honestly, people shouldn't judge a post by how they look but by their content. All of a sudden now people are looked down upon and not "respected" because they like to make their posts stand out? If color and text size was such a biiiig problem then why is it accessible in the first place? Why does every little thing need to be discriminated?
edit: i'd like to also point out that it's really quite bland and it doesn't help people not notice things like rules more often. the only cons that i can see at the moment with small and cute font is that some people just don't like it.
I don't think you understand the issue. Of course we're going to judge a post by it's appearance if we cannot physically read the content! The problem is not that people don't want to use the default font style; it is
how people are presenting their posts that is irritating.
I need to hit the
ctrl and
+ keys to enlarge the entire page (usually 2-3 times) to be able read a post longer than a line or two in tiny font. It's not even just small font on it's own: it's when people start using serif fonts (e.g.
Time News Roman or
Georgia) and
then reduce the size on top of that.
This turns into this or this. Now, put it in a
cute pastel colour. Imagine an entire post written that way:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ut libero venenatis, rutrum lectus eu, vehicula mi. Nunc venenatis ac turpis vitae pellentesque. Etiam eget sapien tempus lectus auctor elementum. Nam purus nisl, viverra elementum quam vel, suscipit commodo est. Fusce malesuada felis sed aliquam faucibus. Donec imperdiet enim vitae ipsum egestas, a venenatis mauris consequat. Duis sed nisl venenatis, lacinia urna sit amet, lacinia risus. Nullam sit amet eros adipiscing, sodales mi sed, convallis est. Praesent semper nisi eget lacinia bibendum. Morbi vulputate in nulla sit amet faucibus. Cras vel ligula nisl. Vestibulum ac facilisis magna. Donec eget nulla posuere, semper nulla a, vehicula orci. Nullam eu blandit nulla.
Donec ac magna ultricies, feugiat libero venenatis, convallis nulla. Phasellus vel lectus tortor. Nulla consectetur feugiat metus vulputate sollicitudin. Donec elementum odio in eleifend varius. Sed leo ipsum, venenatis vel facilisis ac, dapibus sit amet est. Aliquam erat volutpat. In porttitor ligula at enim placerat, eu iaculis turpis commodo. Vivamus rhoncus tellus in purus fermentum imperdiet. Integer ullamcorper mi augue, non rhoncus nibh dignissim a. Aliquam et massa facilisis, dictum nibh at, eleifend ipsum. Phasellus porta turpis nisi, a tristique ligula bibendum at. Aliquam sed egestas odio, et volutpat libero. Vestibulum sapien felis, pretium vel lorem et, vehicula convallis justo.
Duis convallis enim ac libero rhoncus, id mattis lectus vestibulum. Donec dignissim rutrum consectetur. Duis pulvinar auctor dui scelerisque elementum. Mauris est purus, hendrerit a vehicula vitae, vulputate a est. Nullam auctor eget sem posuere mattis. Quisque rhoncus nunc eu elit consectetur pellentesque. Integer ac luctus quam.
It's too much to expect people to read your posts if you're not prepared to present them in a way that others can easily read them.