Pokémon Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee

I was a bit iffy at first, since it didn't look like it had a ton of content and it was a full priced game, but it looks like blast to play, especially with multiplayer ^^
I've now arrived in cerulian city. Loving the sizes of Pok?mon that follow you around, Onix is bigger than I anticipated.
I was a bit iffy at first, since it didn't look like it had a ton of content and it was a full priced game, but it looks like blast to play, especially with multiplayer ^^

Don't wanna be a downer but I've actually read that co-op is pretty limited. Apparently, player two can't do anything besides follow player 1 around as well as join in on the battles. If that's what you're interested then go for it! Just wanted to get this information out there.
I read an outfit unlock guide on how to unlock new outfits. I heard that you can buy outfits at Celadon City Department. I was turned down when I found out that they only sell hats and other head items.
i can't wait to get this game! it's a huge change for me, but it looks so cute! i love the wild pokemon mechanic and i really think it's gonna be a great game!
So I written my review for the game on the Blog Tree. There are more advantages than disadvantages, and the advantages are bigger. So the good outweighed the bad. However, the disadvantages are a big deal to me. I was hoping that I could make the female character wear skirts, but that?s not in the game. I also believe that I could get better Pok?mon stat-wise out of Pok?mon breeding, which is also absent. I get that it?s a gen 1 remake, but when you?re used to all that, it?s disappointing.
I kind of preferred the system of weakening the Pokemon before trying to catch it than having it like as Pokemon Go..
I wonder if they'll abandon the 3DS games and adapt everything to switch now
Don't wanna be a downer but I've actually read that co-op is pretty limited. Apparently, player two can't do anything besides follow player 1 around as well as join in on the battles. If that's what you're interested then go for it! Just wanted to get this information out there.

xD that doesn't sound fun at all
It sounds like it’d be a lot of fun to play! ^^ I’d love to play it, but I’ll pass this time because I’m not willing to spend that much on it;;.. Especially since the co-op sounds a little disappointing;;.. But hopefully it’s still as good as it looks!! ;7;
Just picked up Let's go Eevee, and I'm wondering two things. Has anyone gotten a female Eevee at the beginning of the game? I've been resetting for almost three hours with no luck. Also, is there a faster way to reset than just closing out of the game and going back in? I know there was soft resetting for the other games, but if there is soft resetting in this one, I don't know the buttons to do so.
Kinda wish the new games had more of a battling aspect to catching mons. That was a big draw for me. Oh well, riding pokemon looks really nice. Hope they bring out gen 2 mons like in HGSS.
Just picked up Let's go Eevee, and I'm wondering two things. Has anyone gotten a female Eevee at the beginning of the game? I've been resetting for almost three hours with no luck. Also, is there a faster way to reset than just closing out of the game and going back in? I know there was soft resetting for the other games, but if there is soft resetting in this one, I don't know the buttons to do so.

Yeah I got an female Eevee straight away
Yeah I got an female Eevee straight away

I only got a male Eevee, and I wouldn’t reset for a female. I named him Andrew (because if it were a girl, I would name her Andrea, the name of my Animal Crossing character).

Anyway, I kinda feel that some of the moves Eevee can learn don’t look like Eevee moves. For instance, Freezy Frost looks like a Glaceon exclusive move. Glitzy Glow belongs to Espeon. But I like how I can finally use just Eevee with both an Ice-type move and a Psychic-type move.
I'm actually a lot more into the game as a whole than I thought I would be, but I really wish they had worked a bit more on the 2-player gameplay. My boyfriend has been my "support trainer", and it sort of sucks that his character doesn't get to have any sort of personality or much ability to interact with the game. I hope they keep the concept for the next game, but beef it up a little.

I also really like the more interactive catching mechanic, but wish they had incorporated wild battles, too, to weaken the Pok?mon as an alternative to using berries.