Pokémon pokemon direct

I hope we do. Because, the general Nintendo direct they just did said absolutely nothing about anything Pokemon related...and here we are trying to celebrate the 25th anniversary. I'm really hopeful that the reasoning behind that is because they are planning a big Pokemon direct with news of things like remasters and eshop releases. I don't want to get my hopes up...but I would really love for the announcement of Pokemon TCG for Switch, and maybe even "the classic Gameboy games are available on eshop right now".

Definitely hoping for too much. But...you know. Lol.
I’m so excited I hope there will be one I’m really hoping for diamond and pearl or platinum remakes but I don’t wanna get my hopes up
Same, would love to hear about gen 4 remakes, or anything really.
I think so, they are making a game every year (DLCs in 2020, but they did a direct for them too).
I expectGen 4 remakes or a new generation. Who knows; for me, it just need to be a good game. It is probably gonna release late in the year (November), and I want to save money for some 2022 games, so if they aren't good enough to catch my attention, I'll just pass and buy them later, like I did with UltraMoon and Shield.
I hope that we get a Pokemon direct soon! I know that I'm in the minority, but I'm actually hoping that they don't make a gen 4 remake and, instead, go right on to gen 9. I was let down by Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire, and I actually rather liked gen 3... gen 4 is my least favorite generation, though, so I'm biased.

I'd love to see more info on New Pokemon Snap!