Nedrian said:
TheSilverSkeeter said:
Okay, here's my way to do it...
Buy flowers, plant flowers where you think they should go
water them when crispy
ummm... your town will be perfect eventually
that's it. That's how I did it
Really, when you break it down to a science, it just isn't fun anymore...
you can do it this way, but you're going to eventually need TONS (and i mean
TONS of flowers to do this... and you may have one acre that doesn't have enough or something, and be so close to having it perfect and give up because you couldn't take the hour to make acres to see where you needed them... it's really not that hard and too much of a "science."
that's just my thoughts though. <3
It really doesn't take that long...
considering how many flowers you can buy from nookingtons, and that flowers randomly spring up all over town
One thing to do is to make bunches of the same breed of flowers... to not only ensure you have enough flowers in an acre, but so you can make hybrids
This only took a couple weeks for me