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pet peeves / lil stuff you cant stand


pudding dog.
Mar 25, 2014
Throwback Tickets
Rainbow Star Fragment
Spring Sakura
Dreamy Easter Egg
Spring Sakura
Flower Glow Wand
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
i dont have very many pet peeves but i do have a few instances/ noises that annoy me ??

i cant stand the way my little brother eats. its like amplified misophonia and whenever hes eating near me all i want to do is ~pretend i do not hear it~ but i cant. its the only person this happens with too.

i hate being talked to when im on my phone ?? it really annoys me too

wet socks. especially wet socks in the regard that you are in your kitchen washing dishes and step in a mystery puddle.


the hardest thing for me in high school was having to concentrate over people talking. it made me so stressed and upset that i had to clog my ears and hum to make it better. ive never met anyone else like this.


anyway, thats pretty much the extent of my “pet peeves”. what are yours?
Passive aggressive behavior (if you’re mad at me just say it! Don’t make me mad at you back and expect me to want to apologize).

when people talk to me while my headphones are in and get mad when I ask them to repeat themselves.

when people talk to themselves. I’m not sure why it bugs me so much. I’ve read that talking to yourself is a sign of intelligence, but I just hate it I’m always wondering should I be listening to this or pretend nothing is happening.
I also hate eating noises. I just hate mouth noises in general. Coughing, throat clearing, loud yawning, and smacking food just make my skin crawl more than they should.

There are also certain grammatical things that annoy me. Obviously not everyone speaks English as their first language and I know that but the people in my life who make these mistakes only speak English. I live in the Southern USA so incorrect grammar is just normal to some degree. For example, “anyways” is not a word. It’s “anyway” and always has been. The former is just a bastardized version of an actual word that people accept for some reason. Also, the plural of octopus is octopuses, not octopi. This is because words with Latin roots use an i ending for plurals (ex. singular alumnus/alumna, plural alumni) and “octopus“ is not a Latin word. Regarding the whole alumnus/alumna/alumni/alumnae thing, here’s a quick little guide since I see so many people mess this up in their Instagram bios:

alumnus - singular male graduate
alumna - singular female graduate
alumni - plural, either a group of male graduates or a group consisting of both male and female graduates
alumnae - plural, a group of female graduates

“Alumni” 👏 is 👏 not 👏 singular. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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- People beating to the rhythm of music.
- The fact that Smash Villager and MK8 Villager Girl overshadow MK8 Villager Boy. I mean, why can't he get the shine like those two?
is my father a pet peeve?

i think my biggest pet peeve is people who aren’t aware of their surroundings and walk slowly/are in the way of other people. this obviously doesn’t apply if you have difficulty with moving, i completely understand that, but if you’re standing in the middle of somewhere and blocking people’s path just because you have no regard for other people/are having a conversation, that’s just annoying to me lmao
Noise when I'm trying to sleep. I need it to be dead silent otherwise I get jerked back awake. I find listening to white noise has helped me not get so angry since it blocks out sound.

People chewing with their mouth open. Have some manners.

Snoring. This goes with the "needs to be silent to sleep thing."

People showing up early when I'm still getting ready and then getting mad that I'm not ready yet. You said to be ready at 8. It's 7:45 meaning I still have 15 mins that I will use fully to my advantage.

Slow drivers. Go the speed limit at the very least or get off the road.
People who spit on the street or cough without covering their mouths 😖 (I've had these even before the pandemic).

Story time: My first year in College, I was taking a Government class I remember I was looking up paying attention to the Instructor. Behind me, there was a person sitting at their desk quite close to me and all of a sudden my hair just moved forward and I felt this 'wind' on the back of my head, at this point I was looking down slightly and taking notes but once that happened I FROZE, I DROPPED MY PEN, I COULD NOT BELIEVE what had just happened. "Did someone really just cough directly onto my head? REALLY?" were my first thoughts, I stopped listening to whatever the instructor was talking about and I was debating whether to interrupt the teacher and say something to that person or just walk out of class, I was mortified and quite upset. For the rest of the class all I could think about was the fact that it had really happened. The person/culprit left the class as soon as it was time to leave, so I never had a chance to talk to them... plus I'm not a confrontational person, so I probably wouldn't have done anything anyways : (
people scratching cutlery on porcelain plates, touching untreated wood, people who give off overly edgy image but they really are nice but refuse to show it for ages like... okay i'm not gonna feel sorry if you're trying to make friends then. (also my dad i def can't stand...)

Also people who mix up then/than, or write things wrong on purpose like "compleately" or stuff.
Also people hating on fujoshis regardless of idol culture or just manga/anime couples.. Like what's the harm, let them have their things.
I hate it when people have strong opinions on things they have no experience with tbh. Like people hating anime without ever seeing one.
As far as pet peeves go, I'm super sensitive to noise when I'm tired or just in a bad mood. Also people slacking off tbqh, if it affects me ofc.
holyyyyy yes about the eating. i'm convinced the problem is not me being oversensitive, i just know some disgusting slobs who never learned how to chew/eat politely without making the maximum amount of triggering sounds.
Oh, and yeah people who are very vague when they reply to things, for example:

They say on the phone like "hey lets meet up next saturday, i'll call you next week" and then they don't bother unless you remind them that we were supposed to meet up and they might have double booked something. Like if you say and suggest we meet up I plan for that concretely, not to be let down by people's casual attitude and because they don't take things as they should.
- Eating/licking sounds. If your mouth is closed, I can tolerate it...but chewing with it open and smacking the food in your mouth kills me. I know some cultures it's normalized so very common so I don't judge the people so much as I just physically cannot sit and listen to it. The dog licking themselves also triggers it. Truly think I have misophonia.
- Groups of people standing around or people with large strollers etc that block the entire main walkway like in a mall...it's so easy to just park your stroller to the side and stand to the side as a group instead of smack in the middle with no room around.
- Driver's that act like allowing someone to merge in is a death sentence and even resort to dangerous driving to try to block someone from merging that has no other option
- People not at a minimum wearing a face mask when they're sick (ideally stay home) and still coming to classes (pre-covid). So many students would come in prime cold/flu season no mask coughing over everything and like dominoes the rest of us get sick. I can understand why someone does it at a job (no all businesses are accommodating to sick employees), but the people I've seen it on campus have no excuse (classes were either optional/extra study session or teachers are very accommodating for calling out sick and put all the material online to access).
- People that have no personal space standing in lines. Again, for some cultures, this is normalized....but I hate when I'm standing in a line at a grocery store or such and someone is literally standing skin to skin on top of you especially when you're trying to use your card/enter a pin (like...back up please).
I really hate it when people pry too much into my business.

The #1 way people do that is my eating habits. I'm extremely picky, and also at work I would always eat the same thing for lunch - whether that was Easy Mac or cereal. People made such a big deal about me always eating Easy Mac. So much so, that when we had a remodel, I even had the remodel crew commenting on it. JFC. It's none of your business, and why it does matter anyway?!

And the cereal. That, too. I ate cereal for a time because it was simple, didn't require using the nasty microwaves. But, I eat cereal dry. 1. Because I like it that way. 2. Because I'm allergic to milk. I had coworkers that could not accept this, to the point where they would come to the break room table and start talking about milk alternatives. While it might seem innocuous, it happened too often and the same people repeated it over and over again. I LIKE MY CEREAL DRY. Get over it.

There were also people who did this with restroom habits. I was not going to have any of that, so I used the private restroom exclusively. I'm sure that got talked about, but it's better than sitting in a break room and having people talk about "OMG, she was really sick" (in a mocking way) or even worse, one time a coworker talked about going in the bathroom and some poor coworker had a stomachache and this coworker said she waited outside the stalls at the sink so she could see who it was, and then mentioned who it was! I can't even with that. You never saw me in the bathroom ever again after that.

I've only had a job at one place. Please tell me people are better at other jobs.
I can’t stand snoring when I’m trying to sleep😴
I can’t stand noise when I’m trying to sleep~ it has to be silent
I can’t stand it when people spit
I can’t stand it when people pick their nose and eat it~ yuck 🤢
I can’t stand it when people are in the way when I’m walking~
Also repetitive noises, especially when I'm trying to sleep and I don't know what it is.
And like most when people chew/smack loudly while eating.. ugh.