Pocket Camp or Pokémon GO?

Neither! I got bored very quickly. Check out A GIrl Adrift, it's the best mobile game I've had so far~! <3
Neither. I'm not a fan of mobile games, not to mention that my phone is too old for those games.
I played a few hours of Pocket Camp but then stopped and never cared for it ever since then, Idk, it's
not so bad but at the same time, it feels like if you're not a millionaire and spending all your money into
it for those dumb Leaf Tickets (like, do people really spend THAT much money for these??), you're pretty
much lost or at least can't do so much as you wanted to. I got shocked when I realized how much money
you need to spend to even get one of those cool looking items. And then you don't even have a guarantee
that you get that one item you want so badly from those fortune cookies? Um, sorry Nintendo, but I'm too
poor for this...

I didn't played Pokemon Go yet, not sure if I will try it out one day, but I guess it looks like a fun game.
Maybe not as fun as a regular Pokemon game on the console, but still a "time killer" whenever you getting
bored. Would probably pick this one over Pocket Camp.