
Ive let most of these close up, but I've had my ears, naval, nape, septum and hips pierced, none of which were very painful (for me anyways, the hips were the most painful). If you're just getting your ears pierced the pain shouldn't be bad especially if you're not piercing through any cartilage. I think you'll be ok :p (and yes please don't go anywhere where they pierce with guns lol)
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I have just the one usual hole on each ear as of now. I would like to get around two to three holes on each side, but my ears sometimes react funny with the metals. With how long my hair is they get pretty tangled too haha.
I've only had two peircings on each earlobe. Getting them done didn't hurt at all. All I remember is feeling a little pinch or sting, like when they prick your finger, and then it was over.

I got my first holes done when I was very young. I remember my parents bringing me to the jewelry store at the mall because I had begged to get earrings. They sat me down in a chair and gave me a stuffed basset hound with lots of earrings in his long ears. I was busy looking at the basset hound while they did it and I barely felt a thing. The second hole I got done as a teenager, again at the jewelry store at the mall. I didn't get to hold a stuffed animal that time, but it was quick. They marked the area with a purple marker and showed me with a mirror to make sure I was happy with the placement. Then, they did it and it was all over.

I also have a small fear of needles, but if I don't watch I can deal with it. I just close my eyes and concentrate on breathing.
I took my earring out a long time ago.
It didn't hurt, but then again, I like the feeling of being tattooed. :D
I've only had my ears pierced, but it didn't hurt much. I've had more painful injections. I wouldn't hesitate to get more if I wanted them, and I'm very sensitive to pain.
Yeah definitely go to someone who specialises in piercing with a needle at a piercing shop and not using a gun! Guns can really ruin your ear if they aren't careful, and a lot of the time they might not be because they just work at some mall jewellery store. At the moment I don't have a lot of piercings and I don't plan to get more. Two piercings on each lobe and that's it. But my main lobe is stretched a little, I think to 4g or something.

I used to have a piercing phase in high school and my ears were all covered in piercings so eventually the pain didn't really bother me. The one that hurt the most for me was when I got an industrial piercing but only because the piercer had a hard time getting the bar in. I had to take it out not even a month later because of sports tho :/ the actual piercing is a very short pain period and you'll forget all about it afterwards! The most important part is the care afterwards to ensure you wont get an infection or keloids. Don't get tempted to touch it or move the jewellery around and clean with saline solution, not something that will dry your skin out too much. Don't sleep on it either. It'll be okay!!!
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I used to have each of my ears double pierced, but I didn't put earrings in for so long that they just closed over and I've never gotten them pierced again. I've been wanting a nose piercing but I'm not sure if I could actually handle that.
I have one on each of my ears. I want more but I am also too chicken. And my pain tolerance isn't like it used to be. I yild my mom that she should've gotten me more ear piercings when I was a baby and she said that was her plan but I don't remember why she didn't go through. It would've made my life easier lol
I used to have each of my ears double pierced, but I didn't put earrings in for so long that they just closed over and I've never gotten them pierced again. I've been wanting a nose piercing but I'm not sure if I could actually handle that.

If you're talking about a nostril piercing, well, if that can reassure you, my friend went ahead and pierced hers.
And she told me that it hurted less than when she got her lobes pierced!
If you want a septum piercing... well that's another story
i?ve had my nostril and my ear pierced; i actually felt no pain with either of them whatsoever. i?m not sure how common that is, but i wouldn?t worry!
I have two ear piercings on each and a septum piercing my friend gave me. Luckily it didn't get infected, but I don't wear it often anymore.
Got my ears pierced at Claire's when I was about 6 or 7, didn't hurt, but if your piercing gets infected or irritated it'll be really itchy and have this weird smell.
I recently let a couple close, but I've 18 right now: triple lobes (both ears; first holes stretched to 10mm), daith, tragus, scaffolding, conch, septum, nostril, philtrum, cleavage (dermal anchor), nipples, and navel. Then there's another two in the earlobes that I don't actively wear jewellery in but I had them done around 18 years ago so they just aren't closing!

Piercing pain is short-lived. It can be sharp, and it lasts anywhere from a few seconds to a couple of minutes, and then it's over. The earlobe is the easiest place to get pierced. I found the first two piercings I had done in each earlobe didn't hurt at all.

Whoa.. I'm impressed, I bet all of em look hella cool on you too <3 Not that I plan getting nipple ones but idk I have a feeling they hurt a lot or correct me here.

Anyways, i had my earlobes as a kid but I let them close cause I honestly never used earrings and such they were just in the way. And it didn't hurt that bad, more like someone used a stapler on them?
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when i got my ears done initially it wasjust a huge pinch but now my ears are really bad cause they were done with a gun instead of a needle.

i'm thinkin of getting a second lobe with a needle so i can actually wear earrings and be fine
when i was 8 i got my lobes pierced...they then got infected so i had to let them close up and i got them re-pierced when i was 10. then at the end of august this year i got my cartilage pierced, it was actually not that painful and would recommend if you were thinking of getting a cartilage piercing.
Never been a piercing person but ngl these babies make me want to go get a cool earring...

Never been a piercing person but ngl these babies make me want to go get a cool earring...


Lol I think I can make these, the top part (the part that goes in the ear, but it could be maybe made into a cuff, no piercing required) would just be the hardest to find, but I know exactly where to get all the other materials for it.
I only have one set of piercings, in my ear lobes. I've considered getting a second set but I'm not really fond of needles (after my injury a while back Im better at taking needles but Im also more chronically terrified of them too).
both ears are pierced but cant tell u how they felt since i got em at 2 months old

but i got my nose pierced twice, at 24 and again at 25 (i took it out for a few hours and it closed on me so i re-pierced it).
the first time i got my nose pierced it really wasnt too bad, i think because the piercer was super fast. however the second time i got it pierced, over scar tissue, hurt like a beach. but its a 3 second pain and youre done. it feels like getting a flu shot but on your nose lol.

i wanna get my nipples pierced and have been contemplating for years, but im a bit reluctant on the pain and lengthy year-long healing process. looks super pretty though
I've had my ears pierced twice, both at a young age and I made the decision to have them pierced as my parents don't agree with piercing babies (and neither do I tbf). But I got them done and I think one got infected so it was taken out, I had them done the second time and school asked me to take them out and within a day they had healed, my mum had to repierce my ear with the sharp earring that I was pierced with in the school car park, that was fun lol. We swapped the earrings for clear retainers and they fell out so I made the decision to take them out all together and I've never been bothered to do it since.
When I turned 15 I had the left side of my lip done with the intention of getting snakebites, about a year and a half later I got the other side pierced. And about 3 years ago I had my septum pierced.

Not really bothered about piercings anymore, I prefer tattoos in terms of the healing process as I feel piercings are too much hassle so I'm fine with the three that I have. I would pierce my ears just to stretch them but my lobes are too small and my pain threshold isn't very high so I don't think I'll bother.
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