Place your random thoughts.

I'm so sorry for your loss.
It’s okay, it didn’t really affect me that much to hear that since like I said, I didn’t even know who he was. But thanks anyway.

Edit: the post would automerge if I made a new one, so I’ll just say here. Here’s another reason this school sucks. They don’t let us leave unless your bus is on a list that says it’s here. Then they don’t say my bus is on the list and almost everyone gets on but me because it was here and they didn’t care that they’re not supposed to let you leave and left anyway. So I miss my bus and they don’t have that much sympathy even though multiple people besides me also missed the bus because of something that was their fault. Seriously, how the **** do you let that happen? Maybe I’d be more forgiving if this was the first time they’ve done that, but it’s not. I don’t care if they don’t want me to leave without their permission, if you let that happen and I’m the person who ends up facing the consequences I’m just not going to listen to what they say anymore. At least they did call the bus to come back but still I’m pissed about that.
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I swear to god dude what the hell is with kids toys these days. Sometimes when I go to Walmart I go to the toy asile to check out all the lego sets they got to see if there's anything new that catches my eye, and next too the Lego I see all these other toys that for some reason have a strange common theme of stuff with poop or playing with poop. Why are we encouraging kids to do that? I understand stupid toilet humor is common with very young kids but do we really have to make dolls that have a pooping mechanic? Stuff like this is litterally exactly how people develop scat fetishes and I feel like it's really creepy to market that kind of thing to children.
it’s weird but i don’t think that’s anything new. when i was a child there were pooping doll babies, pooping dog toys, and toilet themed toys specifically marketed towards boys. this was all 2010-2019.
it’s weird but i don’t think that’s anything new. when i was a child there were pooping doll babies, pooping dog toys, and toilet themed toys specifically marketed towards boys. this was all 2010-2019.
Immediate flashbacks to Baby Wee Wee. ~25 years ago the ads for him were all over kids TV. Anatomically correct urinating male baby doll marketed to little girls. My mum got mad every time the advert came on TV.
For some reason, 25 as an age sounds older than 26. If someone introduces themselves to me as 25 years old, I'm prone to thinking more about it. If someone says 'I'm 26' I give it less thought.

Logically it doesn't make any sense. It's a weird brain thing for me. Maybe because 25 is a clear halfway point to 50.
A movie with Matt Iseman, Matt LeBlanc, Matt Damon, Matt Broderick, Matt Willig …”Into the Mattverse”
it’s weird but i don’t think that’s anything new. when i was a child there were pooping doll babies, pooping dog toys, and toilet themed toys specifically marketed towards boys. this was all 2010-2019.
Screenshot 2024-12-17 at 4.50.32 PM.png

I wanted this back in 1996.
The best part of Reddit is when you search up an oddly specific question online and no one knows what you’re talking about except for some random guy on Reddit from five years ago who had the exact same question and found someone who could answer it. That’s happened so many times lmao.
The best part of Reddit is when you search up an oddly specific question online and no one knows what you’re talking about except for some random guy on Reddit from five years ago who had the exact same question and found someone who could answer it. That’s happened so many times lmao.
I owe it to the random Reddit users from 10 years ago for helping me get through high school 🙏
Omg, I did it. I'm finally free. I just deleted my last Twitter account. Feeling good.
Those super fans or or whatever they want to call themselves. Have no clue that they are nothing but the rug that is underneath his feet. If you know who I'm talking about. If not it begins with the letter 'E' and rhymes with neon.

Excuse me while I prepare for a celebration lol.

Nevermind: I'm just going to leave it there so others can know that I'm not on it anymore (I left a pin post). But the thing I mentioned after is still true. Logout and app deleted.

Deleted it (for real) this time. I'm never stepping a foot back into that toxic wasteland.
Bye bye.

I'm free! I'm freeeee! lol
I’m tired; I went to bed after I came back from shopping but I still feel like I got little sleep. I don’t know if I’ll be able to get my next entry done today; I’m still stumped on the workshop. I’m worried I won’t have time to do everything that I want to. I was hoping the myths second part wouldn’t come out until later since I still need to do the stocking one and I wanted to do a couple at least.
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I swear to god dude what the hell is with kids toys these days. Sometimes when I go to Walmart I go to the toy asile to check out all the lego sets they got to see if there's anything new that catches my eye, and next too the Lego I see all these other toys that for some reason have a strange common theme of stuff with poop or playing with poop. Why are we encouraging kids to do that? I understand stupid toilet humor is common with very young kids but do we really have to make dolls that have a pooping mechanic? Stuff like this is litterally exactly how people develop scat fetishes and I feel like it's really creepy to market that kind of thing to children.
My mom had the Skipper doll (part of Barbie), and when you spun her arm around, her boobs grew. (I’m not kidding…look it up!) The doll got discontinued, I think because people complained. It was supposed to be educational, but ended up kinda weird.
The 'hug' or 'care' reactions on social media are a simple gesture, but sometimes they don't convey enough.

If I read a post about cancer, bullying, or death, I feel guilty about just hitting a reaction.

Yet I often do that because I can't find the correct words.