I went for a walk and got caught in a pop up thunderstormWhy do I even bother!! Had to run back home without catching anything.
I didn't hear that much about it, but I definitely wouldn't believe that rumor.Hopefully I can leave the house tomorrow. Haven't caught anything in 4 days. Getting real tired of everyone catching the single Pokemon I desperately want but meanwhile I can't find it. :/
I read that it's like a catching contest and the top three will each receive the legendaries? Doesn't make sense so I wouldn't believe it.
Oh that's nice. I sent a request for a Pokestop and got an email that they're "not currently accepting locations".
I tried taking my dog for a walk so I can swing by one of the Pokestops. 5 minutes into the walk an she does this.
I'm sad panda.
No one deserves to suffer like this, I wish you the best, and hope that your egg isn't wasted like mine ;-;
Even worse, after I got that eevee, I had enough candy to evolve two eevees, so I did, and got two Jolteons, and now I have 3 Jolteons, 0Vaporeons, and 0 Flareon. :l
Well.... My 10km egg hatched.......
It was an eevee............
How do you get eggs?
I just caught an Eevee too, pretty cute.
Out of curiosity to those who nickname their pokemon, do you have a common naming scheme (゚ペ)?
Like, sometimes I name mine after characters from Haikyuu!! or something along those lines.
I go for celebrities. My Paras is now Paras Hilton.