pet peeves / lil stuff you cant stand

Hey umm...other than the trimmed body and lips, I have most of this...I don't think I lose my right to privacy by doing what I want with my body that makes me happy.
It's a certain looks that gives off bad vibes, not necessarily one part. But the main thing they looking a certain way being in jersey shore/ex on the Beach/paradise hotel/love island and they really like showing off "dumbest person ever" persona and they wonder why people think that and give looks. I mean if you're an exhibitionist like that and can't take people giving a look maybe tone it down.

I like wearing colourful and different things and I'm only happy if people stare or give compliments tbh.
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Oh and yeah when people redirects any kind of comment in a discussion as a personal insult. Like just because I said I don't like said kind of pants doesn't mean you can't enjoy/wear them yourself like.. bruh.
slow walkers
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Oh and yeah when people redirects any kind of comment in a discussion as a personal insult. Like just because I said I don't like said kind of pants doesn't mean you can't enjoy/wear them yourself like.. bruh.
its an open discussion. if you are going to mock others appearances or personal choices and then basically say that they where “asking for the looks”, etc. then people are allowed to disagree with you and have an educated discussion. i mean that really is quite the touchy subject, it wasnt pants you were talking about, it was someones flesh and bones.

also this was intended to be a thread for pet peeves / little things that irk someone and are common / relatable among others, not uncommon bothers u may have, thats what the “Whats Bothering You” thread is for :/
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Thought of a couple more-

When clothes come out of the dryer and once they cool off, you’re unpleasantly surprised when they’re slightly damp :(

Cheetos dust on your fingers (and how it’s called Cheetle, that word bothers me)

Needing a dongle to connect newer iPhones to audio jacks

When people comment on how much/little I’m eating - usually they don’t mean anything by it, but it always makes me overthink

The smell of hot garbage (summer in the city)

When you think it’s just an ant or some other harmless bug but actually it’s a baby roach o.o

when the candle doesn’t burn all the way to the edges because there aren’t enough wicks for the size of the candle

how poptarts/hot pockets/pizza rolls are always too hot on the inside

oversensitive kitchen smoke alarms

when you have to wear layers because of the cold and the inside layer rolls/scrunches up but you can’t adjust it easily
I was referring to two different things, think you skipped over that.

The first thing was mainly people getting annoyed being looked at by their looks/ways they act when they give off bad vibes like.. okay. if you wanna look like a dumb overly fixated person I don't think you should be annoyed if people look even if it's rude. Like it's not that I go up and tell them that but honestly having large fake gazonkas and ducklips doesn't make you look good. again personal opinion.

The other was a real life example, I discussed pants with co-workers and I said there was a couple of styles I don't liked and this girl on the side of me took all of what I said personally just because she liked em.. it's like I didn't say you have to dislike them also I just don't like that style on myself..?
I was referring to two different things, think you skipped over that.

The first thing was mainly people getting annoyed being looked at by their looks/ways they act when they give off bad vibes like.. okay. if you wanna look like a dumb overly fixated person I don't think you should be annoyed if people look even if it's rude. Like it's not that I go up and tell them that but honestly having large fake gazonkas and ducklips doesn't make you look good. again personal opinion.

The other was a real life example, I discussed pants with co-workers and I said there was a couple of styles I don't liked and this girl on the side of me took all of what I said personally just because she liked em.. it's like I didn't say you have to dislike them also I just don't like that style on myself..?
okay, then i apologize for thinking that your second statement was in regards to the first! however, your first statement is still hurtful and expanding on it, i dont think clarified your view at all. it is still hurtful to typecast a certain demographic of people and it really doesnt matter what others think. people get plastic surgery/ body mods for all types of reasons without it warranting the stares of others.
but alas, agree to disagree and lets stay on topic (small pet peeves and irks) that pertain to oneself.
okay, then i apologize for thinking that your second statement was in regards to the first! however, your first statement is still hurtful and expanding on it, i dont think clarified your view at all. it is still hurtful to typecast a certain demographic of people and it really doesnt matter what others think. people get plastic surgery/ body mods for all types of reasons without it warranting the stares of others.
but alas, agree to disagree and lets stay on topic (small pet peeves and irks) that pertain to oneself.
Yeah, it's alright I saw what you skipped over and it's fine. I don't mean medical surgery or fixes because you had a certain type of edema or cancer or doing a transition, just like people doing it because bad self-confidence, that is not helping. That needs actual help. But yeah, good point. Sadly it is a certain demographics though. Also most of them do exhibit themselves and crave attention so it's like if you don't want it don't do it.

When people move my paper stacks into a nice heap when I have them intended "chaos" just so I can find them the next day... n0.
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I cannot stand people making noises in movie theaters. Reclining chairs were one of the best additions to theaters, but of course people have to ruin that too. I hear people keep clicking the button over and over and there are people who just keep adjusting it so you have to hear the reclining sounds. Not even just the noises too, people on their phones is also extremely distracting. I hate going to the movies now because of these people which is sad because I used to love going.
Not even just the noises too, people on their phones is also extremely distracting. I hate going to the movies now because of these people which is sad because I used to love going.
Agree about phones like, is it so hard to turn them off or put on "do not disturb" and just not pick it up? If you're not gonna watch the movie why do you even go like.. bruh.

I used to go to this cinematheque which is now temp closed due to corona and while some youngsters kept being on phones it's not as worse as a common/regular cinema.
Reminds me of the book wagons that's in the returning machine @ work, I swear like 99% of them has one or both wheels making it swirl around and they are not stable when you take them out to leave books.
when I change lanes while driving to pass the slower driver in front, but they change lanes when I do and stilllll drive slower than me
When there’s only a scoop of rice left in the rice cooker (is this considered a pet peeve lol)
When someone doesn’t change the toilet paper roll or places it on backwards
Thought of a couple more-

When you think it’s just an ant or some other harmless bug but actually it’s a baby roach o.o

when you have to wear layers because of the cold and the inside layer rolls/scrunches up but you can’t adjust it easily

I guess you've never been bitten by a fire ant before?! I'd much rather have a run in with a baby roach than a fire ant 😭😭😭😭😭

Edit: I know you said harmless, but since you mentioned ants and the only ants I ever run into are fire antes I just had to mention it 😭

Can relate 100%, I actually have a picture of me in middle school at a Christmas party with my friends and in the picture, you can see that my undershirt had rolled up... I can't even think of the good memories from that day, all I see is the shirt 😭😭😭😭
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When you think it’s just an ant or some other harmless bug but actually it’s a baby roach o.o

I was doing laundry the other day and I saw something at the bottom of the washing machine that I assumed was my hair or something. I have to rest my rib cage on the edge of the machine and lean all the way in so my head is in there because I’m so short. I grabbed it and it was a dead spider! I screamed and nearly hurt myself trying to get out of there! Someone else had to take care of it for me and I had the heebs for the rest of the day. There’s just something about the texture of it having made it through the wash cycle that was a no for me or maybe it was because I expecting one thing and got another.
I guess you've never been bitten by a fire ant before?! I'd much rather have a run in with a baby roach than a fire ant 😭😭😭
I have been, but we don’t get them much where I live, probably because I’m not on the ground floor. And you’re right, I tend not to remember fire ants because there aren’t any where I used to live.
slow walkers.... i hate them so much oh my god, especially if they take all the space on the sidewalk

and just slow people in general tbh... i work in retail and people who take ages to take out their cards or their cash piss me off so bad...
slow walkers.... i hate them so much oh my god, especially if they take all the space on the sidewalk

and just slow people in general tbh... i work in retail and people who take ages to take out their cards or their cash piss me off so bad...
Truth on slow people

ugh I went to Tesco today and so many people would stop in the way and take up the whole aisle like I’m trying to social distance here get out the way