank youuuu!

PS: I'm aware that I'll be on the waiting list. :)
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