Pokémon Pokemon Sun and Moon General Discussion

Yay! My UK copies literally just arrived!!!! :D Gonna get my 3DS sorted so that I have no chance of going online with them until tomorrow and then play for a while! They arrived in time for the Pokemon Festival in London too! :D
I tried that, didn't work. Took out the decoy but when I switch, they attack who I switch in putting me in the yellow/red. Then they're faster so if I don't heal I die. And then I keep healing until critical and then I lose.

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Thunder Wave doesn't slow down anymore. ;-;

Find a Wishiwashi with a beneficial nature in Attack, then teach it Beat Up at level 33. The first hit from Beat Up will break Disguise (tried it myself and it works), and if you have a full party you get a full five more hits that will hurt it in that same turn. Wishiwashi has a poor HP and Speed stat, but every other stat is absolutely monstrous. We use Beat Up instead of other multi-strike moves because it has a 100% accuracy and is always guaranteed to hit 6 times as long as you have a full party.

Always bring out Wishiwashi on the first turn to avoid Hypnosis support from summoned Pok?mon. Gear Grind is another option if you want STAB super effective hits, but it has a 85% accuracy and only hits twice with 50 base power each. You can find level 8 Klink through Melemele Island scans on Tuesday, and it learns Gear Grind at level 16.

Each hit from a multi-strike move also has a chance of being a critical hit, so quickly max your Pok?mon's affection with Rainbow Beans (you only need two or three of them to completely max out affection I think). Something very important to note, is that leveling up your Pok?mon through Festival Plaza will not give you the option to learn any moves. Learned this the hard way when leveling Steenee and couldn't evolve it because I wasn't given the option to learn Stomp at 29. :/
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lol when you get to the berry fields and the team skull grunt is like "I already have self-esteem issues, man!". Also, the berry man's house full of Delibirds is too cute.
I finally got Espeon. It took a while, but I managed to get it.

Even if I aim to collect them all, I'm interested into making my team primarily psychic, water, and ice Pokemon.
Anyone near that snow area with the rocks needed for evolving certain Pokemon? I would like some help evolving my Crabrawler, that's way too long to wait to have him evolve :/
Back to farming Carbink and Sableye. This will be the longest battle of my life lol, if I don't run out of PP and such. I want that shiny Sableye. I wanna catch it in a Nest ball, since they both have yellow and green themes. I won't be happy if I get a shiny Carbink, but I won't be disappointed either. At least my Dive Balls will sort of match the color scheme of Shiny Carbink. Plus Carbink is rock and fairy, and it is kind of cute... I just want a shiny :l

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Most shiny pokemon look better than the norm >>

Don't judge me.
I'm at the pokemon league portion in the game, but I feel I need to train my pokemon more.

My squad so far is, Primarina, Nebby, Sylveon, Arcanine, Phantump, & Lurantis. All above 50, only Primarina is lvl 64 though, the rest is mid to late 50's. But they struggle a bit fighting. I dread training though, but I will do it lol

I really love the play style of this game, it's so much more fun this way! I hope they make the new games like this as well! This has brought my love for pokemon back !
I'm at the pokemon league portion in the game, but I feel I need to train my pokemon more.

My squad so far is, Primarina, Nebby, Sylveon, Arcanine, Phantump, & Lurantis. All above 50, only Primarina is lvl 64 though, the rest is mid to late 50's. But they struggle a bit fighting. I dread training though, but I will do it lol

I really love the play style of this game, it's so much more fun this way! I hope they make the new games like this as well! This has brought my love for pokemon back !
It takes a long time to find these zygarde cells...especially since some you can only find at daytime
I'm at the pokemon league portion in the game, but I feel I need to train my pokemon more.

My squad so far is, Primarina, Nebby, Sylveon, Arcanine, Phantump, & Lurantis. All above 50, only Primarina is lvl 64 though, the rest is mid to late 50's. But they struggle a bit fighting. I dread training though, but I will do it lol

I really love the play style of this game, it's so much more fun this way! I hope they make the new games like this as well! This has brought my love for pokemon back !

You can get Nebby?! AAAAA, that is so exciting! <3
For anyone one who want to know thought is spoiler if you want to do it yourself and you don't want to be spoiler It's story
"Nebby" evolve into the second evolution and you must find the moon flute if your playing moon and sun flute if your playing sun. Then with that you must go to the canyon in poni island
Pass the last trial and right after that you see a cutscene and nebby transform to lunala or salgaleo (depending if your versions) and will take you to the ultra beast location and fight lusamine and right after that cutscene you can catch lunala

But cosmog?

Pass the main story go to the altar of where you played the flute at 6pm (your time) and you will go to the version of the other game
Moon goes to sun and sun goes to moon

Now find the lake altar (close to po town it's in the right when you finish the red meadow) go there and have your legendary and a cutscene will appear between the 2 legendary and you get cosmog
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Just beat the league a few hours ago and right now I'm catching some of the "legendaries".

I really love the Ultra Beasts. Right now I am SR'ing for a Calm or Timid Nihilego. I also really like the UB battle theme. It really captures the essence of what they are incredibly well (it also reminds me of Terraria's OST a bit). Extremely bummed out that they are shiny locked though, especially since multiple UBs of the same kind exist in the same universe.
Wow, so the last trainer you face on subsequent Elite Four rematches can be anyone from a pool of challengers, coming to attempt to take the Champion title away from you. Nice! I really hope they keep this in future Pokemon games!