Place your random thoughts.

This cat, smh 🙄😂

Ads about Mobile games that involve puzzle solving are fun. But the ones where it advertises your IQ level is stupid, I hope it doesn't actually make people belive they're stupid.
Sometimes, I feel like a weirdo because I'm a young person who likes to listen to music from back in the day, specifically music from the 70s or earlier (Queen, Boney M, The Supremes, The Mamas & The Papas, etc...) I also like to listen to 80s and 90s music, too. Oh, well. At least I can somehow relate to some of the residents at my job as far as my taste in music goes.
I was thinking about the one scene in the Barbie movie where Ken overtakes control of Barbie’s Dreamhouse and that made me realize something really really odd. Ken has never been given his own place to live. Seriously, Barbie has at least 80 different types of houses and homes given to her in the past 60 years yet Ken has gotten no home of his own. He’s has got this own car a few times and even his own bathroom once but no house. So where does he live? On the beach? In his car? In a van down by the river?
Living rural and searching for job openings is a painful and stressful experience.

It doesn't help that the nearest major town is a gang driven slum with carjackings, weekly murders/shootings, and robberies. That's where most job listings come out of. I'd like to avoid it if possible. "Do you want the exciting opportunity to come work as a team member at our local convenience store"? No. Not after two separate murders have taken place in the parking lot. It's not worth it.

I'm sure things will be okay and that things will fall into place. I'm not feeling disparaged.
iOS 18 allows your phone to save passwords. This will make logging into TBT easier. And in case if you forgot your password after relying on this for too long, it will remind you of your password.

Yes, I just updated my phone. This is not an ad.
There's something really surreal about visiting Navel Rock in Pokémon Emerald and hearing the Mt. Moon theme playing there. In general, the Gen III mystery gift islands are the coolest, most interesting relics of Poké history.

If I were to buy a used copy of FRLG or Emerald and see one of the mystery gift tickets in the key items pocket, I would never delete that save file lol I would just assume that the previous owner physically went to the irl events to download the tickets.

Not that I would buy a bunch of used copies just for a chance of finding a save file with a ticket. I'm super lucky to have my own games, bought at original store price.
iOS 18 allows your phone to save passwords. This will make logging into TBT easier. And in case if you forgot your password after relying on this for too long, it will remind you of your password.

Yes, I just updated my phone. This is not an ad.
My phone has saved password before then if I chose for it to do so.
So I realized what movie actually got me into the 1980’s, and then eventually the 20th century as a whole. It also got me wishing that I was born earlier: Oliver & Company.

Actually, had it not been for Disney’s Frozen, then I would never want to go back in time. Because Frozen kickstarted my Disney obsession. I eventually went for Oliver & Company, and it got me into the 80’s.

Believe it or not, my very first avatar on this forum was Oliver on a boat.
My mom’s favorite contestants from this past season of Drag Race were Mirage, Amanda Tori Meating, and Mh’iya Iman LePaige. She has good taste!
I’m not interested into Nintendo directs that focus too much on third-party games and indie games rather than exclusives. Also, their exclusives these days are trash. I prefer 3D gameplay over 2D gameplay.
I’m thinking of removing the sessions that had no sign ups. I’m so depressed and upset right now Idk if I’ll be able play Among Us like this. things keep getting worse not better.
This… this might be the most terrifying thing I’ve ever seen help 😭 If I saw that mf in my house that place is getting burned to the ground no hesitation. Why did I even click on this video in the first place tbh

Also this comment on that video… lmao

I miss the old X Factor. Honey G, Gifty, Brattavio, the Eastern European guy with the braid who Louis somehow knew, the guy who sang “It’s FRIDAY NIGHT!” 😩😂 I miss that era.
I want to play acnh but it’s hard right now; I’m so upset right now. I wish this was just a long bad nightmare :/ (No dms or discord messages please).