legendary egg
any kind soul want to help me complete the paldea pokedex?
I have the kitakami completed and I need like 100-200 more for the main dex i think? you dont have to help with all 100+ mons just whatever you want/can, i can do touch trades for all of them, or trade for version exclusives or i would even be willing to breed you a 4-6IV mon of your choice or EV train something for you or whatever. im sure we could work something out. lmk
I have the kitakami completed and I need like 100-200 more for the main dex i think? you dont have to help with all 100+ mons just whatever you want/can, i can do touch trades for all of them, or trade for version exclusives or i would even be willing to breed you a 4-6IV mon of your choice or EV train something for you or whatever. im sure we could work something out. lmk
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would you be interested in a shiny spoink i randomly came across the other day? its low level, i think like 15. if so, i would like to trade for your shiny drifblim pls. no worries if not!seeking shiny trades (Scarlet/Violet)
for now, i can offer shiny
Drifblim, Medicham
PINK SHINIESwhat do you want for yours?
collecting pinkmons, especially Furret, Drowzee/Hypno, Heracross, Toxapex
(currently have Oinkalong, Pachirisu, Dragonair)