Pokémon Pokemon Trading Center

Ok this one is a bit of a stretch, a bit of a head scratcher since it's not a Pokemon...but it IS a trade request so here goes:

To anyone who still plays Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon. Do you still have your Heavy Ball? Did you transfer a Pokemon in from Gen 2 VC and get the second Heavy Ball? Do you not plan to use your Heavy Ball(s) at all? Could you trade them to me? The Pokemon holding the Heavy Ball(s) can be a throwaway Pokemon, since I'm not looking for a Pokemon.

Also, any takers who want to do this trade, please PM me. I don't tend to notice responses when people quote me, so I'm more likely to set this trade up if you get my attention directly lol. Thanks in advance.
I’m looking for legit, proofed SUM2014 (Pokeball) Vivillon and GTS (Fancy) Vivillon I’ll pay 250 TBT for each
Will someone trade me a grow lithe? any will do thanks

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Hi all! I have been looking for a togepi/togetic/togekiss with super luck hidden ability, and a ditto with imposter hidden ability. Perfect IVs would definitely be a plus. I have a perfect IV larvitar I could trade for example or a bunch of other pokemon with 4 or 5 perfect IVs and/or hidden abilities. DM me if interested!
Oh wow this is an old thread! Started all the way back in 2009! That's impressive! :v

I'm gonna have to get Sword at some point because my bro got pokemon home and transferred all of his pokemon to it forgetting he was holding onto my Pearl pokemon from my first playthrough too. So when I get it he's gonna give me all of my first Pokemon game babies back to have in Sword!

I'm rambling sorry. My whole point is that I need to subscribe to this for when I get Sword. Sorry just how old this thread is amazed me to much. <:3
FT: Shiny Kantonian Weezing, Shiny Kantonian Mr. Mime
LF: Shiny Galarian Weezing, Shiny Galarian Mr. Mime/Shiny Mr. Rime
Does anyone have a Zacian that I could either Touch-Trade or actually trade for? I tried Pokemon Home, and everyone keeps asking for Phione EVEN THOUGH MYTHICALS AND SPECIAL MONS AREN'T ALLOWED TO BE TRADED (wondering how long it will take them all to figure that out).
Still looking to trade my evtn shiny Solgaleo for an event shiny Lunala! Gen7 or 8!
Looking to borrow a nagandel. Just need it for the living dex of pokemon home.