Pokémon Pokemon Sun and Moon General Discussion

I'm not a fan of Dartrix, but if his last evolution is similar to the one in those sketches a while back, I'll still pick Rowlet.
Coro Coro is leaking, so far only leaked Alolan grimer will update when I'm on my laptop

"The first images from CoroCoro have leaked and have revealed the latest news on Sun & Moon. As always, do note that translations are preliminary while we work on them. In the first image, we see Alolan Grimer, which appears to be a Poison/Dark-type.
10:20: From the same source, but currently without pictures so it's unconfirmed, Jangmo-o's evolution is in the magazine, and is Dragon/Fighting-type, and that Type: Null changes type based on items it holds, and that it evolves into a Pok?mon called Shiruvuadi (シルヴァディ). We'll bring confirmation of this as and when it comes so keep checking back."

From the same source, but currently without pictures so it's unconfirmed, Jangmo-o's evolution is in the magazine, and is Dragon/Fighting-type, and that Type: Null changes type based on items it holds, and that it evolves into a Pok?mon called Shiruvuadi (シルヴァディ). We'll bring confirmation of this as and when it comes so keep checking back."

Serebii updated the text:

"From the same source, but currently without pictures so it's unconfirmed, Jangmo-o's evolution is in
the magazine, and is Dragon/Fighting-type, and that Type: Null it evolves into a Pok?mon called
Shiruvadi (シルヴァディ) and that either Null or its evolution change type based on items it holds.

We'll bring confirmation of this as and when it comes so keep checking back."

Edi.: Other Update:

"The same source says that Shiruvadi has got the ability "AR System" which changes its type based on the hold item"
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12:50: The same source says that Shiruvadi has got the ability "AR System" which changes its type based on the hold item.
14:06: The same source also says that Jangmo-o's full evolution line is in CoroCoro. Its evolution is known in Japan as Jarango and Jarango then evoles into Jararango. Once again, this remains unconfirmed until images surface.

Well we've never had a dragon/fighting before but that name... Jararango... real original..
Well we've never had a dragon/fighting before but that name... Jararango... real original..

That's it's Japanese name and stuff like that often happens with the Japanese names of Pokemon evolutions, so I don't really see a problem with it unless they keep the name in English.
That's it's Japanese name and stuff like that often happens with the Japanese names of Pokemon evolutions, so I don't really see a problem with it unless they keep the name in English.

Same. Its pretty evident that the Jangmo-o line is the pseudo legendary of the region and I like it!
I'm honestly hyped for this! If I'll be short on budget this November, I would pick Pokemon Sun over buying Harvest Moon: Skytree Village and Yo-Kai Watch: Bony Spirits. The locations in Alola are so amazing and comfy, it makes me so excited!
My brother has given me my old 3DS back (I missed my bby) and I'm going to change the region on it to Australia (it is a PAL console so apparently I can do that) so I can download Moon on the 18th (Or the 17th in the UK) :p My brother also owed me for a birthday present so he's paying for it! A little part of me feels naughty for doing this but oh well :3 It will mean I can use all 3 starters, 1 on Aus Moon and the other 2 on my UK Sun and Moon.

I will try not to play it too much so that my UK Sun will still be my main game, I will be working the few days after Aus release which will help. I also may breed some later game Pokemon and exclusive for me to use from the start in my UK Sun, since my UK Moon will be a copy more for challenges and I probably won't start playing that until I have beat the Elite Four (or the Alola equivalent)
My brother has given me my old 3DS back (I missed my bby) and I'm going to change the region on it to Australia (it is a PAL console so apparently I can do that) so I can download Moon on the 18th (Or the 17th in the UK) :p My brother also owed me for a birthday present so he's paying for it! A little part of me feels naughty for doing this but oh well :3 It will mean I can use all 3 starters, 1 on Aus Moon and the other 2 on my UK Sun and Moon.

I will try not to play it too much so that my UK Sun will still be my main game, I will be working the few days after Aus release which will help. I also may breed some later game Pokemon and exclusive for me to use from the start in my UK Sun, since my UK Moon will be a copy more for challenges and I probably won't start playing that until I have beat the Elite Four (or the Alola equivalent)

Doesnt Sun and Moon come out on the 23rd in Australia like the rest of the PAL region?
Alolan Grimer looks cool! Every Alolan pokemon seems to be getting a dark type form though.