Pokémon Pokemon General

I apparently just streetpassed someone who had the eon ticket but I've been home all day and I live on the 9th floor of a apt?? also when I checked mii plaza it says I have no new streetpasses weird... is it possible to get the eon ticket from someone I streetpassed before I bought the game?? I'm so confused lol
I apparently just streetpassed someone who had the eon ticket but I've been home all day and I live on the 9th floor of a apt?? also when I checked mii plaza it says I have no new streetpasses weird... is it possible to get the eon ticket from someone I streetpassed before I bought the game?? I'm so confused lol

Maybe you SPed someone above or below you? Not everyone has Mii Plaza turned on, I've seen a few people who don't care for it and don't use it.
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oh my god shiny primal groudon and kyogre ughhhh
and rayquaza
i had a shiny rayquaza but it was hacked so i couldn't send it over :(
Why is relicanth harder to catch than some legendaries for me?
does anybody know how to delete a secret base that has their pc blocked off? it's so annoying because this awesome base is made unavailable to me
does anybody know how to delete a secret base that has their pc blocked off? it's so annoying because this awesome base is made unavailable to me
Access your own Secret Base PC, and open the Secret Base list. Select their name and press A. It'll ask if you want to delete.
Is it possible get Perfect IV Dittos in ORAS?? Like the ones in the Friend Safari?

i'd assume so.
you can find ditto on a mirage island, and considering you can chain dexnav for IV's I'd say so.
Or you can just come to me where I can cheaply* make them perfect IV'd for you <:I

*With ease, no money involved lmao
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i'd assume so.
you can find ditto on a mirage island, and considering you can chain dexnav for IV's I'd say so.

I didn't know that, thank you. I only just completed the Delta Episode

Or you can just come to me where I can cheaply* make them perfect IV'd for you <:I

*With ease, no money involved lmao

Are you sure??? What do you need in return?
i have a question is there any reason why i should keep streetpass activated for pokemon omega ruby like special pokemon or any other special event? i'm asking because i'm thinking about activating it for acnl again and i already got the eon ticket.

i have a question is there any reason why i should keep streetpass activated for pokemon omega ruby like special pokemon or any other special event? i'm asking because i'm thinking about activating it for acnl again and i already got the eon ticket.

You can get secret bases by StreetPass I think, but that's all I know
i have a question is there any reason why i should keep streetpass activated for pokemon omega ruby like special pokemon or any other special event? i'm asking because i'm thinking about activating it for acnl again and i already got the eon ticket.
Apart from Secret Bases, you can also get Mirage Spots through StreetPass. If you still need certain Pokemon, or still need to catch Cresselia, having it on will give you more chance with getting the correct Spots.
thank you RhinoK and Reindeer for telling me this information because i was curious.