Place your random thoughts.

saw this and immediately thought of Petey and Dog Man lmaooooo
If I ran a restaurant (hopefully I will get to do so before I die), there will be no robot workers. AI employees would save me money, but humans need money to get a decent living. That, and all or mostly robot workers would make the restaurant more of a lonely place.

Sometimes, it would be better to make the moral decision, even if it reels in less money or costs more money. For instance, coal and oil are more cost-effective as energy resources than solar and wind, but we don’t need anymore carbon emissions.
Not that it applies, but I hate it when some restaurant expects me to use some app to look at their menu. You're too cheap to offer a menu? I don't care if it's just on some paper. Seeing how many defend this is so annoying because 'It's time we got with the times so if you can't keep up stay home." It's very much gatekeeping because not everyone can afford to own a smartphone so you're saying because they're poor they don't deserve to go to a restaurant?

So many defend it and I don't get why. It's very snobbish and patronizing and it's the first impression I get when I think about the place. And I'd rather go anywhere else and give them my money.
I found this helpful.
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I know it's old. However, this does allow a distinction between speaking to a singular person or a group of people.
I love thee
I love you.
One is directed at a particular person, while the other is directed at a group of individual people.
Thou ought sit.
Ye ought sit.
One is directed at a particular person, while the other is directed at a group of individuals.

" "Thou", "thee", "thy", and "thine" were used in singular forms, while "ye", "you", "your", and "yours" were used in plural forms. "

As Jeff and his friends, Sam and Roger, stood in front of Aunt May, the neighbor's dog barked.
"Jeff, please rake the yard. Thou should also take out the trash." Aunt May declared.
"Make sure ye take off your shoes before entering the house."
Q1. What were Jeff's tasks?
Q2. What were Sam's and Roger's tasks?

A1. Rake the yard. Take out the trash. Take shoes off before entering the house.
A2. Take shoes off before entering the house.

By using "you" in both singular and plural instances in modern English, one may miss that Sam and Roger were to take off their shoes as well and not just Jeff. Unless of course the modern speaker/writer uses "y'all" or "you all" instead of "you" in the placement of "ye".
If Aunt May was speaking to Jeff only, about his shoes, it would have been: "Make sure thou take off thy shoes before entering the house."
Or for old English consistency, "Indeed thou takest off thy shoes.."

Or at least I hope I got this right 😅
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My goodness this one youtuber's community is terrible. 95% of the comments are viewers saying they're "triggered" by their learning the game and not being perfect at it day one. 🤦‍♀️
I got a little bit done today on a drawing. I’m hoping tomorrow I have a little more energy to work on it and get more done.
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Yes, because people these days don't have critical thinking skills or bother to do their own research, and simply agree with what others say without looking into it themselves. These are things I learned while in university, and it's a large contributor to why the world is the way it is today. Imagine thinking that a nation that's fighting for its right to exist started a war with a much bigger nation. :rolleyes:

And the reason I called it dangerous is because it shows a relaxed attitude towards the invasion. Other countries will think less before committing imperialism if people are this accepting of the lie that Ukraine started the war.

The 'U.S.A invading Greenland' is treated as a joke until suddenly it's not.

Invasion is not okay, human slaughter is not okay, and I do wish there would be more societal backlash towards the president saying these things.
I read that the Drag Race finale isn’t filmed until April, so the final lip-sync song could potentially be “Abracadabra” by Lady Gaga. 🤩 PLEASE make this happen!
Decided to comment on this topic. The most I've ever expressed in the forums was the general idea that war causes the common man to suffer greatly. However if this situation doesn't get resolved it can turn uglier. So I'll say my thoughts on the topic and it can be hated or not. None the less, there are points to consider. War is a complex and emotional topic with great cost. So I don't say this lightly and the topic should be treated with great care.

If there were more verbal backlash on the topic of Ukraine and that Ukraine should have done this or that, the topic of Ukraine bombing its own citizens would come back up (whether that is a propaganda statement or not). And the topic of Ukraine not striking a deal to help lower the death count or maybe even avoid death of the war altogether would be talked about even more, possibly causing more strife.
Though it may not be a liked option, it was an option to attempt if so chosen. It was not chosen though it was discussed, I remember. At the time many were beating the drum of, we (mostly NATO and the general media saying) can't let nations think it's ok to invade other sovereign nation. All the while not considering what kind of citizen death that could entail and the destruction the nation would have to deal with for decades and IF Ukraine would even get help to rebuild. There were no talks of plan B or C if A didn't work which is always a possibility in war.
There is a dance to war. Know when to fight and know when it's best to cut losses so the civilian can still live, and live in a livable environment.
However, to say Ukraine started the war I feel is very near sighted. There are usually multiple factors involved when a war starts between countries. Perhaps a better statement may be that perhaps Ukraine should have considered taking a different approach to the threats Russia gave. Perhaps it would be appropriate to ask Russia if what they said about about Ukrainian citizens of Russian descent being targeted were true, what kind of contact did they make with the Ukrainian government about the issue? Hindsight is always 20/20.
Just look at the West's actions to the situation for example.
US (and others) supplying weapons for as long as they did (because there is a point to know when to stop because it isn't working) did not at the very least reduce the death count nor did it help save areas of Ukraine. But let's say Russia would have gone further than they did if weapons were not sent. What is left of Ukraine right now? Can they function as a sovereign nation now with the destruction, debt, and loss of citizens? To the citizens that fled, are they willing to even move back? Would there be less destruction, debt, and death if other nations didn't send weapons or send them as long as they did?
I 100% agree slaughter isn't ok and war harms the common man. However, when faced with such a terrible situation, a nation's leader must make careful decisions on how to dance with war and war threats.
What has been done, has sadly been done. And it is tragic. War is tragic and disgusting. Especially in the ground and not just through some new report censoring the barbaric details of what is happening.
So hopefully all nations can move forward and keep the individuals effected by war in mind while coming to a solution or agreement. War ends one way or another. Hopefully the best path to the end of the war available now will be chosen. And hopefully soon, talk about should haves, could haves, and finger pointing will stop.
When Trump accused Ukraine of starting the war, it reminds me of the few things he said during his last term that were both unnecessary and offensive, like when he insulted developing nations or when he told four congresswomen to “go back to their countries of origin”. The fact that he was willing to say these comments as president is shameful. If you’re going to serve the highest offices in the nation, you’ll need to refrain from making these immature and offensive comments.
I hate it when people find out I’m Nigerian and ask me if I can speak African. Like, no lol. People are racist all the time at school , but every time this has happened it seemed like a genuine misconception instead of a “joke.” African isn’t the name of a language, and Nigerian isn’t a language either. 🙄 And even if it was, I can’t speak any language besides English. There was even this one time someone deadass showed me a TikTok of some guy making clicking sounds and asked me if I could understand it. 💀