El Psy Congroo
How could you ? :c Without this thread, the poop kingdom is of none existence and the joy of poop is not enjoyed by all.
Well ya know we could just goto the chat...#poopkingdom
How could you ? :c Without this thread, the poop kingdom is of none existence and the joy of poop is not enjoyed by all.
Well ya know we could just goto the chat...#poopkingdom
I cant on mobile. Can't we just roleplay?
downloading Rice Beta now.
Wait, rice bet isnt a thing. I cannot find it. YOU DARE LIE TO YOUR ALMIGHTY RULER?
Also, Jer, you could be the WHite Knight of Poopdom?
The One True King of Poop Kingdom and IRC Kingdom does not recognize #poopkingdom IRC and hereby declares its rebels and its lands banished from existence.