Place your random thoughts.

Today I saw a squirrel pick up a hollowed-out orange half (I filled with birdseed) and eat out of it! It had the bowl thing down!
I mean…it kinda understands bowls.

I know I've said this before, but this is the type of thing that makes me never want to post so it can end at zero forever 😌

*About to click 'post reply' thus adding one more post as of this post* be strong....... 😞
Lmao literally just realized I accidentally used celebrate on a post I meant to hug… that’s embarrassing. 😅 At least I realized it, that would be so much more embarrassing if I just never did.
Literally had a power cut for about two hours? In my local area, yet not every house in my area had this problem.
Luckly we already cooked the food just before the shut off, so we were sitting in the dark with candles around us, and keeping our cats company while it was cold.

Finally back now, been a while since we've had power cuts.
I wish I were better at drawing guys. I usually draw girls, especially since our fashion and makeup is more fun to detail. (I’ve drawn fanart of my favorite drag queens, but here I’m talking about drawing guys who look like guys.)

Idk…I’ve drawn some guys, obviously, but girl details are so much more fun! I’ll definitely practice my guy-art skills though.
I listened to the hip-hop cover Mark Zuckerberg released last month, and I wish I could wipe my memories of it. The song is absolutely abysmal and it's been stuck in my head for hours.
My ban from Mollycord last year made me develop stronger opinions towards stuff. Especially over what I was banned for. I won’t go over the background behind each point, but I will tell you what I believe in.
  • I’m still strongly in favor of others’ rights to remain neutral or indifferent to politics, but since that’s considered evil or immoral to today’s activists, I have became anti-activist, and now I see activists as spoiled brats if they criticize anyone for not fully agreeing with them.
    • Adding to this, those who do try to care for others and fight for social justice can be just as (if not more) selfish than those who have no sympathy.
  • In regards to socialism, I believe that if people don’t want to help, then they don’t have to help. As selfish as it sounds, I’m still strongly in favor of freedom, and I’m not willing to give up freedom in favor of helping others I have no relation to.
  • Your past activity (including voting history and corporate funding) shouldn’t matter to others since it’s done in the past. And if you care about what someone did in the past and want to take action, they should be allowed to care about what you did in the past and take action too.
    • This also means that if you’ve been banned from a group today because of something you did five years ago that they don’t like, you can ban the group leader from your services five years later for banning you today.
  • Finally, off-ground activity shouldn’t be considered on-ground activity at all since it was done somewhere else. Even if your behavior or mistreatment towards others was related to a site, server, subreddit, or whatever, it shouldn’t count against you if it wasn’t done on-site.
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I may be two years too late to say this, but I saw that GameFAQs got rid of its politics board since Fandom (formerly Wikia) bought out GameFAQs.

That still doesn’t change the fact that their video game boards are still highly toxic and polarizing. Yeah, politics is a highly contentious subject (especially in an age of Trumpism), but the toxicity of their gaming boards is a prime example that “highly controversial subject matter” isn’t limited to politics, religion, and sports. I’m still mad at them for bashing on Glaceon.
I'll put this here since I dunno where else to put it, but this happened a few weeks ago.

So, on my way home from work, I usually feed the crows if i had anything to give them. They know me well, remember me and usually follow me around for food. Kinda sucks when I don't have anything for them. And sucks when I do, and I don't see them that day XD

This day on the way back, I did have something to give. I was near a small crossing to another pavement, and on my side there's a bin and a lamp post. I can see two crows waiting for me to give them something on the oppisite side of me.
I place some food near the bin and walk away, not everyone likes people giving animals food; I was stopped once by someone who was like, saying it'd bring rats, but rats are already here we just don't commonly see them cause they don't wanna be seen. Plus I only put stuff out when I see my crows and know they're fly down to get it once I leave.

Anyways once I leave that area, the crows fly, and hop over to the food. And as I walk away, I notice someone on the oppisite side of me watching the crows and instantly take out his camera, not phone, to take pictures of the crows!
At the time, I have this weirded out feeling, not at him, but mainly for me, as I don't entirely see myself as someone who could inspire people to do things, or feel like my actions don't mean anything to anyone else.
But thinking about it, now, it's really cool and sweet to think that he can take some better pictures of crows who are feeding on the floor.
And as I'm even further away, I look back and he's still there taking photos~

I kinda wanna see what his pictures look like~
I'm seeing many laughing reactions on social media about celebrities whose homes have burned down.

People with fame and wealth are still people, lest we forget our empathy. A home comes with many memories and these people still feel pain as any of us would.

Public scorn is easy to join in on and it's easy to forget basic compassion under anonymity. It's one of the negatives of major social media.
I'm seeing many laughing reactions on social media about celebrities whose homes have burned down.

People with fame and wealth are still people, lest we forget our empathy. A home comes with many memories and these people still feel pain as any of us would.

Public scorn is easy to join in on and it's easy to forget basic compassion under anonymity. It's one of the negatives of major social media.
It’s disgusting. When I saw that Paris Hilton’s house burned down, my stomach dropped. She has two babies and enjoyed precious memories in that house— Phoenix taking his first steps, etc. She is fortunate to survive, but it’s going to be tough to restart her life.

A lot of people also forget that not everyone in L.A. County is wealthy. I also feel like crying when I think of animals trapped in the fires. This is tragic all-around, and if arsonists really started this (as I’ve seen some reports of saying), they need the maximum penalty. This is one of the worst, most destructive things a human can do.
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I'm seeing many laughing reactions on social media about celebrities whose homes have burned down.

People with fame and wealth are still people, lest we forget our empathy. A home comes with many memories and these people still feel pain as any of us would.

Public scorn is easy to join in on and it's easy to forget basic compassion under anonymity. It's one of the negatives of major social media.
I haven't been on social media much lately but that sounds awful. Maybe they are wealthy and "could just buy another house" but I mean it is still a pain in the butt to deal with losing everything. House, clothing, heirlooms, photographs, important papers, even the property. And there are so many stories of insurance wiggling out of paying rn and that isn't right either, poor or rich. And I heard about the zoning changing in the burnt areas to where only apartment buildings can be built and not houses? So they couldn't even rebuild their house. They'd have to sell and go buy a property somewhere else to build a house on.
Idk the whole thing reeks.
People who laugh at others’ misfortunes (like when rich people lost their houses to the California fires) aren’t any different to those who celebrate others’ deaths or urinate on their graves. As frustrating as wealth inequality is, it’s not worth celebrating ill on the rich.
I think it's becoming socially acceptable to dehumanize wealthy celebrities. There's 'celebrity worship' culture but the opposite end of that isn't any better. There are many people right now who want to take any chance to bask in the suffering of the rich.

There are great advantages to wealth, however, the ugliness and ridicule at each opportunity is getting ridiculous.

I remember when Dwayne Johnson posted about his battle with depression and the comment section was nasty.

I don't like his acting. I think he has an ego. I don't think he's exempt from suffering mental health issues. I have no reason to make fun of the guy.

Social media does give the loudest voice to many of the most crass people. I'm going to limit my scrolling because it is making me cynical.
I'm seeing many laughing reactions on social media about celebrities whose homes have burned down.

People with fame and wealth are still people, lest we forget our empathy. A home comes with many memories and these people still feel pain as any of us would.

Public scorn is easy to join in on and it's easy to forget basic compassion under anonymity. It's one of the negatives of major social media.
It’s so sad seeing so many hateful comments about celebrities losing their home. Even though they have money they are still people and the pain of losing it all isn’t any less since they have money. So many people have said they have no compassion for the wealthy .

I also feel bad for all the animals that got trapped. Those fires spread so fast .
Out of all classes to make me have with 10th graders, why did they to give me choose health? Of course they would pick the one class about sex to make me have with a grade lower than me, the one where the teacher has to say words like penis that make everyone burst into laughter because they’re as mature an 11 year old. I wouldn’t even be mad if it wasn’t the school’s fault for somehow accidentally not giving me the class last year, so I have to do it this year since it’s required to graduate. Actually, it probably wouldn’t have been much better even if it was with people in my grade because they’re just as childish.