Pokémon Pokemon Trading Center

Anyone have an Eevee with Wish? Don't care what its IVs, nature, gender. I'll give
4 31 IV Timid Snorunt with Spikes
4 31 IV Larvitar with Assurance, Stealth Rock, Dragon Dance, Pursuit
5 31 IV Jolly Gible with Iron Head
Looking to trade some of my leftovers before I send them to WT.

4-5IV Calm White Flabebe
4IV Bold Eevee with Wish & Yawn
4IV Adamant Intimidate Mawile with Fire Fang/Thunder Fang/Ice Fang & Misty Terrain
4IV Jolly Pure Power Meditite with Bullet Punch, Drain Punch, Fake Out & Psycho Cut
4IV Careful Larvitar with Stealth Rock, Pursuit & Dragon Dance
4IV Adamant Skill Link Shellder with Icicle Spear and Rock Blast
4IV Relaxed Sturdy Pineco with Stealth Rock
4IV Jolly Rough Skin Gible with Outrage, Iron Tail & Iron Head
4IV Timid Noibat with Switcheroo
4IV Adamant Bunnelby with Huge Power
4IV Jolly Shroomish with Bullet Seed
4IV Brave Honedge
4IV Timid Gastly with Disable
4IV Adamant Beldum

I'm mostly interested in other Pokemon with similar IVs or good egg moves. If you have something with 5 perfects in the right places, I'll gladly trade you two or more Pokemon from my list.
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Still looking for Hidden Ability Pansage.

Nidoran (male and female) some with their own hidden ability
Joltik and Galvantula
Panpour with Torrent
Scraggy with intimidate

Must have hidden ability.
Looking to trade some of my leftovers before I send them to WT.

4-5IV Calm White Flabebe
4IV Bold Eevee with Wish & Yawn
4IV Adamant Intimidate Mawile with Fire Fang/Thunder Fang/Ice Fang & Misty Terrain
4IV Jolly Pure Power Meditite with Bullet Punch, Drain Punch, Fake Out & Psycho Cut
4IV Careful Larvitar with Stealth Rock, Pursuit & Dragon Dance
4IV Adamant Skill Link Shellder with Icicle Spear and Rock Blast
4IV Relaxed Sturdy Pineco with Stealth Rock
4IV Jolly Rough Skin Gible with Outrage, Iron Tail & Iron Head
4IV Timid Noibat with Switcheroo
4IV Adamant Bunnelby with Huge Power
4IV Jolly Shroomish with Bullet Seed
4IV Brave Honedge
4IV Timid Gastly with Disable
4IV Adamant Beldum

I'm mostly interested in other Pokemon with similar IVs or good egg moves. If you have something with 5 perfects in the right places, I'll gladly trade you two or more Pokemon from my list.

EDIT: nevermind.
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Willing to trade my shinies. I have:
Shiny wigglytuff
Shiny haxorus
Shiny breloom
Shiny ursaring
Shiny corsola
Shiny octillery

Looking for:
Shiny eevee
Shiny fennekin
Shiny charmander
Shiny honedge
Shiny spiritomb
Or shiny absol

Reply or pm if interested!!!
Is anyone willing to trade good Pokemon/Pokemon items for rare ACNL stuff like golden tools, sets, bells, regional unorderable DLC, etc? I'm a Pokemon n00b but I have EVERYTHING in ACNL to give.
Willing to trade my shinies. I have:
Shiny wigglytuff
Shiny haxorus
Shiny breloom
Shiny ursaring
Shiny corsola
Shiny octillery
Shiny hippopotas

Looking for:
Shiny eevee
Shiny fennekin
Shiny charmander
Shiny snorunt
Shiny honedge
Shiny spiritomb
Or shiny absol

Reply or pm if interested!!!
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For trade:
31/xx/31/31/31/31 Modest Magic Guard Abra Male
31/xx/31/31/31/31 Timid Gastly w/ Disable Female
31/xx/31/31/31/31 Timid Chlorophyll Bulbasaur Male (breeding some with Giga Drain)
31/xx/31/31/31/31 Modest Rain Dish Squirtle Male
31/31/31/xx/31/31 Adamant Quick Feet/Poison Heal Shroomish w/ Bullet Seed (M and F)
31/31/31/xx/31/31 Jolly Strong Jaw Tyrunt w/ Elemental Fangs (Fire, Thunder, Ice) and Dragon Dance
31/xx/31/31/31/31 Bold Regenerator Slowpoke
31/31/31/xx/31/31 Jolly Infiltrator Zubat w/ Brave Bird

Looking for other 5IV Pokemon with ideal IV spreads, natures, and abilities.

Don't Need:
Charmander, Togepi, Gible, Bagon, Noibat, Swinub, Dratini, Ferroseed, Ralts, Larvitar, Kangaskhan, and Honedge. I'll consider all offers though if any Pokemon seem interesting to work with! :)
Willing to trade my shinies. I have:
Shiny wigglytuff
Shiny haxorus
Shiny breloom
Shiny ursaring
Shiny corsola
Shiny octillery

Looking for:
Shiny eevee
Shiny fennekin
Shiny charmander
Shiny honedge
Shiny spiritomb
Or shiny absol

Reply or pm if interested!!!
I've got a bunch of HB eevee's available for trade if anyone wants them. Please make fair offers for them though.
(don't have any spare female HB eevee's at the moment, but I will post an update once I do(as the two I do have are spoken for already)

UPDATE: Female HB Eevee just hatched. One female is now available.
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I've got a bunch of HB eevee's available for trade if anyone wants them. Please make fair offers for them though.
(don't have any spare female HB eevee's at the moment, but I will post an update once I do(as the two I do have are spoken for already)

UPDATE: Female HB Eevee just hatched. One female is now available.

Are there any particular pokemon/items you're looking for?
I've got a bunch of HB eevee's available for trade if anyone wants them. Please make fair offers for them though.
(don't have any spare female HB eevee's at the moment, but I will post an update once I do(as the two I do have are spoken for already)

UPDATE: Female HB Eevee just hatched. One female is now available.
Do u have any shiny eevees? o_O
Are there any particular pokemon/items you're looking for?

Not really, just looking to trade these guys off before I eventually dump them into wonder trade.

Do u have any shiny eevees? o_O

That's what I'm currently breeding for. I'll be done breeding these guys once I net myself a shiny eevee. Bonus if he/she decides to have his/her HB as well, eh?
Not really, just looking to trade these guys off before I eventually dump them into wonder trade.

That's what I'm currently breeding for. I'll be done breeding these guys once I net myself a shiny eevee. Bonus if he/she decides to have his/her HB as well, eh?
