It's people like this that make those of us who have fishing chained shines feel bad. Personally, I don't see why they should be worth less just because they're easier to obtain. PokeRadar shinies are just as easy to get if you know how to use the radar, so why aren't they just as valueless then, hm?
chain fished shinys can be gotten within like an hour. Anyone can obtain them, thus making them more common (like if you want a shiny all you gotta do is go chain fishing, and you're gonna get a shiny fish - I believe there is 37). Thus there being 37 shiny Pokemon
anyone can get (excluding version exclusive skrelp/clauncher & staryu/shellder). Think about that from an economic point of view...
As something becomes more common, it's price goes down - and that's the whole point.
And pokeradar chaining is completely different to chain fishing...
You're whole two points from your post;
1) Personally, I don't see why they should be worth less just because they're easier to obtain.
Like I said, look at that from an economical point of view. If there were more than one Mona Lisa's painted, all being legit copies it's not going to be as expensive because it's not as rare (i'm sure there are better examples but I just can't think of them). As production goes up, prices goes down. Just like in AC - the economy suffers because of duping - money is easier to get, and prices go down as they've got lesser value (just like how the 7-11 set went for around 30MIL before duping, then once duping was discovered, you're lucky to sell it for 7MIL)
2) PokeRadar shinies are just as easy to get if you know how to use the radar, so why aren't they just as valueless then, hm?
There's a huge ass difference between pokeradar chaining and fishing chaining.
a) you have to learn how to use the pokeradar (where as you don't really need to learn how to chain fish because it's literally stay in the same place, and throw your line in)
b) you have to spend so much money on repels
c) your chain if much more likely to break than during a fishing chain
You pretty much answered your own questions by saying "once you know how to use it" - that's the whole point. The difference between people who can chain fish and use the pokeradar is immense. So many people can chain fish, not many people can pokeradar chain. Thus making Pokeradar shiny's much more difficult to get, increasing their value.
If the pokeradar became just as easy as chain fishing, pokeradar shiny's would become of lesser value, because like i said, as production goes up, value goes down.
You don't have to agree/understand, but that's how the economy works, and whether or not you like it, that's how the majority of members (including myself) are going to be - because if I wanted a chain fished shiny, it's so much easier for me to just go out and get one myself, than trading something for one which I spent hours looking for.
shiny bunnelby, but, by your logic, it's still worth more than a fish shiny because it's caught on land; rather than in water. So, it's totally worth your krabby.
I can trade what I want for what I want. I didn't say shiny bunelby was worth lesser value, I just said it was ugly.