Place your random thoughts.

The other night I watched some YouTube poops (or, rather, reactions as the original poops were deleted) of horrorcore rap music videos. Basically, they mixed the sentences to make the lyrics sound even more messed up than they already were. Given horrorcore’s reputation, it was hard to tell which sentences were mixed and which weren’t. Still funny though. 😂
I’ve been questioning everything about myself and I realized I’m not the person I thought I was. Or maybe I am, but… who is that, really?

i was doing my coding practice earlier today and google let me translate the lorem ipsum example text to english (apparently it’s gibberish latin) and ??? why is this kind of deep?
Speaking of milestones or whatever. Did you know it's been 10 years (soon) since that horrible dress meme.

I will never forget waking up to that. Like I took a nap. A nap and woke up to that madness.
It was like the Twilight Zone, to me at least.
One of my friends showed me that, in France, they have a mojito-flavored 7up. Like, what the heck? Why do foreigners get all the cool, ultra-tasty foods and drinks while us Americans only get the most mundane ones? Seriously, I'm super jealous lol!
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Whenever I see a comment such as 'The COVID vaccine kills people'.

Oh. I guess I've died 6 of 7 times now because I've taken a booster whenever possible.

Or I'm just a walking husk like Shedinja.

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Yeah, it's funny because you think people would be smart enough to be saying that about not getting the vaccine and getting COVID itself 6 or 7 times. We're not even sure still of all the long-term effects of COVID, yet people act like the vaccine is something to be afraid of (even though there's been years of research and development put into them). :rolleyes:
Yeah, it's funny because you think people would be smart enough to be saying that about not getting the vaccine and getting COVID itself 6 or 7 times. We're not even sure still of all the long-term effects of COVID, yet people act like the vaccine is something to be afraid of (even though there's been years of research and development put into them). :rolleyes:

Also getting called a 'sheep' for getting a vaccine. As they like to put it.

When, ironically, most fear of the vaccine is spread through fear mongering and parroting of misinformation.
Also getting called a 'sheep' for getting a vaccine. As they like to put it.

When, ironically, most fear of the vaccine is spread through fear mongering and parroting of misinformation.
I think the purpose of vaccine misinformation and vaccine refusal is to sink Biden’s approval rating. I’m not sure if this is true, but people have put bias in front of reason. Even Townhall (a conservative news site) admitted that they didn’t want to give Biden the credit for ending the pandemic.
Getting your knee drained is quite the experience. I have heard from others about it, but it is a weirdly painful, and strange feeling at the same time.

Can anyone relate? I honestly can't describe the experience to others who haven't already had to do this.

Getting older is great... 🙄
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By the way, I am not one to go on about personal medical issues... I just brought this up because it... was a weird sensation that I can't describe! I am usually good at descriptions... but this was... odd and new to me 😆
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I watched the “100 Years of Chicken” video by Guga Foods, where he recreates popular chicken dishes from each decade. For the ‘80s, he made chicken nuggets. The guy eating it said it tasted better than McDonald’s but gave it a 7/10?? Must not have been that good lol.
why does psych season 3 have so many gay jokes... they're not even offensive, it's just the punchline at least once every episode... it's so noticable while bingewatching 😭
why does psych season 3 have so many gay jokes... they're not even offensive, it's just the punchline at least once every episode... it's so noticable while bingewatching 😭
Idk but back then (2009 I think) I remember gay jokes being common in school, and media in general. I think Hillary Duff even did a PSA reminding kids how “that’s so gay” wasn’t a good thing to say. Sadly, I’ve probably said that before, since it was a “cool” thing to say. I’m glad we’ve evolved since then.

I remember watching Psych on the Hallmark channel and thinking James Roday was handsome hehehe. 🥰
I like how all of my family members are home, including my dad, who’s on a break from work, but what I don’t like is that with six people in the house, whoever showers last is pretty much forced to suffer. When that happens to me, I make it as hot as the shower lets me and sometimes it’s still only warm. It’s horrible.

Speaking of which, that reminds me of how before I couldn’t even have hot showers because whenever I did it my nose started bleeding. It was so weird, I still don’t get it. It was painful when it was cold outside and when I would go to the shower and the water wasn’t as hot as I wanted it, I couldn’t turn it any higher because I didn’t want to have another nosebleed. Luckily that doesn’t seem to be happening anymore.