Here's all the relevant pics from Serebii.
And some stuff not mentioned by Jake.:
Edit @ 12:20: You can use support Pok?mon to help you out in various matches. The field is full 3D and allows for fighting and avoiding as you see fit. When you get close to a Pok?mon, then it will tighten up.
Edit @ 12:22: You press the L button to activate your Support Pok?mon. You can also activate various powerful moves including Mega Evolution in combat.
Edit @ 12:27: The backgrounds of the stages are active, with Pok?mon and trainers moving around and interacting, such as Volcarona following a cyclist
Edit @ 12:40: There are various modes in the game: Single Play, National Battle and In-Store Battle. There's also a Tutorial to play through
Edit @ 13:29: The buttons are as follows: L activates Support, R Guards, A uses Pok?mon attacks, B jumps, X is a weak attack and Y is a strong attack. Using the D-Pad and the buttons gives you various different moves. Fill a gauge to unleash Resonance Gauge for extra damage and Burst Attacks (and Mega Evolution)
I like the idea of a Pokemon fighting game, and it's good we're not just getting Fighting-type Pokemon in it... but do the models have to look so disgusting? Lucario has gotten hairier and hairier. The first tease we saw (with Lucario across Blaziken) he was smooth, the official trailer released and he was kinda hairy, now with the new model his hair is all over the place. Suicune doesn't look any better, and Pikachu just looks ********.

And some stuff not mentioned by Jake.:
Edit @ 12:20: You can use support Pok?mon to help you out in various matches. The field is full 3D and allows for fighting and avoiding as you see fit. When you get close to a Pok?mon, then it will tighten up.
Edit @ 12:22: You press the L button to activate your Support Pok?mon. You can also activate various powerful moves including Mega Evolution in combat.
Edit @ 12:27: The backgrounds of the stages are active, with Pok?mon and trainers moving around and interacting, such as Volcarona following a cyclist
Edit @ 12:40: There are various modes in the game: Single Play, National Battle and In-Store Battle. There's also a Tutorial to play through
Edit @ 13:29: The buttons are as follows: L activates Support, R Guards, A uses Pok?mon attacks, B jumps, X is a weak attack and Y is a strong attack. Using the D-Pad and the buttons gives you various different moves. Fill a gauge to unleash Resonance Gauge for extra damage and Burst Attacks (and Mega Evolution)
I like the idea of a Pokemon fighting game, and it's good we're not just getting Fighting-type Pokemon in it... but do the models have to look so disgusting? Lucario has gotten hairier and hairier. The first tease we saw (with Lucario across Blaziken) he was smooth, the official trailer released and he was kinda hairy, now with the new model his hair is all over the place. Suicune doesn't look any better, and Pikachu just looks ********.