Pokémon Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee


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New games announced for the switch. I'm at work and will edit this after
Games look pretty interesting but Nintendo seems set on the Pokemon Go style catching gimmick. I would love to play a Pokemon Yellow with different mechanics but I will definitely have to see gameplay before I buy.
Pretty much the same reaction as Trundle. Going to have to see gameplay before I even consider buying. I’m not even going to play Detective Pikachu...
Yeah I'm a bit skeptical as well. I'm certainly excited but I don't want to get my hopes up to an unreasonable level. Especially since Pok?mon Go never really interested me.
This is a hard pass for me. Never got into Pokemon Go and while this game looks like it has some neat aspects, I'm not interested enough to pick this game up. Especially since Switch cartridges seem to be more expensive than 3DS cartridges. Pretty relieved this game exists though, as it gives me more time to acquire a Switch to play the next installment in the main series in late 2019. I hope the people who like the look of this game enjoy it.
Im kind of upset honestly, i wanted a real new game
I'm honestly pretty disappointed, although a co-op pokemon game looks fun ^^
Im kind of upset honestly, i wanted a real new game

I mean since they’re not “core” games, that just means they’re able to put more time into the next “core” titles. I just wonder what teams will be working on the new core title, since they seem to be the ones who consistently putting far more solid games (HG/SS,B/W2,OR/AS,US/UM).

Either way I’m looking forward to the new games. Not what I think most fans were wanting, but I’ll definitely enjoy them. Bummed that the Go functionality seems limited outside of just being Kanto/Kanto Alolan Pokemon.
Luckily guys, this isn’t a main series game and more of a spin-off game. So there’s still hope for Generation 8, just don’t expect one until next year.

(At least I can still finish Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon without worry of Gen 8. And Genwunners can shut up about a Generation 1 remake now)
At first I was iffy because it's kind of a pokemon go port for switch. It looked interesting but I was disappointed because I thought at first it meant this is the new core game we've been waiting to hear about. I was watching the trailer thinking "this can't be it, this has to be a spin off, but I'm still pretty excited". And now it's confirmed that it is just a spin off side game, so now I'm way more excited. I mean, I can have a little eevee riding on my head, I can dress up my pokemon! And I think the catch mechanic is pretty awesome actually, it's like I'm really throwing the pokeball. I'm pretty pumped for it.
I'm really glad to see that the rumours for this were true. I'm so excited for this title - it looks great and I think it'll be a lot of fun. I just hope there is an option to switch off motion controls and just use buttons.
This looks cute but all it looks like you can do is run into pokemon and catch them in certain areas, then battle with some trainers, like is there going to be much of a story? I'd like to see more gameplay and infomation before considering spending ?50
I'm not a big fan of Pokemon Go, as I'm not a fan of mobile games in general and to be honest I was at first skeptical about these games, but after all, they look not bad. I'm actually very interested now. Not sure which version I will get, but I would buy it as soon as I have a Switch. Looking forward for more informations.
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Im kind of upset honestly, i wanted a real new game


Luckily guys, this isn’t a main series game and more of a spin-off game. So there’s still hope for Generation 8, just don’t expect one until next year.

(At least I can still finish Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon without worry of Gen 8. And Genwunners can shut up about a Generation 1 remake now)
At first I was iffy because it's kind of a pokemon go port for switch. It looked interesting but I was disappointed because I thought at first it meant this is the new core game we've been waiting to hear about. I was watching the trailer thinking "this can't be it, this has to be a spin off, but I'm still pretty excited". And now it's confirmed that it is just a spin off side game, so now I'm way more excited. I mean, I can have a little eevee riding on my head, I can dress up my pokemon! And I think the catch mechanic is pretty awesome actually, it's like I'm really throwing the pokeball. I'm pretty pumped for it.

Although they may seem like spin off titles, Tsunekazu Ishihara the CEO of TPCi stated that these are main series games.

I'm really glad to see that the rumours for this were true. I'm so excited for this title - it looks great and I think it'll be a lot of fun. I just hope there is an option to switch off motion controls and just use buttons.
Don't think there will be. They made a point of saying that playing in handheld will instead allow the use of gyro controls with no use of the touch screen to throw Pokeballs.

This looks cute but all it looks like you can do is run into pokemon and catch them in certain areas, then battle with some trainers, like is there going to be much of a story? I'd like to see more gameplay and infomation before considering spending ?50
It's a remake of Pokemon Yellow.
Bit disappointed with the fact you can't battle wild Pok?mon, only catch them. Hopefully we get more information about Pok?mon Switch 2019 at E3.
Let's go Eevee and Pikachu look good and all, but is there enough to do? If you can't battle wild Pok?mon, training up Pok?mon is going to be a real kurfuffle. How was levelling done in Pok?mon Go?
never liked pok?mon go, but would like to try these out:D

also having eevee on your head is adorable
Bit disappointed with the fact you can't battle wild Pok?mon, only catch them. Hopefully we get more information about Pok?mon Switch 2019 at E3.
Let's go Eevee and Pikachu look good and all, but is there enough to do? If you can't battle wild Pok?mon, training up Pok?mon is going to be a real kurfuffle. How was levelling done in Pok?mon Go?

Doubt we'll see the next game at E3, it will hinder the sales of this title.
As for levelling up, in GO every time you catch a Pokemon you earn candy, and you use those candies to level up Pokemon A recent interview with IGN said that there will be differences in how you level up, raise and train Pokemon, so I assume something similar will happen here.
This looks cute but all it looks like you can do is run into pokemon and catch them in certain areas, then battle with some trainers, like is there going to be much of a story? I'd like to see more gameplay and infomation before considering spending ?50

You first have to buy Tetris Tetris Puyo, Puyonetta 1 and 2, Puyopoly, Puyoblade Chrotetris 2 and Fire Puyo Warriors anyways so no Puyomon Let's Go for you rip

In all seriousness what the heck were they thinking omg, they at least could've made it so that there are Wild Pokemon battles.