No Poke Stops in walking distance for me, unfortunately. I live on farm land. The only stops relatively close by are the local park and a pig statue... lmao. It gives me an excuse to take my kid to the park more often. Further out the stops are literally all donation bins. I didn't even know there were so many donation bins. How clever. The gyms all seem to be churches... What does this say about my area?
I don't even know what to think about this xD
The nearest Pokestops for me are both at a church. The church itself and it's sign out front are both stops. Lucky me. It'd been the first time I'd gone to church for anything in a long time <<
Has anyone come across with a Ponyta yet?
I seriously can't help but to think it's a trap... haha
Because of stuff like this:
UGH - it's not crashing for me but it's doing this annoying thing where I can't touch anything on the screen so I missed a bunch of pokemon >:\
Under the image of each Pok?mon on you "Nearby Pok?mon" list you will find pictures of pokemon foot steps. 3 steps means you are far away, 2 steps mean you are closer, 1 step is even closer or right in the general area, and no steps under the image mean you should be on it. Look around on the map or take a few steps here and there if it doesn't appear. You're basically playing a game of hot and cold, or a scavenger hunt. The footprints being clues. You can only initiate the catching sequence when the Pok?mon is visible on the map. Hope this helped
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And for the issue of the same Pok?mon repeatedly showing up, some are more common than others, and this is bound to happen. It's all about luck.
Oh cool, I actually caught a Scyther at the park today!That's my rarest catch so far.
Sadly, I can only help you with the second part. Sometimes, when you go to a Pokestop, you will find eggs. there a 2, 5, and 10km eggs. 10 km are the rarest, 5 are second rarest, and 2 are most common.
Don't use low battery mode, that's a known glitch.
Am I the only one who's having trouble walking in game??? I have to go ahead and open the bottom menu tab to make it refresh and have him walk a bit? I just want my starter Charmander!!! :'(
Don't use low battery mode, that's a known glitch.
OMG BONE BABY THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! that makes so much sense, thank you!!!! :>
I just turned level 7 and I can't tell you how many buses I've almost walked into and trains I've missed because of this new beauty.
I FINALLY found the dang eevee after 15 mins of searching, threw my ball at it, it went in AND IT FROZE!!!!!!!!!! I'm so upset that I lost it!!!!!!! I don't want to go back to where it was because it was an alley for people's garages and I don't want them to be like wtf is this girl doing back here lol ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That really sucks, I would've stuck around a little longer just to see if it was still there or if it was caught anyways. After the krabby incident for me. I can't believe it was registered into my game after it froze. That was lucky, and I hope this can be used for other future incidences. Plus, NORMALLY if you reboot the game, which only takes a minute or so, the Pok?mon will still be there. It's only every other occasion when a pokemon disappears on me after a reboot.Hope you catch an eevee soon though <3
haha I was totally going to, but then a family biked into the alley and started going to their garage and I was like awkwardly just hanging out there ; v ; but thank you <3 if I find another one, I am staying there until I capture it!!! XD this time I tried to reboot and then it was stuck on the camera for a while booooo
i almost got a evee today but i didnt see it on the map thing... all i saw was rustling leaves