Male Villager for Mario Kart on Switch 2!
I'm gonna try for my level first, then save. If i'm wrong. I'll grind again.I'd recommend 38-40 for the Ghost trial. Boss is 33 and my lv 40 Lycanroc barely survived.
I'm gonna try for my level first, then save. If i'm wrong. I'll grind again.I'd recommend 38-40 for the Ghost trial. Boss is 33 and my lv 40 Lycanroc barely survived.
Is this game relatively challenging? Or easy as X/Y?
Glad to see someone is right next to where I need to go. Right now, i'm training my entire team to Lv. 33. (Dartrix to Lv. 34) Once i'm done that, i'll take on the Ghost trial.
I killed it in a few turns without any problem, really. Somehow, the Castform was the problem...My team is 32-40 right now, kinda just breezing through this Route's trainers atm.
The only trouble I've had in the game so far is the Lush Jungle Trial. The Totem Pokemon kept healing and it was aggravating. Just outlasted it and waited for it's PP to run out before I could kill it.
Was buying ethers in the past not a thing? I feel like it was, and I'm mad that I can't buy ether anywhere.
Either I missed something, or Super Potions got buffed. They restore 60 HP instead of 50 HP now.
Was buying ethers in the past not a thing? I feel like it was, and I'm mad that I can't buy ether anywhere.
Others are saying its challenging. I'm taking it like its X and Y. And i'm not even using EXP share! Lol.
- - - Post Merge - - -
So I guess it depends on how good you are in this game.
Well then. I have a team full of Alola Pokemon, and its a team (So far) that can counter anything. I'm not sure if I advance on, but its all good.I use exp. share, battle every trainer, grind a bit, and it has been quite challenging for me. I've gotten through all the content first try, but it has been very tough at times. There are many more battles in this game compared to previous iterations. Battle Gladion, battle Guzma, battle legendary, battle random NPC, it's been "boss fights" all over the place sometimes only seconds or minutes apart. That's well different to other Pokemon games where it was for the most part just occasional battle rival, and battle team aqua/plasma/rocket admin when you were infiltrating their base, and rarely battle some other major character (such as Zinnia).
Certainly not as tough as the (old) ruby and sapphire games, or heartgold and soulsilver, but harder than X and Y and ORAS definitely.
The biggest issue is that if you go for a team with new Alolan pokemon, you get outsped by everything from previous generations. I heard the new pokemon were all slow and they are not kidding.
Alright. All my Pokemon are leveled up. Wish me luck!