Picture Thread

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Spirit said:
Two more pictures of myself xD, one's been used as someone's avatar before. And the other one is a halloween costume for band. (There's a Luigi, Toad and Princess Peach sitting next to me, but I cut them out).

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You're too hawt to be on compootah D:<
Shiny said:
sam. said:
You're too hawt to be on the computer D:<
What? You're insulting yourself by saying that. Plus it makes no sense.
It makes complete sense. What he is saying is that she seems too pretty to be one to sit on the computer all day on a video game forum, when she could be doing something more productive.
Rorato74 said:
Shiny said:
sam. said:
You're too hawt to be on the computer D:<
What? You're insulting yourself by saying that. Plus it makes no sense.
It makes complete sense. What he is saying is that she seems too pretty to be one to sit on the computer all day on a video game forum, when she could be doing something more productive.
Aaaahahaha. Usually I'm not on. It's Christmas break and I have nothing else to do right now. >_< The weather's too crappy to go anywhere and my house is boring.
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Spirit said:
Rorato74 said:
Shiny said:
sam. said:
You're too hawt to be on the computer D:<
What? You're insulting yourself by saying that. Plus it makes no sense.
It makes complete sense. What he is saying is that she seems too pretty to be one to sit on the computer all day on a video game forum, when she could be doing something more productive.
Aaaahahaha. Usually I'm not on. It's Christmas break and I have nothing else to do right now. >_< The weather's too crappy to go anywhere and my house is boring.
Inorite, it's been raining for the past 4 days non-stop here >_<

Yay for great Christmas weather down South.
Rockman. said:
coffeebean! said:
Rockman. said:
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">lol</div>
Rockman, you look just like this kid I used to know ;0

My real name is Justin if that helps ...
I know. I can't even remember that other kid's name. All I remember is I used to hate him with a passion. He was so *censored.3.0*ing annoying .__.
Rorato74 said:
Shiny said:
sam. said:
You're too hawt to be on the computer D:<
What? You're insulting yourself by saying that. Plus it makes no sense.
It makes complete sense. What he is saying is that she seems too pretty to be one to sit on the computer all day on a video game forum, when she could be doing something more productive.
I don't see the correlation between attractiveness and amount of time spent on computers. Are you saying ugly people are less productive than good-looking ones? I don't know what your definition of productive is, though.
Shiny said:
Rorato74 said:
Shiny said:
sam. said:
You're too hawt to be on the computer D:<
What? You're insulting yourself by saying that. Plus it makes no sense.
It makes complete sense. What he is saying is that she seems too pretty to be one to sit on the computer all day on a video game forum, when she could be doing something more productive.
I don't see the correlation between attractiveness and amount of time spent on computers. Are you saying ugly people are less productive than good-looking ones? I don't know what your definition of productive is, though.
She has a point. <_<
coffeebean! said:
Rockman. said:
coffeebean! said:
Rockman. said:
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">lol</div>
Rockman, you look just like this kid I used to know ;0

My real name is Justin if that helps ...
I know. I can't even remember that other kid's name. All I remember is I used to hate him with a passion. He was so *censored.3.0*ing annoying .__.
Well, if you meet me I'm sure I wouldn't be an annoying little *censored.2.0* like he was.
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I'm feeling mighty generous, so here you go. My goatee wasn't doing too great that day, but it's a decent picture, just the same.

Also, after seeing these pictures.... AndyB, if you're reading this, call me. ;D
soccerfan456 said:
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;"><3</div>

I'm feeling mighty generous, so here you go. My goatee wasn't doing too great that day, but it's a decent picture, just the same.

Also, after seeing these pictures.... AndyB, if you're reading this, call me. ;D
coffeebean! said:
soccerfan456 said:
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;"><3</div>

I'm feeling mighty generous, so here you go. My goatee wasn't doing too great that day, but it's a decent picture, just the same.

Also, after seeing these pictures.... AndyB, if you're reading this, call me. ;D

*hides underneath bed*
soccerfan456 said:
coffeebean! said:
soccerfan456 said:
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;"><3</div>

I'm feeling mighty generous, so here you go. My goatee wasn't doing too great that day, but it's a decent picture, just the same.

Also, after seeing these pictures.... AndyB, if you're reading this, call me. ;D

*hides underneath bed*
*tackle hug*

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