Perfect Snowman criteria is annoying


Apr 15, 2020
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Am I the only bothered by how precise you need to be with making a perfect snowman? I swear, I've made two in a row now that look exactly like the "perfect" ones that I see in photos...but all I get is " close!" I mean...was it really necessary to make this an exact science? Kinda takes the fun out of making snowmen to begin with. I understand not giving it to you if you're WAY off...but, the fact that the game recognizes that you're "so close"...even saying "90%" sometimes...that's kind of obnoxious, IMO. Anyone else struggling with this?
You're definitely not alone. I took about 15-20 minutes this morning because the first attempt was "so close!", so I had to reset once. It seems to me that even as little as half a tile (or even less) can make a difference in the outcome, though I haven't even attempted to try doing any rolling distance-to-snowball diameter math, as I'm still trying to get the hang of it myself. The fact that I even consider figuring out the math behind the mechanism makes me question how children are supposed to get the hang of it, but it is what it is, I suppose, since I want the Frozen DIYs. 🤷‍♀️ "Measure twice, cut once" has never rung more true to me.

Having a ruler helps a lot. I didn't use one this morning (to confirm that the head lined up with my resident's mouth before joining the head to the body) and had to retry, but I used it yesterday and got the Snowboy perfect on my first try. It looks I'll be using my ruler for a while, lol.

Edit: personally, I don't find the retorts to be condescending (I've heard much worse in university), but I can definitely see how the dialogue comes across as such.
Yes! I accidentally put the body on the head and the snowboy called me ridiculous. It was a bit much. And I made it right in front of my house, so I am stuck looking at this silly upside snowboy for days. Sometimes when I try to put it together nothing happens. It looks right, but nothing happens when I try to put the two parts together. I have no idea what I am doing wrong, but this process is not my favorite part of the game!
I agree! I spent so long this morning trying to eyeball the proportions for a snowboy because I remember in NL as long as you were around the right size you got away with it. I got five "so close!"s in a row before I just had to give up and do that method where you put a ten long path because I couldn't deal with it any more. I look forward to the day I get all the DIYs and can be as imperfect as I want!!
I just watched a YouTube video on this by Mayor Mori. Make one snowball as big as it can be. Next to it, place 10 sand tiles. Roll the second snowball as big as it can be and then roll across your sand path and onto your first snowball. Voila! Perfect snowboy 😊
What's also frustrating is you have to have a set amount of open space where you build when I was trying to push them together it somewhat close to the some trees; it wouldn't take till it pushed slightly more in the clearing which by then the head was too big so it wasn't perfect. -__- I didn't have the patience to reset for it.
Sometimes when I try to put it together nothing happens. It looks right, but nothing happens when I try to put the two parts together. I have no idea what I am doing wrong, but this process is not my favorite part of the game!
This has happened to me a few times, and I think the problem is I was trying to form it too close to other furniture/trees.
Yep I really dislike it too. I dislike how the snowboys are generally annoying and poke fun of you for failing when it's honestly just one wrong move and you fail. Maybe it's so we won't feel so bad when they melt or something, but idk, it's just not fun to me. I also personally dislike anything that encourages you to strive for perfection as doing so can become harmful.
I hate this task. I was so looking forward to winter and I honestly tried so many times and even failed on the idiot proof methods 🥺and believe me I am an idiot 😂 it is so frustrating and not fun. In the end I am ashamed to say that I had to give up 🥺 luckily kids are very useful sometimes and with a little persuasion (aka bribery 😉) I have one perfect snow boy 🥰
Yes! I accidentally put the body on the head and the snowboy called me ridiculous. It was a bit much. And I made it right in front of my house, so I am stuck looking at this silly upside snowboy for days. Sometimes when I try to put it together nothing happens. It looks right, but nothing happens when I try to put the two parts together. I have no idea what I am doing wrong, but this process is not my favorite part of the game!
I had nothing happen a couple times yesterday, I think I was trying to build it too close to the river.

I felt pretty confident about my snowmaking after new leaf but the only method that's worked for me so far is the trick where you make both snowballs as big as possible and then roll the head over 10 tiles
Making perfect snowboys isn't that hard. Here is a photo that I found on Google of the perfect snowballs you need.

On the left is the head. On the right is the body.
Try it and visualise it. Personally, I think the method of getting the Frozen DIYs is perfect. If its too challenging soft reset until you get it right. Once you do its easy Snowboys.
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Strange... I got my first 3 snowboys 'perfect' without resets. It's not that hard - just eye how big the first snowball is compared to the next.

Even more, size doesn't matter - I made a midget snowboy that was considered perfect just today. It's just the scale of the 2 snowballs that matters.
I could see this being very annoying if the internet didn't exist though, but there are so many images and guides online that make it incredibly easy. I actually enjoy making the Snowboys each day and having them on my island!

Side note, it's funny that so many people want meaner villagers back like in the Gamecube version, but then there are people like those in this thread that don't like how rude the imperfect Snowboys are. Not saying these two groups are the same people, but it's a nice balance to hear people against the rudeness too.