Pokemon Sun/Moon Giveaway! (WE JAV A WINNER!)

A little over an hour left to make your selection! New entry method will be unveiled as well!
Thanks for your participation in Saturday's event everyone!
If you selected Ball #1 or #3, you have successfully earned two entry points!
Ball #2 was the stinker, but you still get an entry point if you selected it!

Without further ado, here is the next entry method!

We're keeping it pretty simple today, folks!
Simply "Like" this post to gain an entry point!

But there's a little bonus to it!
If 20 Likes are acheived, then everyone who liked it will gain two entry points instead of one!
This will continue for every 10 Likes (30 Likes = 3 entry points earned, and so on! I don't think we'll get that high, but it needed to be said!)
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Are we going tto comment if we like the post?

Nah bud. I can see the Likes if I click the icon or look on my profile. Feel free to bump this thing up though every 4 hours if no one hasn't already(and that goes for everyone if I'm not able to get to it please and thank you !!)
Thanks for your participation in Saturday's event everyone!
If you selected Ball #1 or #3, you have successfully earned two entry points!
Ball #2 was the stinker, but you still get an entry point if you selected it!

Without further ado, here is the next entry method!

We're keeping it pretty simple today, folks!
Simply "Like" this post to gain an entry point!

But there's a little bonus to it!
If 20 Likes are acheived, then everyone who liked it will gain two entry points instead of one!
This will continue for every 10 Likes (30 Likes = 3 entry points earned, and so on! I don't think we'll get that high, but it needed to be said!)
Everyone like this post!
Thanks for your participation in Saturday's event everyone!
If you selected Ball #1 or #3, you have successfully earned two entry points!
Ball #2 was the stinker, but you still get an entry point if you selected it!

Without further ado, here is the next entry method!

We're keeping it pretty simple today, folks!
Simply "Like" this post to gain an entry point!

But there's a little bonus to it!
If 20 Likes are acheived, then everyone who liked it will gain two entry points instead of one!
This will continue for every 10 Likes (30 Likes = 3 entry points earned, and so on! I don't think we'll get that high, but it needed to be said!)

Please people like this post :)
Shame we didn't get to atleast 20 likes for Sunday's entry method, but everyone who participated gained an easy entry point!

Here is today's entry method!(And a bit early, too!)

Post your team in this thread! It could be a past team, a current team, a dream team, or just a collection of six of your favorites! Anyone who participates in today's challenge will gain two entry points!


**Also, side note, you don't have to post them in picture form. Text works just as well! :)**
Anyone ever think if Pok?mon were real what would be your champion team? So not a competitive in game team, but more akin to the anime with more like strategies with moves than typing and stats? Mine changes too much... I'd post it but I don't want to win the giveaway. Good on ya Jav for hosting this and have a happy holidays!
Well I always have lots of teams but I based them around gens not by favorite but for this one IL just put my 6 top favorite from each gen to be 1 team

Nidoqueen from Gen 1
Flygon <3 from Gen 3
Togekiss from Gen 4
Zebstrika from Gen 5
Malamar from Gen 6
Decidueye from Gen 7

Sorry Gen 2 I still like you
(P.s. I'm gonna edited soon with pictures I'm just lazy now)
My Team:

Pokemon Sun

Primarina - Moana
Tsareena - Bouncee
Alolan Ninetales - Todoroki
Alolan Raichu - Pancake
Arcanine - Maui
Solgaleo - Nebby
Team from AS:
Aegislash (love you baby)
Rattata (yes)