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Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies

I hate you, Capcom. Everybody was sick of waiting for PL vs AA and now this?
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im sorry i didn't know either!!

but hey on the bright side it's probably gonna be released way before 2016!
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I wonder if they will put in Japanese folklore/mythology as well, and more spirit medium channelling! Or will it be reality-based (focusing on major historical events)?
I'm actually still undecided on whether or not I want to buy Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (it's available in Europe, so I could get it). I've been reading mixed reviews about the game (such as the Layton puzzles being too easy, apparently?) and I'm also not sure if I'll like having to question several witnesses at the same time (seems somewhat complicated, then again; might be fun and challenging too?).

Not to mention I haven't finished Dual Destinies yet (mostly because I'm unsure whether to play the last two cases and then play Apollo Justice, or first play Apollo Justice and then the last two cases of Dual Destinies).

And I also haven't begun Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask yet and I haven't gotten Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy yet either (though that's mostly because I haven't been able to find it yet at a decent price; am I missing something about that particular game that makes it so expensive?).

Anyway, I wish there were more people here who already have played Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney; it would help me decide!
Well, after reading a few more reviews, I went ahead and ordered the game, haha.
I'm actually still undecided on whether or not I want to buy Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (it's available in Europe, so I could get it). I've been reading mixed reviews about the game (such as the Layton puzzles being too easy, apparently?) and I'm also not sure if I'll like having to question several witnesses at the same time (seems somewhat complicated, then again; might be fun and challenging too?).

Not to mention I haven't finished Dual Destinies yet (mostly because I'm unsure whether to play the last two cases and then play Apollo Justice, or first play Apollo Justice and then the last two cases of Dual Destinies).

And I also haven't begun Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask yet and I haven't gotten Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy yet either (though that's mostly because I haven't been able to find it yet at a decent price; am I missing something about that particular game that makes it so expensive?).

Anyway, I wish there were more people here who already have played Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney; it would help me decide!

I am waiting for NA release but it's a must buy game!! MUST!! I am dying for the release right now ><
I wonder if they will put in Japanese folklore/mythology as well, and more spirit medium channelling! Or will it be reality-based (focusing on major historical events)?

i hope it's a bit of both
i loved the channeling in trials and tribulations, i hope they'll bring more of it back

I'm actually still undecided on whether or not I want to buy Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (it's available in Europe, so I could get it). I've been reading mixed reviews about the game (such as the Layton puzzles being too easy, apparently?) and I'm also not sure if I'll like having to question several witnesses at the same time (seems somewhat complicated, then again; might be fun and challenging too?).

Not to mention I haven't finished Dual Destinies yet (mostly because I'm unsure whether to play the last two cases and then play Apollo Justice, or first play Apollo Justice and then the last two cases of Dual Destinies).

And I also haven't begun Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask yet and I haven't gotten Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy yet either (though that's mostly because I haven't been able to find it yet at a decent price; am I missing something about that particular game that makes it so expensive?).

Anyway, I wish there were more people here who already have played Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney; it would help me decide!

i'm probably gonna get it because i haven't played the last two layton games, so i might as well get the crossover with ace attorney in it
Currently playing the fourth case of Dual Destinies. My plan is to finish that game before I begin Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright (though I've read that the fifth and final case takes up to eight hours?). I also read there's free DLC material for Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright. Not sure what it is exactly (I've tried to keep myself spoiler-free), but I'm looking forward to it (though it seems said material only becomes available after completing the game, so that might take a while).
Well, I finished the Cosmic Turnabout case today and began Turnabout For Tomorrow. My 3DS is charging now, though, and I don't think I'll play again today. Time flies when I'm playing and after looking for over five hours on a little screen, it's time to take a break. That and it is a pretty intense case, so a break is good!

The Cosmic Turnabout case had me confused at first, because I'd forgotten you don't play the cases in the chronological order in which they take place. The case had somewhat of a surprising ending, though I was less surprised than I should have been since I've read and seen some spoilers, so I know some of what's going to happen next (that's okay, though).

I really like how everything is coming together, questions are being answered and secrets are being revealed. I am absolutely having a blast with this game! I'm looking forward to playing the rest of Turnabout For Tomorrow, as well as the actual "The End" (yeah, I've seen some spoilers for that, but I want to actually get to that point myself, you know?). <3
I played the demo also, and hopefully I can download the full game soon. I've been a phoenix wright fan for years!! Really missed him, he's sooo handsome now.
Phoenix Wright saying "Your Honor, the defense was born ready" was absolutely epic. <3
Close to finishing the final case (but people my age need to sleep, especially since they can't afford to be zombies at work, haha), looking forward to the end of this game! <3
I finished the game yesterday and it was absolutely awesome! I'm so glad I got this game! I actually was somewhat sad it was over (I really loved the story and characters). Good thing I did see some spoilers, though, because otherwise I would have missed what happened at the end (after the credits). Now off to play Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (I got my copy of the game today)! <3
I finished the game yesterday and it was absolutely awesome! I'm so glad I got this game! I actually was somewhat sad it was over (I really loved the story and characters). Good thing I did see some spoilers, though, because otherwise I would have missed what happened at the end (after the credits). Now off to play Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (I got my copy of the game today)! <3

ok now i have so many questions for you
don't you agree clay should NOT have died
and do you ship athena and blackquill

anyway im glad you liked it too! i love seeing more people get into the games i love :)
ok now i have so many questions for you
don't you agree clay should NOT have died
and do you ship athena and blackquill

I definitely agree that Clay should NOT have died! That made me so sad! I really enjoyed finding out more about Apollo's past and his friendship with Clay, so why did poor Clay have to die? ;-;

I was kinda shipping Athena with Apollo, actually. But I see now why Athena and Simon is so popular (now that I've finished the game, it makes sense to me, before I was all 'Eh, I don't get it', LOL).

I actually found Blackquill absolutely awesome in this game. And Taka! Can't forget Taka! <3

I also loved Edgeworth. I was kinda 'Well, hello there' about him, LOL.

The ending (with the whole mask-changing and what not) was a bit 'meh', though. I'm not sure why; I guess I was expecting something different?