Pokémon Pokemon you love that everyone else hates?

I really like Skiploom. I think it looks cute and I like how it flies using the flower on its head. Seems like the perfect Pok?mon to have as a pet. I don't know if people really dislike it, but most don't seem to like it either.

One Pok?mon I know people don't tend to like is Pansage. I think it's a cute design. It also helps that I caught a shiny Pansage in a Pok?cord, a Discord bot centered around catching Pok?mon. I will admit though, its evolution is terrible. Never let it near a leaf stone.


I even have some art of my Animal Crossing character with Pansage, by Robot_marmot.
I guess mine would be Espurr. It's not really hated but I do know a lot of people that find it super creepy looking. I personally think it's the cutest thing and is probably my favourite Pokemon from Kalos.
I’ve heard people say Armaldo and Drampa are ugly, but I think they’re cute in their own way. Aside from their speed, both Pokémon are decent in battle as well.
My favorite Pokémon Chesnaught gets clowned on all the time as either the “worst” or “second worst” starter! It makes me so sad! (Q(λ )Q )
My favorite Pokémon Chesnaught gets clowned on all the time as either the “worst” or “second worst” starter! It makes me so sad! (Q(λ )Q )

i love chesnaught too! (i chose chespin as my starter in my first playthru of X) i always considered it to be a cooler grass version of blastoise, since they look kinda similar imo (big shell and similar body types). and i also like his "knight" theme over delphox and greninja's mage and ninja themes, as i always felt like it fit the Kalos region really well!
i love chesnaught too! (i chose chespin as my starter in my first playthru of X) i always considered it to be a cooler grass version of blastoise, since they look kinda similar imo (big shell and similar body types). and i also like his "knight" theme over delphox and greninja's mage and ninja themes, as i always felt like it fit the Kalos region really well!
Oh man, as someone who had both Blastoise and Chesnaught on my first team I definitely agree with ya (Blastoise>>>>>Charizard btw)
Always been a big fan of Dewgong and Dugtrio, but don't see much love for either of them :cry:
idk which are unpopular because i don't play online pokemon and the only people i know that play pokemon are my sister and her boyfriend

however i like a lot of the starters which they seem to hate like:
fennekin, froakie, popplio, turtwig, chikorita, snivy, oshawott etc
also my favourite pokemon are meloetta and sylveon but apparently those two are "too weak to be considered good"

so yeah the only two people i talk to about pokemon, disagree with everything i like 😅
I'm not really sure these Pokemon are hated but from what I've noticed they're not that popular but I love them:
  • Eevee and all the eeveelutions - obviously some of these are very popular but I feel like some of the eeveelutions don't get much love where as I adore them all, my team in every game has always been made up of all Eevee evolutions available in the game and they've never let me down.
  • The Seel and Spheal lines - they're not the strongest Pokemon but I've never had issues with them in battles and seals have always been my favourite animals so I think they're designs are great.
  • New favourites of mine from Shield are Drampa (not new as such but I played Sun so didn't get Drampa in gen 7) and Appletun which I have recently shiny hunted in the game and are now very strong members of the team, performing very well in the battle tower. Plus they're Pokemon that I again think are very cute.
Sure there are loads that I haven't thought off that I love that are unpopular (quite a lot of the starter Pokemon) but thought I'd try and narrow it down 😅
Pokémon is a very subjective franchise. That being said, some people like some mons over others for various reasons, myself included. I have an absolute HATRED of the Happiny line but I know there are Chansey and Blissey fans out there.

So...the Pokémon that I love that can be said to be hated by many is Greninja

Yes, I know what you're thinking. Greninja has Protean so its decent in competitive and objectively the best Kalos starter. I also love its overall design and thought the ninja frog theme was pretty cool. But...there are many haters. Upon release, I remembered many were disappointed in Froakie's final evo. Many were also disappointed that Ash-Greninja existed, but no Mega form. I was also very shocked that the Kalos starters didn't receive Megas. Heck, the Alola starters got their own Z-moves and the Galar starters their own Gmax. So, I guess many of its haters dislike it for the existence of Ash-Greninja and that it got the Charizard treatment (when the TPC heavily favours one mon over another).

Even though I can't use it in SwSh...I still love it and hopefully can use it in the future.