I got up at 5 am and made all these goddamn shinies that no one wants
what am i supposed to do with them
People are spoiled for shinies these days.
Give them to me lol jkI got up at 5 am and made all these goddamn shinies that no one wants
what am i supposed to do with them
Give them to me lol jk
Just keep them I guess
I found a Secret Base where they put down Note Mats to make Littleroot Town's theme. Is this going to happen to every song?
This game made me cry... I don't know how since I played Emerald about two years ago with no emotion. It's the relationship of the neighbour and the player. I love how that the neighbour has been given so much character and actually acts like a friend/romantic interest? I grew up watching May on TV so it was great to see her back again in the remakes with actual character compared to the originals. And all that character just disappears after the Delta episode when the neighbour just repeats the same line over and over again... at least let me battle them again!
Ooooh I want to see!
that was the funniest thing i've sen in ages
- - - Post Merge - - -
On the note of changes from originals to the remakes, Aqua's remake was probably the best. They actually can pass for pirates now.
And jesus christ Archie goddamn that's the best one.
Am I bad boy for hacking in a Suicune with its unreleased HA? :B
Hahahaha May in that ORAS comic trying to impress Steven Stone. xD Cute.
On the unrelated note: does anybody know where the Red Shards are? Location-wise, I looked up info on Serabii but can't seem to find any or it seemed in accurate. I found Yellow shards but not Red. Help?