Perfect Town Guide

The Famouse Fleep said:
Im i right with this?

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the easiest way to get a "perfect" acre is by having 12-15 trees and 3 flowers, and the easiest way to get a decent acre is by having 10-17 trees.

so no, if you're going for a perfect acre, you only need to have 3+ flowers.
OK i'm not 100% sure on this but the theory worked for me. Last friday I crashed my town, I carried all my hybrids (a ton) & things I didn't want to lose to my daughters town, I picked a new town Saturday morning, I made a pattern (brick) for my walkway & laid it throughout town connecting houses n buildings to gate, I lined the pattern with my white & black roses, yes it took alot of them & a long time going to get them but was worth it, if a tree blocked my path I cut it down & planted a new tree very close to where the one I cut down was. I added new fruit but I grew it in the exact same spot I cut an existing fruit tree down, only NEW trees I added were coconuts on my shore line.

Today is Monday & in roaming around watering plants & digging fossils I discovered a Jacobs ladder which can only be obtained if your town has a perfect rating.

It is much harder to make a perfect town once you've started playing & adding & cutting trees, plants etc. I recommend a fresh town to try this but like I said this worked for me & I can't guarantee it will work for you but if your wanting to try it & need help I will be glad to help any way I can.
PitFangirl said:
Each river is 4 spaces.
this isn't always the case, because sometimes rivers can flow horizontally, and that will end up being much more than 4 spaces (and confusion begins). personally, what i did when i organized my town, and when i help people lay out their patterns, i just start on the left side of town counting to 16 spaces. when i get to 16, i mark it by digging 3 holes below the hole that is #16, and i do the same on the first shovel spot of the acre beside it. this marks where they need to make the pattern line of the acre ending, and the first shovel spot of the second acre. when i come to a river, i simply go to the right side of town and do it all over until i get to the river.

at the top of the town, where the waterfall spilling into the pond is, it's always 8 spots across. rivers that are flowing straight towards the ocean are 4 across, but sometimes this can get a bit confusing when the river makes a turn. :/
Nedrian said:
The Famouse Fleep said:
Im i right with this?

<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
the easiest way to get a "perfect" acre is by having 12-15 trees and 3 flowers, and the easiest way to get a decent acre is by having 10-17 trees.

so no, if you're going for a perfect acre, you only need to have 3+ flowers.
Lol my town has too many trees, but I wouldn't want to cut down my cedars!
TigerCrossing said:
Do you really need to put all those designs on? Its suchs a pain. =(
you don't necessarily "have" to, but how else would you remember where the acres start and finish? some people do like every other acre... but if you can figure out some other way to remember where the borders are i'm sure a lot of people would love you, lol.
Erica said:
cornman64 said:
How many decent/perfect acres do you need to get it perfect?
Uhmmm..... Idk
erica did you even read what you posted before you posted it? lol

this is from the first post in this thread...
"In order to have a perfect town, 8 out of 25 acres must be "perfect," and the rest must be "decent." Here is a guide on how to make perfect and decent acres."
Okay, here's my way to do it...

Buy flowers, plant flowers where you think they should go

water them when crispy

ummm... your town will be perfect eventually

that's it. That's how I did it

Really, when you break it down to a science, it just isn't fun anymore...
TheSilverSkeeter said:
Okay, here's my way to do it...

Buy flowers, plant flowers where you think they should go

water them when crispy

ummm... your town will be perfect eventually

that's it. That's how I did it

Really, when you break it down to a science, it just isn't fun anymore...
you can do it this way, but you're going to eventually need TONS (and i mean TONS of flowers to do this... and you may have one acre that doesn't have enough or something, and be so close to having it perfect and give up because you couldn't take the hour to make acres to see where you needed them... it's really not that hard and too much of a "science."

that's just my thoughts though. <3
Nedrian said:
TheSilverSkeeter said:
Okay, here's my way to do it...

Buy flowers, plant flowers where you think they should go

water them when crispy

ummm... your town will be perfect eventually

that's it. That's how I did it

Really, when you break it down to a science, it just isn't fun anymore...
you can do it this way, but you're going to eventually need TONS (and i mean TONS of flowers to do this... and you may have one acre that doesn't have enough or something, and be so close to having it perfect and give up because you couldn't take the hour to make acres to see where you needed them... it's really not that hard and too much of a "science."

that's just my thoughts though. <3
It really doesn't take that long...

considering how many flowers you can buy from nookingtons, and that flowers randomly spring up all over town

One thing to do is to make bunches of the same breed of flowers... to not only ensure you have enough flowers in an acre, but so you can make hybrids

This only took a couple weeks for me
TheSilverSkeeter said:
Nedrian said:
TheSilverSkeeter said:
Okay, here's my way to do it...

Buy flowers, plant flowers where you think they should go

water them when crispy

ummm... your town will be perfect eventually

that's it. That's how I did it

Really, when you break it down to a science, it just isn't fun anymore...
you can do it this way, but you're going to eventually need TONS (and i mean TONS of flowers to do this... and you may have one acre that doesn't have enough or something, and be so close to having it perfect and give up because you couldn't take the hour to make acres to see where you needed them... it's really not that hard and too much of a "science."

that's just my thoughts though. <3
It really doesn't take that long...

considering how many flowers you can buy from nookingtons, and that flowers randomly spring up all over town

One thing to do is to make bunches of the same breed of flowers... to not only ensure you have enough flowers in an acre, but so you can make hybrids

This only took a couple weeks for me
this is a really good idea (and even after i got perfect town status and rearranged it, after a while of doing this very same thing i got back to perfect town status) but usually when people want their golden watering can, they want to get perfect town status ASAP to get the 2 weeks going ASAP. if people have patience though, this takes a loooot of stress out of the process...
So I think I'm stuck in a loop with Pelly. I have NO garbage laying around. I don't even have fruits or shells on the ground... but he's STILL telling me (for the last 2 weeks) that my problem is all the garbage..... Anyone have any ideas? I'm bummed. I have a bajillion flowers and trees.... I thought I was well on my way to a perfect town rating......