Pokémon Pokemon Sun and Moon General Discussion

Ahhh yis, 3 tikes the charm Bois. Caught a Mareanie with Merciless.

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It took me about an hour and 20 minutes just to catch 3 Mareanie, good lord
Ahhh yis, 3 tikes the charm Bois. Caught a Mareanie with Merciless.

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It took me about an hour and 20 minutes just to catch 3 Mareanie, good lord
Wow, that's quite an hour there. Is it a female? Can you breed me one with Merciless?
No, it's male. I'm sorry :(

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I wish you luck though! It'll be worth it.
Aww. Thanks anyway.

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Can't you see? I'm not having any trouble with this game. I just defeated the Kahuna of the Akala island. And Stufful was one level ahead of its evolution. It evolved now.
All I had to do was get Nosepass to low HP, then use the Fighting Z-Move. Boldore was not a problem, and neither was Lycanroc, midnight form. I just used Baby Doll Eyes on them. It was too easy.
Looks like i'm on my own then.

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Well, looks like i'm already on Ula'ula Island. That was quite fast.
I got my game on Saturday, just 1 day "late", but geez you guys. I'm still on the first island. It's not like I'm not playing either - I've got nearly 12 hours on my save file. You all are really flying through the game.

Granted though - I have played put more into it than my save file says. Most of my gameplay yesterday was spent restarting repeatedly so me and 1 other person could have all 3 starters with decent natures immediately. That took so many hours. -_-

I got my first ever (literally - I never had one in previous games) shiny today though. It had to be a stupid Yungoos, but I had to catch it anyway because it was a shiny. I wasn't even looking for it either. It just decided to show up on my way out of the cave where the first trial is.
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I'm in need of a water type for my team. Any suggestions?
What's your team? If you're vulnerable to Fairy, Mareanie with Merciless, Toxic, (Baneful Bunker when it evolves) and Venoshock might help. Just EV train its Sp. Attack for better results.

Gosh, that Hau battle at Ula'ula was quite tough. But it only took me one try. The Llima one was harder, though.
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I'm in need of a water type for my team. Any suggestions?
What's your team? If you're vulnerable to Fairy, Mareanie with Merciless might help.

Gosh, that Hau battle at Ula'ula was quite tough. But it only took me one try. The Llima one was harder, though.
What's your team? If you're vulnerable to Fairy, Mareanie with Merciless might help.

I don't know how to find the whole team roster picture thing, but I have Decidueye, Arcanine, Lycanroc, Pichu (Raichu eventually), Grimer, and Drifblim. Looking to replace the latter two, especially Drifblim since I have a Ghost now.

I need something I can find easily since I'm not very patient when it comes to hunting. I wouldn't mind trading but I don't really have anything worth trading so...
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Uh, if anyone wants to help me evolve my boldore.... and needs any help with theirs, just shoot me a VM? ;) more than happy to help

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I got a mareanie too... but its merciless mwah hahahaha
my ribombee is also the cutest most favorite thing ever

anyone got time to trade my boldore to evolve? it just finished off the totem lurantis and it deserves it lol
So what's with every route having a "master" trainer that asks you to defeat every other trainer on the route? Is there some reward for defeating all these trainers or is it just a time waster?
So what's with every route having a "master" trainer that asks you to defeat every other trainer on the route? Is there some reward for defeating all these trainers or is it just a time waster?

There's a reward generally. The guy on route 3, for example, gave me a Red Card item. If you have a Pokemon in a battle holding it, when an enemy Pokemon attacks you it forces it to get changed out immediately afterward.
So totem mimikyuu is insane. It one shot every party member besides primarina. My lowest party member was still 5 levels higher and I thought that was enough to breeze through it, guess not. I had to keep spamming potions every turn on primarina until it ran out of PP on play rough. That's the closest I've been to losing a battle in the game thus far.
I'm in need of a water type for my team. Any suggestions?

Slowbro, Wishiwashi, Toxapex, Milotic, Golisopod, and Lapras are some of my fav water Pokemon that are in the Alola Dex. Not sure how good they are competitively, but the main game of Pokemon usually isn't too hard (granted it's harder in S&M but I haven't found it to be too hard), so any of them should be able to push you through the game SL.

Tapu Fini looks cute but I think they're a late game (possibly post game) Pokemon so they're probably out of the question lol.
About to challenge the Kahuna of Akala Island. My team is around the 22-27 range, and consists of Torracat, Pikachu, Morelull, and Crabrawler. Still looking for a Mareanie and Sandygast to fill the last two slots.