Pokémon Pokemon Go General Discussion

My 10k egg hatched into the one thing I didn't want. An evee. All of that work, for another eevee
Last night I caught a Clefable that was like CP572 or something.
It crashed and I thought I lost it, but I came back and I caught it.
Congrats! :eek:

A couple of my eggs hatched earlier while I was on a walk and I got a Tentacool from a 5km egg and a Jynx from a 10km! Now I'm left with lots of 2km eggs but it's cool because I'm still missing quite a few of the more common Pokemon
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My 10k egg hatched into the one thing I didn't want. An evee. All of that work, for another eevee

Oh man... That seems so dumb for an eevee to hatch from a 10km egg :/ My first 10km egg hatched into an Omanyte and my other 10km egg is .3km away from hatching. I hope it's something better than an eevee
Oh man... That seems so dumb for an eevee to hatch from a 10km egg :/ My first 10km egg hatched into an Omanyte and my other 10km egg is .3km away from hatching. I hope it's something better than an eevee

No one deserves to suffer like this, I wish you the best, and hope that your egg isn't wasted like mine ;-;

Even worse, after I got that eevee, I had enough candy to evolve two eevees, so I did, and got two Jolteons, and now I have 3 Jolteons, 0Vaporeons, and 0 Flareon. :l
No one deserves to suffer like this, I wish you the best, and hope that your egg isn't wasted like mine ;-;

Even worse, after I got that eevee, I had enough candy to evolve two eevees, so I did, and got two Jolteons, and now I have 3 Jolteons, 0Vaporeons, and 0 Flareon. :l

I agree, you shouldn't be suffering. Aw man :( I love jolteon but I'm also trying to go for all 3 of them and I've gotten 1 Jolteon and 3 Flareons with 0 Vaporeons.

Also! I just made it to level 12 and just got Great Balls! Kinda weird to get them at level 12 but I was beginning to think I would never have anything but regular Pokeballs
Ok so today sucked. Now don't get me wrong. I caught some great ones!!!! Buuuuut as we just paid rent, electric, water and child support, we couldn't pay the phone bill. Soooo had to just stay within wifi range :(. Luckily, we caught a squirtle in our house!!!! We also caught a gloom and an Eevee. Now at my work we have wifi and a pokestop and 3 dif peeps did lures so I got extremely lucky tonight at work and caught another gloom, 3 more Eevee's, a poliwag, a dodrio, and a ghastly!!!!! But am still sad we can't go to more stops but I'll be able to pay the bill on Friday.
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I love Pokemon but the app didn't really interest me at first. Then my sister showed it to me and it looked really cool, so I downloaded it on the 8th. My phone's GPS is wonky so it's kinda frustrating at times but it's overall a fun experience. It's kinda crazy how popular it is. I went to a restaurant the day I downloaded it and the waiter said "Hey if you guys have Pokemon Go, I just dropped a Lure Module by the fountain outside"

There's a park down my street with 3 PokeStops and someone dropped a Lure Module at one at like midnight last night. But parks close at 10:00 pm. But I walked down anyway and there was a police vehicle parked right at the PokeStop and an officer was talking to like three teenagers who must've been trespassing looking for Pokemon. Pokemon Go giving people misdemeanors lol

Whose idea was it to release it in the middle of summer though. I live in Arizona and it's like 120 degrees and I'm not trying to get a sunburn or heat stroke. I can't even see my phone screen because it's so bright during the day. And at night, my neighborhood is too dangerous and everything is closed, so I can't win lmao
I just caught like 50 Pokemon walking around my city for 45 minutes, so many people using lures too! The amount of people trying to pretend they're not playing while walking down the street is hilarious. I got too many eggs though and they take forever to hatch, especially since I can only incubate one at a time right now.
I just caught like 50 Pokemon walking around my city for 45 minutes, so many people using lures too! The amount of people trying to pretend they're not playing while walking down the street is hilarious. I got too many eggs though and they take forever to hatch, especially since I can only incubate one at a time right now.

I'm jealous of people who live in areas with so many Pok?mon. I wanna try out of state, it's a long drive, but I hear Deleware is great for rare Pok?mon. For any of you living nearby. I also have too many eggs. I have 3 5k and 6 2k eggs. I'm down to one incubator already, so this is absolute hell. I would just drive, but I don't have the time and gas money to just cruise all day and hatch eggs, plus there's little to no roads where I can drive slowly enough for the GPS to count it as walking/jogging/running. I don't mind walking, but with this many eggs that I don't want, I'd rather drive.
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Y'all are just pretty lucky to be able to play the app, can't play Pokemon Go where I am now :x
^ Thanks so much for the link, this could actually help a lot of people! The app's finally being released in Europe, starting with Germany and the UK. But it's funny (and rather ironic) that Japan still has yet to have it. Then again there'd be far more people trying to access it, and they need to be ready for the massive amount trying to access the servers...
Are there any different encounters during the night? Like more zubats or ghastly? I'd really love some more of those c:
I found theses guys at the beach yesterday


also it looks like either surfers or construction works claimed this gym because the pier has been closed to the public for a month or so

I literally can't with this game. The last two days I've gone on long 3+ hour walks, and only got a handful of Pokemon, the majority of those being common (there are a lot of pokestops on the way, but those become useless once your bag gets full), but when I'm at work, I'll be in my 15 minute break, and before I know it there's like 10 Pokemon just chilling in the lunch room?
It's just so annoying that whenever I go out looking for Pokemom I don't find any, I just wish Pokemom occourances were more common, as its really hindering me from enjoying this game (and I was a real hater at the start!)