Pokémon Pokemon Go General Discussion

Caught a level 1444 dragonite today before camp started :eek: I feel incredibly lucky


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my bag was full, so i threw away 90 of my 130 revives...... you really do get a Lot of revives hahhhh.

two egg hatched but they were both ratatas ......
my bag was full, so i threw away 90 of my 130 revives...... you really do get a Lot of revives hahhhh.

two egg hatched but they were both ratatas ......
so I went to the big city for the first time with Pok?mon Go and WOW it's so much different there than my town. I never saw a single grass type and there were very few weedle. I rarely ever see zubat but jeez there were soooo many there, they were even more common that pidgeys. Racked up almost 100 candies. Drowzee galore too. Found quite a bit of water types, cubones, jynxes, clefairys, and I even was able to snag an aerodactyl at a lure. All in all, today was a great day for Pokemon Go. I never realized how much pokemon differed from place to place
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i think my best find was prob catching a scyther on the highway since he was just chillin
my highest pokemon is like 600 cp i suck
i'm not very good at the game, i keep obsessing over eggs

I also give all my pokemon stupid little names. I named my flareon Foofy and my jynx Nicki Minaj.
I live in a rural area. So it's hard to find rare pokemon. However, I went to a bigger city today, and holy moly. I found so much new Pokemon! I had originally only hatched one magikarp out of an egg, that's it. Today I caught 13 magikarps. Which was exciting. I also caught some Psyducks and Horsea. I now officially hate living in my town now.
i'm not very good at the game, i keep obsessing over eggs

Nahh I'm the same, eggs are like my favorite thing even though they're so tedious lol

Also checked the app when I was leaving work and found a Lickitung. I'm slowly finding all my favorite Pokemon. Now I just need Lapras and Snorlax.
I just found a Lapras last night. I pulled up the app last night and saw that I was very close by to it. It was still the "shadow" so I knew I needed it. However, it was at night, dark, and I was unsure. So before I knew it, I ran out the door and jumped into my car. It ended up being a street away.

Worst of all, it was CP40.... But it was like 70% IV? so, IDK
I live in a rural area. So it's hard to find rare pokemon. However, I went to a bigger city today, and holy moly. I found so much new Pokemon! I had originally only hatched one magikarp out of an egg, that's it. Today I caught 13 magikarps. Which was exciting. I also caught some Psyducks and Horsea. I now officially hate living in my town now.

I feel you. I'm in a suburban area and there isn't anything. Once in a while I'll catch a rattata or pidgey and that's it. Now, I work downtown in a big city and I do most of my hunting there. It's at least a reason to look forward to going to work lol
I live in a rural area. So it's hard to find rare pokemon. However, I went to a bigger city today, and holy moly. I found so much new Pokemon! I had originally only hatched one magikarp out of an egg, that's it. Today I caught 13 magikarps. Which was exciting. I also caught some Psyducks and Horsea. I now officially hate living in my town now.

I live 20 minutes away from civilization and Pokemon don't show up anywhere near my house. Not a single one for miles. I'm also a stay at home mom, so I'm basically confined to my house all day every day. I can't even go out at all now because the AC in my car stopped working and it's 105 ?F these days. Putting my child in my car would be borderline child abuse. It's really unfair. I need to stop complaining about it and delete the app. It won't get any better for me, but I continue the hope they'll make this more fair.
Me and my friend were fighting a gym. In between the battles. A VENASAUR SPAWNS.

We ran around in so many different directions and found it on a hill. CP 1200 which was decent. I haven't been that excited in a long time. I have no idea how it happened, but it was caught on the first ultra ball for both of us. In our rural area just a bulbasaur is the rarest thing ever. So this was huge for us.
Today I just got enough candies to evolve a dratini all the way into a Dragonite. The Dragonite is CP 2083 stading at my second highest pokemon. :)
whats your first?!?!

My first is not much higher. It's a CP 2090 Snorlax.

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Also forgot to mention that yesterday I found a wild Dragonite with CP 771 that sadly ran away.
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