Place your random thoughts.

This copy of Pokemon Yellow has been persevered in our family for years. It needs an internal save battery replacement though.

This game was released around 1998 or so, and that makes it older than me. Cool enough that it still works honestly.

It's always really weird that when I'm looking for a specific thread, I can never find it, but a few days after I give up it kind of resurfaces/makes itself visible to my eyes (because apparently it was there the whole time and I'm blind), and by then I've forgotten what I wanted to say. So I started bookmarking threads when I see them and want to comment on them but haven't got the words to immediately reply, but then I forget about those bookmarks because I hardly ever use that function 🤦‍♂️
I remember making a niconico account a few years ago. I would often watch MAD videos of anime and fan made animations on niconico. The website version of niconico made it easier for me to translate Japanese into English. *sigh* Too bad the site's no longer available on the website for my country anymore (the only way I could be able to go on niconico again is if I were to download the app).😔
I remember making a niconico account a few years ago. I would often watch MAD videos of anime and fan made animations on niconico. The website version of niconico made it easier for me to translate Japanese into English. *sigh* Too bad the site's no longer available on the website for my country anymore (the only way I could be able to go on niconico again is if I were to download the app).😔
Niconico, now that's a website I haven't heard of in a long time. Used to watch fan videos without any context. But the McDonald's commercial remixes of Touhou music slapped hard.
We own many houseplants. It's mostly because of my mom as she calls them her "lucky plants." Today she told me she bought this big one on my 7th birthday, and at the time it was about half the size it currently is today.

I will be turning 17 in about two months, which means this plant will hit its 10th year with us soon. I'm shaken knowing how quick time can be... 🥲
I was sitting on a bench in London and an older guy approached me to start talking about his all time favorite movie Casablanca.

I was trying to direct him on how he could find it. I genuinely hope he did.