Pokémon *Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl*


。*・゜☆・ ゜✧・。 • ・
Jan 3, 2014
Blue Bunny Balloon
Sweet Bunny Balloon
Red Bunny Balloon
White Rose
Yellow Rose
Apple (Fruit)
Tricolored Puppy Plush
New Horizons Token
What starter will you pick? I think I might choose Piplup

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Do you think the game will be exactly the same but just for the switch? Or do you think it will have some different stuff?
Going with Piplup, like all the other times I played through the original game.

I think that they're most likely going to fix a few things, hopefully they'll fix the issue of the HUGE lack of fire-types before post-game.
Also, the Pokemon Company will probably add in Mega Evolution or Z-Moves or something like that, like they did with ORAS. I can see them changing a few things around, while still staying true to the original.
I'm going to choose Piplup in BD because that was the starter I chose when I first played Diamond.

Going with Piplup, like all the other times I played through the original game.

I think that they're most likely going to fix a few things, hopefully they'll fix the issue of the HUGE lack of fire-types before post-game.
Also, the Pokemon Company will probably add in Mega Evolution or Z-Moves or something like that, like they did with ORAS. I can see them changing a few things around, while still staying true to the original.

They just confirmed Megas are in. Several YouTubers including Verlis have confirmed it with recent videos.
I'm definitely choosing my OG starter from Diamond, Turtwig. He and I go way back. Also taking Rapidash as my fire-type since she has always been by my side in Sinnoh.

Also I just read on Nintendo's Twitter, that the game will implement "Player-friendly" features. I'm really hoping that just means fixes, and not lowered difficulty or shared exp. LET ME STRUGGLE, NINTENDO.
I'm looking forward to this. Pokémon Diamond was the game that had me falling back in love with gaming as a hobby after I left school.

In Diamond I went with Chimchar, but in Platinum I played through the game with all three starters in my main party and I recall liking them equally. So in short I'm not sure who I'd go with yet!
Oh if Mega evolutions are back in maybe I’ll wait to see what they look like before choosing my starter. And since they’re coming out late this year I’ll probably ask for it for my birthday.
Oh if Mega evolutions are back in maybe I’ll wait to see what they look like before choosing my starter. And since they’re coming out late this year I’ll probably ask for it for my birthday.

Well...maybe I should clarify the meaning of "confirmed". Right now Mega Lucario and Charizard X are being promoted in the merch. Merch usually indicates what will be featured in upcoming projects, in this case BDSP. There isn't any direct confirmation (trailers) so far that they are in but it is implied. Also, Prof. Rowan specialises in Pokémon evolution so it would make sense that Megas return.
Well...maybe I should clarify the meaning of "confirmed". Right now Mega Lucario and Charizard X are being promoted in the merch. Merch usually indicates what will be featured in upcoming projects, in this case BDSP. There isn't any direct confirmation (trailers) so far that they are in but it is implied. Also, Prof. Rowan specialises in Pokémon evolution so it would make sense that Megas return.
We can only hope :)
I'll be sticking with Piplup, my starter from Diamond, when I play BD. I often pick the water type starter and I really like Piplups evolution line and he served me well the first time so I'll stick with him, Turtwig was tempting too though.
Chimchar bc fire type, but I think I actually like piplup and turtwig more. I'll use them on a replay (whenever that happens) but it's a toss up between which one I'd pick. I'm not sure which I like better. Maybe piplup?
Turtwig was my starter in Diamond and I've always stuck with them in every run of a gen 4 game since, so in keeping with tradition I'm going to choose Turtwig for this game as well.
I remember picking Turtwig back in the Pearl days (which was a huge disaster when I consistently lost to Gardenia in the second gym :LOL: but okay I was only a mediocre gamer back then) and nowadays, I'm planning to pick Piplup once I'll be starting Platinum anytime soon.

I am also planning to finally purchase a Switch anytime soon, and once the remakes themselves will release for real, I'll most likely be picking Piplup again in Brilliant Diamond.