Pokémon Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee

i think the co-op is cute and new, but yeah. it's a bit disappointing that player two is completely dependent on player one..
Would anyone mind touch-trading me a hitmonchan for dex and evolve my graveler and trade it back so I can get dex entries?
man I haven't been on this forum in foreverrrrr.

Edit: Was finally able to get a hitmonchan to spawn. Just need to evolve graveler to get golem entry!
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Can someone help me get an adamant, male, low level, nickname-less Mankey? (For my story mode playthrough) I just started and so far they only Eevee exclusive I’ve seen is bellsprout so I can offer that.. lol unless there’s something better early on
I only got a male Eevee, and I wouldn?t reset for a female. I named him Andrew (because if it were a girl, I would name her Andrea, the name of my Animal Crossing character).

Anyway, I kinda feel that some of the moves Eevee can learn don?t look like Eevee moves. For instance, Freezy Frost looks like a Glaceon exclusive move. Glitzy Glow belongs to Espeon. But I like how I can finally use just Eevee with both an Ice-type move and a Psychic-type move.

Okay cool I didn?t name mine

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Thanks! I reset my game today and got a female straight away too. It's kinda weird how it does that. o_O

Your welcome , have fun! :)
what is it you like about pokemon? i tried to watch the anime, maybe i can get into the games that way...but nope...nadda...

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almost time !!!!!!
pokemon mirror
I picked up Let's Go Eevee, loving it so far. It's reminding me why I enjoyed the Gameboy Pok?mon games so much back in the day.

I'm left-handed and really enjoy just having the one joycon in my left hand to do everything. I'm very happy I ignored the naysayers and picked this up.
I bought Let’s Go Evee and so far I’m enjoying it. It’s definitely not a 10/10 title and I would have loved to have more pokemon because most of my favorites are missing from this game. (rip granbull) But meh, I still think it was worth my money.
I'm gonna personally fly to japan and force gamefreak to stop being lazy ****s with trainer customization in their remakes

In that case I have a list of trainer customization ideas you need to see. They can use it as a template to understand what a decent type of trainer customization looks like (I mean I put like I wanna say about at least 15 different hair colors on that list? The list is more in depth then that, of course).
In this game, the Fairy Type is practically useless. There are very few dragon pokemon, no dark pokemon, and several poison pokemon in the first generation.
How do I start again? On let’s go Eevee on the downloadable one because I got it already on my Nintendo Switch.
Just curious: Can you play these games on handheld mode the whole time? Or are you forced to
play it on the TV?
Just curious: Can you play these games on handheld mode the whole time? Or are you forced to
play it on the TV?

You can play either way. I just feel more comfortable playing this on the TV, even when I like to play on the go more in particular.