Place your random thoughts.

I Googled why Prime video now has commercials, and found this. Now, my brain doesn't process numbers or math very well, so this was so confusing to me😆

Do free trial users pay an extra penny to upgrade? Or $3 to upgrade, but members  only pay $2.99 upgrade? My brain isnt understanding the penny difference. I am sure one of you who is much smarter than me could explain, but for now, I am befuddled.

This is a screenshot, not an add:

View attachment 605935
This part of Google is written by an AI. There's a chance it got something incorrect. Unfortunately, I don't know anything about Prime video.
I got a notification that my package was delivered and it was just in front of the door... at least ring the door bell. 😭
Saw this ss a bit ago, now I can't stop wondering what she has against her joey...
It’s kind of jarring how nice everyone is (so far) to Luigi in Brothership. It’s nice to see a game where he’s getting treated like a normal person and not being endlessly **** on by every single character in the game besides Mario and a few other people. That gets kind of mean to watch after a while, especially when it’s virtually everyone doing that.

I Googled why Prime video now has commercials, and found this. Now, my brain doesn't process numbers or math very well, so this was so confusing to me😆

Do free trial users pay an extra penny to upgrade? Or $3 to upgrade, but members  only pay $2.99 upgrade? My brain isnt understanding the penny difference. I am sure one of you who is much smarter than me could explain, but for now, I am befuddled.

This is a screenshot, not an add:

View attachment 605935
I think it’s just ai being ai (aka not very smart) and taking prices from different sources, not realizing that they’re supposed to be the same price.
A post online asked for aspiring artists to share artwork. I posted The Bold and Brash by Squidward.

I've gotten 30 compliments so far. Including a kind lady who said she would frame my artwork in her home.

I can't tell if these are genuine or if everybody is playing along knowing it's SpongeBob.
I met a super sweet dog on our walk today (although he wiped his drool on the leg of my pants and it sOAKED THROUGH AAAAGHHHGHHG 💀) but his owners weren't home and we couldn't get him to stay close to us, and like ohh my god why were like half the neighborhood dogs out today of all days?? 😭 there's gonna be fireworks tonight y'all! get your puppers inside and keep them there!!
Even though the new year is about to begin, I’m still looking for news about Donkey Kong 64 being added to Nintendo Switch Online. Nintendo failed to add DK64 this year, so they better add it next year. And if they don’t release it by the end of the year, then I pretty much lost faith in Nintendo Switch Online.
I wonder if I’ll make it to the next century. I’d have to live to 98 to do it, but it wouldn’t be too unusual given improvements in medical technology and the fact most people in my family live a very long time. My great grandpa died at 93 and would’ve lived longer if he didn’t slip on ice and my grandparents are still going at 87.
When she was younger, my mom knew a family that had 22 kids. Well, not really knew them, but knew of them since one of them used to babysit her friend. I don’t even know how your family would function like that. I know the Duggars exist and stuff…but I don’t think they had THAT many kids lol.
I found a fascinating DVD for sale at the library that was called “La Cage Live!” or “An Evening at La Cage”. I looked at it and it was a recording of a famous Las Vegas drag performance from 2006. The main performer impersonated Joan Rivers, while others were Cher, Britney Spears, and many others. Honestly, it looked like it would be fun to watch!

I tried to search it online, but the exact performance is hard to find. I found out that the main performer is named Frank Marino and has a Wikipedia page. He is considered “Ms. Las Vegas” and the “world’s most successful tribute artist.”

I also found that the show officially ended in 2009. It started in 1985, so it was around for a while. I wonder who owned the DVD and why they decided to donate it— it looked pretty cool!
Omg was Derrick Berry in it?!