Pokémon Pokemon Trading Center

I can breed | have 4IV

PM offers. looking for other 4iv spitbacks.

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damn kk fanboy got banned :/
Enjoy your new HB eevee ^_^

Still got lots of male HB eevees available; likely to have another female again soon enough(as I'm still trying to get a shiny)

Would you like a Modest Snorunt with either Moody (HA) or Ice Body? I have both male and females. They all have at least 2 random perfect IVs.
Adding you now then(just gotta wait for an egg to hatch)

edit: drat.. non-shiny again. HA though. Male again.

edit again: Added you, DemonOtaku. My trainer is Jinjiro, go ahead and start the trade when your ready.

edit once again: GAH! Sorry! I keep hitting the wrong button when it asks the mic question; sorry >.<
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Currently trying to MM a shiny Tyrunt, so I have a ton of extra 31/31/31/xx/31/31 Jolly Strong Jaw Tyrunts up for trade. All of them know the elemental fangs (ice, thunder, fire) and dragon dance.

Looking for mainly other 5IV Pok?mon.

Having this up for trade: perfect iv in special attack, special defense and HP
how did kk get banned?
anyone want a chespin baby i have like 500
looking for dratini or poochyena
Well I'm pretty sure he is a scammer, he offered to hold my shiny pokemon while I reset my game, then didn't give them back :(

oh jeez im really sorry to hear that D:
which ones did you have? they might not be the same but i wouldnt mind helping you get them back
if they involve chaining i could manage that...
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how did kk get banned?
anyone want a chespin baby i have like 500
looking for dratini or poochyena
He also kept spamming. :l

anyway, looking for female growlith, and drilbur. IVs and nature don't matter so if you have any fodders lying around, let me know please.

And thanks in advance
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Looking for a Pokemon with Teleport. I'll pay TBT bells or Animal Crossing stuff.
oh jeez im really sorry to hear that D:
which ones did you have? they might not be the same but i wouldnt mind helping you get them back
if they involve chaining i could manage that...

one was a skrelp, and I'm not sure of what the others were. But skrelp is a y exclusive anyway so I couldn't fish myself to get another one.

There was also a few legendaries that I was planning to keep, so I could use the ones I caught in this play through as prizes for my tournament...

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That is terrible! If you ever restart again, I can hold your shinies for you. :) (And I will give them back!)

I'll take that into consideration ;)
I probably will restart again in the near future, one I catch the legendaries, because I want to have two sets of them (one set to use myself and another to give as first prize for my tournament)
Well I'm pretty sure he is a scammer, he offered to hold my shiny pokemon while I reset my game, then didn't give them back :(

If you have PMs still saved among other things, I'd recommend reporting them.

one was a skrelp, and I'm not sure of what the others were. But skrelp is a y exclusive anyway so I couldn't fish myself to get another one.

There was also a few legendaries that I was planning to keep, so I could use the ones I caught in this play through as prizes for my tournament...

I have a shiny skrelp if you'd like to make me an offer for him. While I like him, I'd be happy to trade him to you to allow you replace at least one of your stolen shinies(though I would like something decent in return for him, preferably another fishing shiny)

And I've got an updated on my HA eevees here for you all. Got two more HA female eevees available for trade. Took awhile, but two more decided to come out of some eggs, and now they're available for trade for who ever wants them.

Update: Make that three HA female eevees.
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