Pokémon Pokemon Trading Center

Sorry, if I end up with an extra shiny eevee during my breeding, I'll probably trade the extra then.
I've got a bunch of HB eevee's available for trade if anyone wants them. Please make fair offers for them though.
(don't have any spare female HB eevee's at the moment, but I will post an update once I do(as the two I do have are spoken for already)

UPDATE: Female HB Eevee just hatched. One female is now available.

I'd like one of your boys... I have no idea what to give, though. I recently got a Modest female Ralts in Wonder Trade that has Confusion, Shadow Sneak, Destiny Bond, and Memento. Would you like something like her? (Also, ability is Synchronize)
Edit: Breeded in Daycare, got a male. Female learned Confusion and replaced Encore.
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I wouldn't trade with K.K. Fanboy. If you reject his offer he'll send you abusive PM's


I just don't want any other members on this forum to be abused.
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I've got a bunch of HB eevee's available for trade if anyone wants them. Please make fair offers for them though.
(don't have any spare female HB eevee's at the moment, but I will post an update once I do(as the two I do have are spoken for already)

UPDATE: Female HB Eevee just hatched. One female is now available.

Hmm, I have horrible pokemon xD The only ones I can offer is either one of these for a female Eevee:

Lv 65 Female -Hydreigon w/ Hasty - Fly, body slam, flamethrower & dragon rush
Lv 68 Female - Vaporeon w/ Hasty - Ice beam, hydro pump, scald & muddy water
Lv 74 Female - Gardevoir w/ Naive (Trace ability) - Thunderbolt, dazzling gleam, psychic & future sight.
Lv1 Male - Togepi w/ Mild (Serene grace) - Growl & charm

These were all from GTS besides the Togepi xD
I also have Lucky Egg item if you like that o -o
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Hmm, I have horrible pokemon xD The only ones I can offer is either one of these for a female Eevee:

Lv 65 Female -Hydreigon w/ Hasty - Fly, body slam, flamethrower & dragon rush
Lv 68 Female - Vaporeon w/ Hasty - Ice beam, hydro pump, scald & muddy water
Lv 74 Female - Gardevoir w/ Naive (Trace ability) - Thunderbolt, dazzling gleam, psychic & future sight.
Lv1 Male - Togepi w/ Mild (Serene grace) - Growl & charm

These were all from GTS besides the Togepi xD
I also have Lucky Egg item if you like that o -o

The vaporeon has my attention.

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I'd like one of your boys... I have no idea what to give, though. I recently got a Modest female Ralts in Wonder Trade that has Encore, Shadow Sneak, Destiny Bond, and Memento. Would you like something like her? (Also, ability is Synchronize)

I'd be willing to accept the ralts for one of my HB eevees.

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I wouldn't trade with K.K. Fanboy. If you reject his offer he'll send you abusive PM's


I just don't want any other members on this forum to be abused.

Thanks for the heads up
I can trade whenever your ready, Violet. Adding you now.(Did you want a male or female? I only have the one female available atm if you want it)
I can trade whenever your ready, Violet. Adding you now.(Did you want a male or female? I only have the one female available atm if you want it)
Male. :)

I'll be on!

Edit: In game name is Alex.
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I wouldn't trade with K.K. Fanboy. If you reject his offer he'll send you abusive PM's


I just don't want any other members on this forum to be abused.


I hope you guys don't have to experience this pain
I can breed | have 4IV

PM offers. looking for other 4iv spitbacks.
A word of advice, Jake., use the spoiler tags for the images next time. Just makes your post take less room unless somebody opens the spoiler. ^_^

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So would you like to trade for your female HB Eevee for my Vaporeon? ^^

All yours, I'll trade with you as soon as I finish trading with Violet(we're trading right now)

edit: Thanks for the trade, Violet; your up now Touko.(my trainer is Jinjiro in-game)
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A word of advice, Jake., use the spoiler tags for the images next time. Just makes your post take less room unless somebody opens the spoiler. ^_^

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All yours, I'll trade with you as soon as I finish trading with Violet(we're trading right now)

Awesome ^^ I'll be waiting.
A word of advice, Jake., use the spoiler tags for the images next time. Just makes your post take less room unless somebody opens the spoiler. ^_^

Sorry, just want it to be seen so nobody else gets abused. I'm going to ignore his PM's from now on, you guys probably should, too. It's for the best.
Enjoy your new HB eevee ^_^

Still got lots of male HB eevees available; likely to have another female again soon enough(as I'm still trying to get a shiny)
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Sorry, just want it to be seen so nobody else gets abused. I'm going to ignore his PM's from now on, you guys probably should, too. It's for the best.

I hear yah, he didn't send my pms like those but he did back out of a trade and gave me a different shiny pkmn than the one I was suppose to get. I was too nice to him and went with it