Pokémon Pokemon General

Here's all the relevant pics from Serebii.











And some stuff not mentioned by Jake.:
Edit @ 12:20: You can use support Pok?mon to help you out in various matches. The field is full 3D and allows for fighting and avoiding as you see fit. When you get close to a Pok?mon, then it will tighten up.
Edit @ 12:22: You press the L button to activate your Support Pok?mon. You can also activate various powerful moves including Mega Evolution in combat.
Edit @ 12:27: The backgrounds of the stages are active, with Pok?mon and trainers moving around and interacting, such as Volcarona following a cyclist
Edit @ 12:40: There are various modes in the game: Single Play, National Battle and In-Store Battle. There's also a Tutorial to play through
Edit @ 13:29: The buttons are as follows: L activates Support, R Guards, A uses Pok?mon attacks, B jumps, X is a weak attack and Y is a strong attack. Using the D-Pad and the buttons gives you various different moves. Fill a gauge to unleash Resonance Gauge for extra damage and Burst Attacks (and Mega Evolution)

I like the idea of a Pokemon fighting game, and it's good we're not just getting Fighting-type Pokemon in it... but do the models have to look so disgusting? Lucario has gotten hairier and hairier. The first tease we saw (with Lucario across Blaziken) he was smooth, the official trailer released and he was kinda hairy, now with the new model his hair is all over the place. Suicune doesn't look any better, and Pikachu just looks ********.
I wish the Pokemon battles could be like pokken fighting game in all the games.

I worded that so poorly..

- - - Post Merge - - -

Here's all the relevant pics from Serebii.











And some stuff not mentioned by Jake.:
Edit @ 12:20: You can use support Pok?mon to help you out in various matches. The field is full 3D and allows for fighting and avoiding as you see fit. When you get close to a Pok?mon, then it will tighten up.
Edit @ 12:22: You press the L button to activate your Support Pok?mon. You can also activate various powerful moves including Mega Evolution in combat.
Edit @ 12:27: The backgrounds of the stages are active, with Pok?mon and trainers moving around and interacting, such as Volcarona following a cyclist
Edit @ 12:40: There are various modes in the game: Single Play, National Battle and In-Store Battle. There's also a Tutorial to play through
Edit @ 13:29: The buttons are as follows: L activates Support, R Guards, A uses Pok?mon attacks, B jumps, X is a weak attack and Y is a strong attack. Using the D-Pad and the buttons gives you various different moves. Fill a gauge to unleash Resonance Gauge for extra damage and Burst Attacks (and Mega Evolution)

I like the idea of a Pokemon fighting game, and it's good we're not just getting Fighting-type Pokemon in it... but do the models have to look so disgusting? Lucario has gotten hairier and hairier. The first tease we saw (with Lucario across Blaziken) he was smooth, the official trailer released and he was kinda hairy, now with the new model his hair is all over the place. Suicune doesn't look any better, and Pikachu just looks ********.

It's called fur and it makes them look better. I love it
It's called fur and it makes them look better. I love it
There are better ways to make fur than this stringy **** they're putting on them. And there's no transition between fur and flesh on either Suicune or Lucario. The models themselves look good (apart from Pikachu), and I have no complaints about Gardevoir or Machamp... it's the texturing that is very questionable.
lmao you guys seen the what kind of pokemon are you thing right
1. multiply month and day of birth (ex. dec 20 = 12*20)
2. multiply that by # of letters in your first name
3. divide by 2 until you get below or equal to 721
4. look up the pokemon and BOOM. beautiful

i got #420blazeit


also got my serperior God Bless The U.S.A.
lmao you guys seen the what kind of pokemon are you thing right
1. multiply month and day of birth (ex. dec 20 = 12*20)
2. multiply that by # of letters in your first name
3. divide by 2 until you get below or equal to 721
4. look up the pokemon and BOOM. beautiful

i got #420blazeit


also got my serperior God Bless The U.S.A.

I got sewaddle.

good method, other than the fact its rigged to always give you an even # pokemon if either your date of birth or name is an even number
lmao you guys seen the what kind of pokemon are you thing right
1. multiply month and day of birth (ex. dec 20 = 12*20)
2. multiply that by # of letters in your first name
3. divide by 2 until you get below or equal to 721
4. look up the pokemon and BOOM. beautiful

i got #420blazeit


also got my serperior God Bless The U.S.A.

:0000 I got Purugly... I think it's trying to tell me something
lmao you guys seen the what kind of pokemon are you thing right
1. multiply month and day of birth (ex. dec 20 = 12*20)
2. multiply that by # of letters in your first name
3. divide by 2 until you get below or equal to 721
4. look up the pokemon and BOOM. beautiful

i got #420blazeit


also got my serperior God Bless The U.S.A.

I got Solosis :L
lmao you guys seen the what kind of pokemon are you thing right
1. multiply month and day of birth (ex. dec 20 = 12*20)
2. multiply that by # of letters in your first name
3. divide by 2 until you get below or equal to 721
4. look up the pokemon and BOOM. beautiful

i got #420blazeit


also got my serperior God Bless The U.S.A.


- - - Post Merge - - -

good method, other than the fact its rigged to always give you an even # pokemon if either your date of birth or name is an even number

Every number I put in was odd lol
I got Uxie :'D

Also tfw about to try eggcodes on powersaves, gonna hatch me a Groudon ?\_(ツ)_/?
I got Uxie :'D

Also tfw about to try eggcodes on powersaves, gonna hatch me a Groudon ?\_(ツ)_/?

SHAKES MY ?\_(ツ)_/? AT U


im so bad i havnt played Y/AS in like weeks,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
i want to nuzlocke on AS but i need to move over my legendaries/pokes i want to keep but my brother is just like. '.......................why'
lmao you guys seen the what kind of pokemon are you thing right
1. multiply month and day of birth (ex. dec 20 = 12*20)
2. multiply that by # of letters in your first name
3. divide by 2 until you get below or equal to 721
4. look up the pokemon and BOOM. beautiful

i got #420blazeit


also got my serperior God Bless The U.S.A.
I got #96/Drowzee... I be eatin' your dreams :3
Thanks to Serebii, the grassy stage in Pokken Tournament is called "Chrom Town."
Fire Emblem confirmed.
Chrom in the background all holla like "I'll get my chance...someday"
So uh, I'm making a TF2 team for fun, this is what I have so far, feel free to suggest some Pokemon I could use for the other two slots, they should relate to said class somehow, Something like Furret as Scout or something or so on.

Pokemon: Heatmor
Gender: Female
Nickname: The Pyro
Shiny: Yes
Ability: White Smoke
Nature: Timid
IV's: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
EV's: 126 HP/126 Special Attack/4 Special Defense/252 Speed
Item: Leftovers
Heat Wave
Giga Drain

Pokemon: Machoke
Gender: Male
Nickname: The Heavy
Shiny: No
Ability: No Guard
Nature: Careful
IV's: 31/31/31/xx/31/31
EV'S: 252 HP/4 Attack/252 Special Defense
Item: Eviolite
Bullet Punch
Knock Off
Dynamic Punch
Bulk Up

Pokemon: Zoroark
Gender: Male
Nickname: The Spy
Shiny: No
Ability: Illusion
Nature: Timid
IV's: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
EV's: 4 HP/252 Special Attack/252 Speed
Item: Life Orb
Night Daze
Focus Blast
Nasty Plot

Pokemon: Audino
Gender: ??? Male?
Nickname: The Medic
Shiny: No
Ability: Regenerator
Nature: Bold
IV's: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
EV'S: 252 HP/252 Defense/4 Special Defense
Item: Audinite
Draining Kiss
Calm Mind
Heal Bell