Thanks for sharing your teams, everyone. I saw a lot of my favorite Pok?mon listed, and that's always nice. I don't have access to my laptop at the moment, so entries will be updated tomorrow.
I wanted to get today's entry method out though so without further ado, here it is!
What is your favorite Pok?mon game and why do you enjoy it so much? Post your answer in this thread to earn one entry point! I'm looking forward to seeing all of your favorites!
It's odd, because Generation VI is notoriously lacking in challenge and has barely any postgame to speak of. That said, it gave me a lot of things that I quite enjoy:
- Primarily, the streamlining of the breeding process. The Destiny Knot being used to pass down perfect stats made breeding teams so much easier, and as a shiny hunter who uses the Masuda Method, it made hatching competitively viable shiny Pokemon achievable.
- Trainer Customization
- Lysandre. Team Flare is a goofy lot and their organization is pretty dumb, but Lysandre's goal is the most interesting to me when compared to every other villainous team in the series.
- Super Training
- Chain Fishing
- Mega Evolution
- Kalos Pokemon, especially Gourgeist, Hawlucha, Malamar, and Trevenant.
While I dearly love Johto and Unova, I am easily swayed by the advancements made over the years. If I were able to breed competitively viable Pokemon in HGSS or B2W2 with the ease possible in Gen 6 and onward, or if ORAS allowed us to change clothes and haircuts, they'd be contenders. Especially ORAS, since it expanded Mega Evolution and allowed us use of Hoopa Unbound.
I've been playing since R/B/Y for information's sake.
Pokemon Sun, the storyline is great and the island challenges are challenging, especially, Lurantis....... I love the new pokemon so much and their artwork design is really great.
Diamond. I like it because I just randomly came across my classmate playing the game in school when I was about 8 years old, and me being obsessed with the GBA Pokemon games, knew I had to get my hands on the game. I still remember entering Jubilife City and it was pure bliss seeing new Pokemon like Bidoof and Starly.
Because my brother played the Gen 1 and 2 and we'll I wanted to try them when I grew a bit so did and we'll wanted my game ever since so Gen 3 came out and a present for my birthday I got ruby <3 I couldn't stop playing it loved everything so much the color well more nicer the design were getting better just in general that Gen 3 was the start for better things
Plus groudon was my favorite from the start and also team magna it's my favorite team
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Oh also its where I finally found my ultimate favorite
My favorite Pok?mon game is actually Yellow! It was the second game I ever got for my Gameboy Color and Pikachu was so adorable! I loved that he followed me around outside of the pokeball like he did in the anime! I also loved all of the little pictures of him that you would get if you spoke to him! It was so fun seeing him grow to love me! <3
Soul Silver is my absolute favorite :-D I enjoyed that game a lot, and I think it's cute when your Pok?mon follow you! Pok?mon Diamond and Platinum also hold special places in my heart <3
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I wish I could replay those games, but I don't want to delete my files X3 I already made that mistake in Diamond..