caught at the movie theatre pikachu ayyyy
I need more stardust... I want to feed my pidgeot more steroids pls
I need more stardust... I want to feed my pidgeot more steroids pls
I have a question for all of you guys... What kind of pokemon have you gotten from your eggs? I've gotten magikarp from a 2 km egg and recently just hatched a magnemite from a 5 km egg, but I'm wondering what other kinds of possibilities there are.
I have a question for all of you guys... What kind of pokemon have you gotten from your eggs? I've gotten magikarp from a 2 km egg and recently just hatched a magnemite from a 5 km egg, but I'm wondering what other kinds of possibilities there are.
I have a question for all of you guys... What kind of pokemon have you gotten from your eggs? I've gotten magikarp from a 2 km egg and recently just hatched a magnemite from a 5 km egg, but I'm wondering what other kinds of possibilities there are.
Only hatched one egg so far- 5k ponyta
and oh yeah drew this the other day pretty accurate for me
s a v e m e
and oh yeah drew this the other day pretty accurate for me
s a v e m e
My nearby Pokemon was showing a Scyther so I threw on some pants and went hunting at like midnight lol I lost it for a while but found it again and caught it! It's now my strongest with 386 CP
One of my eggs from a Pokestop also hatched a 110 CP Pikachu!
I caught a Scyther a day or so ago, and it has like less than half the CP of yours -__- why are all of my pokemon low ballin me like dis?
That's seriously been the best I have found and everything else is such a low CP I feel blessed for even catching it lol
I heard that a trading feature will be implemented soon, could really use it ^^'