Hi everyone! Hoping to find the last few Pokémon I need to complete my Pokédex, I am looking to trade the following:

I am usually available after 6pm French time (CET).
- My Slowpoke holding a King’s Rock, for the same or a Slowking.
- My Scyther holding a Metal Coat, for the same or a Scizor.
- The Miraidon I caught in the Area Zero, for a Koraidon (if you want to keep your second Koraidon and just want the Miraidon dex entry, I am happy to trade it back for the Miraidon
- My Iron Thorns (or any other Paradox Pokémon from the future you need, but you will have to give me a moment to go catch what you want
) for a Sandy Shocks.
- A Fuecoco or Sprigatito that I got from eggs, for a Quaxly.
I am usually available after 6pm French time (CET).