Sheep Villager
Feel free to call me Sheep

New personal best when it comes to small online members box.
Yes, I am still tracking this casually even though I haven't posted an update in a while.
One day I will be the only one standing.
Only three members visible, and I'm one of 'em! I'm honored! Harharharhar....
New personal best when it comes to small online members box.
Yes, I am still tracking this casually even though I haven't posted an update in a while.
One day I will be the only one standing.
My cat did this to me one morning lmao. I checked everywhere for her, couldn't find her, started to panic and checked again. When she still didn't come out I sat on my bedroom floor and started to sob because she's old and has cancer, so if she got out it would probably be the end of her.I thought my cat got out the front door last night and I walked my neighbourhood for hours calling his name and shaking his food bag. Well turns out he got scared when the vent cleaners entered the house and he went and hid between the pillows on my bed. He was "missing" from 5PM till after 9PM and that whole time he was just pancaked under the dang pillows. I thought I had searched my house good enough but apparently not lmao. In the end I was relieved but also felt dumb after.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who's done this haha. In the end our cats were safe but what a roller coaster of emotions!My cat did this to me one morning lmao. I checked everywhere for her, couldn't find her, started to panic and checked again. When she still didn't come out I sat on my bedroom floor and started to sob because she's old and has cancer, so if she got out it would probably be the end of her.
...She came crawling out from under my bed. Little brat.
Glad you found your cat!