how did this happen
how did this happen
how did this happen
how did this happen
So I played the demo and, something tells me not everyone has the same one. Since mine has morning as night time while a friend of mine has it normally.
I never downloaded and demo before and my friend is insisting that I do, and I probably will, but I'm just wondering what happens to the demo when everyone gets the actual game. Do we just delete it, or what happens?
Besides the god awful Alola forms, some of them look very impressive! That one Pokemon after Magearna though YESSSS <3
Also the water spider, wimpods and sandalits evo, and the one leaked on the pokemon tcg all look awesome! :3
my badSPOILER plz!!!
The hype is getting real. I just hope there's a significant end game something or other that gives me something to do well after I've completed the story. ORAS had like nothing to do except for bases and the battle island, but I'm sure Sun & Moon has that covered. I'd rather not spend three days playing non-stop then getting bored and putting it down once I'm through the main stuff.
Pokemon news tomorrow!
Some people are saying that the sprites data mined from the demo were nothing but a red herring. I guess tomorrow we'll get confirmation on whether or not they turn out being real Pok?mon - chances are they are real because I see no reason for Game Freak to waste time and resources into doing such a thing.