Pokémon Pokemon Sun and Moon General Discussion

Is this game relatively challenging? Or easy as X/Y?

Yeah, I think it really varies on the game and person. I did really well in most of the previous games. The only trouble I ever had in Fire Red was the league. But half of this game has been a real challenge for me, and I've blown through other parts...
Glad to see someone is right next to where I need to go. Right now, i'm training my entire team to Lv. 33. (Dartrix to Lv. 34) Once i'm done that, i'll take on the Ghost trial.

My team is 32-40 right now, kinda just breezing through this Route's trainers atm.

The only trouble I've had in the game so far is the Lush Jungle Trial. The Totem Pokemon kept healing and it was aggravating. Just outlasted it and waited for it's PP to run out before I could kill it.
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My team is 32-40 right now, kinda just breezing through this Route's trainers atm.

The only trouble I've had in the game so far is the Lush Jungle Trial. The Totem Pokemon kept healing and it was aggravating. Just outlasted it and waited for it's PP to run out before I could kill it.
I killed it in a few turns without any problem, really. Somehow, the Castform was the problem...
Either I missed something, or Super Potions got buffed. They restore 60 HP instead of 50 HP now.
Was buying ethers in the past not a thing? I feel like it was, and I'm mad that I can't buy ether anywhere.
Was buying ethers in the past not a thing? I feel like it was, and I'm mad that I can't buy ether anywhere.

I *think* you could buy plain Ethers at the Pokemon League Pokemart in one of the older games....like Ruby/Sapphire or HG/SS.
I'm probably mistaken but I seem to remember buying a few.
Either I missed something, or Super Potions got buffed. They restore 60 HP instead of 50 HP now.

Yeah I was surprised they decided to buff them. Really helpful actually.

Was buying ethers in the past not a thing? I feel like it was, and I'm mad that I can't buy ether anywhere.

Ethers and Elixers were never up for purchase (afaik). Maybe you're thinking of stat boosters like Proteins and Irons? I don't think I've ever really had to use any Ethers or Elixers.
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Others are saying its challenging. I'm taking it like its X and Y. And i'm not even using EXP share! Lol.

- - - Post Merge - - -

So I guess it depends on how good you are in this game.

I use exp. share, battle every trainer, grind a bit, and it has been quite challenging for me. I've gotten through all the content first try, but it has been very tough at times. There are many more battles in this game compared to previous iterations. Battle Gladion, battle Guzma, battle legendary, battle random NPC, it's been "boss fights" all over the place sometimes only seconds or minutes apart. That's well different to other Pokemon games where it was for the most part just occasional battle rival, and battle team aqua/plasma/rocket admin when you were infiltrating their base, and rarely battle some other major character (such as Zinnia).

Certainly not as tough as the (old) ruby and sapphire games, or heartgold and soulsilver, but harder than X and Y and ORAS definitely.

The biggest issue is that if you go for a team with new Alolan pokemon, you get outsped by everything from previous generations. I heard the new pokemon were all slow and they are not kidding.
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I use exp. share, battle every trainer, grind a bit, and it has been quite challenging for me. I've gotten through all the content first try, but it has been very tough at times. There are many more battles in this game compared to previous iterations. Battle Gladion, battle Guzma, battle legendary, battle random NPC, it's been "boss fights" all over the place sometimes only seconds or minutes apart. That's well different to other Pokemon games where it was for the most part just occasional battle rival, and battle team aqua/plasma/rocket admin when you were infiltrating their base, and rarely battle some other major character (such as Zinnia).

Certainly not as tough as the (old) ruby and sapphire games, or heartgold and soulsilver, but harder than X and Y and ORAS definitely.

The biggest issue is that if you go for a team with new Alolan pokemon, you get outsped by everything from previous generations. I heard the new pokemon were all slow and they are not kidding.
Well then. I have a team full of Alola Pokemon, and its a team (So far) that can counter anything. I'm not sure if I advance on, but its all good.
I'm using:

Alola Raichu

Randomly chosen before the game launched, working so far. Haven't had much opportunity to use Sandygast or Mareanie yet. They are a little behind on levels anyway, got the both of them last. The other four I had for awhile beforehand.

Alola Raichu has some surprising coverage with Psychic, Spark, and Brick Break. Going to replace Spark with Thunderbolt when I can get the TM.

Shiinotic is quite tanky with Ingrain, Moonlight,and Mega/Giga Drain. Going to replace Mega Drain with another Fairy move down the line.

Incineroar currently knows Bite, Ember, Fire Fang, and Darkest Lariat. I'm not sure how I want to raise him from here move-wise, I even thought about replacing him entirely. Need some ideas for replacements though.

Sandygast has Psychic (TM taught), Rock Tomb, Bulldoze, and Mega Drain. Will replace Rock Tomb with something later, not sure if I'll keep Mega Drain yet, so it might get replaced too.

Crabominable is a powerhouse. By far the highest ATK of my entire team, even higher than Incineroar. Gave it Work-up, along with it's learned Power-Up Punch, Ice Punch, and Ice Hammer. Thing hits like a friggin' truck!

Mareanie has Merciless ability, so Toxic and Venoshock are it's bread and butter. It also has Peck and Bite, which will probably be replaced later on.
Ok, so now I'm in need of serious levelling advice. I completed the game with my level 50-55 team. Everywhere I seem to go in the post game is blocked by level 60-65+ trainers with a full team of pokemon. Can't even return to several places I've already been because there is some cutscene with some NPC that forces me to fight them.

And thus the difficulty really begins. The blackout screen is the same as previous games for anyone who wondered.
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So I'm looking to round out my team, any suggestions? currently I'm planning on keeping

Kommo-o (once I can get one)

I really like the steel type, but at a loss for who else to add, I don't like repeating types too much but if it has different weaknesses I'm usually cool with it
My current team is pretty solid.


Having so many single-types annoys me though, I like having all kinds to choose from. Unfortunately there aren't very many good dual water types to choose from. I like Vaporeon but that poison one might work better later on. I really don't want to have to use Greninja though... ew.

I've just been randomly carrying around a Drifloon since that one lady asked to see one. Then it evolved and I just carry it with me for team space, plus it has high HP which is always a bonus.
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For me it's kinda funny people are taking from the other Gen you see for their team
And I'm just only focused on the alolan
Because as soon as I make pokebank work
I'm gonna trade everyone from y to moon and they stay in moon
As for y... sorry game it is time to abandon you
Not sure If I should leave my shiny there or bring them :/
Everyone is posting their team. I've already did mine a few days ago, but here it is again.


Decidueye is a good one against Bugs, Water and Ghost types. Though, its a mixed attacker, it's mostly learning Physical moves.
I haven't evolved Alolan Raichu yet, but it'll hit hard once it does.
Toxapex is great! I toxic them foes then Venoshock (Or Scald) them to death.
Mudsdale is quite tanky, thanks to its ability Stamina. And it can crush bugs with Rock Tomb. (Replacing with Rock Slide once I get Sharpedo Jet)
Bewear is tanky too. With its high HP and Fluffy ability, it can survive almost anything! Although, it doubles damage from fire type, so you could say its weak to fire. And since its weak to fire, it now has 5 weaknesses. (Its weak to Fighting, its half Normal type)
And finally, Comfey seems to take care of stuff with it learning Growth, Draining Kiss and Magical Leaf. (I may keep those moves) Whats also great is that I can make it hold the item Big Root, so Draining Kiss can get more HP stolen. It doesn't have the ability Triage, but its still cool nonetheless.

My team is pretty great.
I'm just using the ones I like on my team. Right now I have Decidueye, Ribombee, Tsareena, Mimikyu, and Lunala (which replaced Wishiwashi). I had a Toucannon but I plan on replacing it with this Naive Pherosma once I get around to EV training her. Lot of weaknesses to Ghost and Dark as well as no coverage for Steel or Fairy in that team... but I haven't lost a single battle yet so I'm not concerned about balancing it.