Ordered some clothes for fall and winter, basically a few long sleeved shirts and a cute velvet sweater. Also got some thick tights and a onesie... it was black and has planchettes and kitties on it, basically it was made for me, and I ordered a size larger so it can be kind of loose and I am probably most excited for that. ^u^
wow! What a nice tank and stand! I've been really wanting to get into fish but I have like 0 room for any. I see the super sad Betas at walmart each time I shop, and I can see their potential and I just WISH I had the space. =[
Got my clothes, and my presents for my boyfriend and I's anniversary next week, and MY ONESIE! It's seriously so soft and nice and amazing and I look like an over-sized toddler. Slept in it and had to get up and take it off in the middle of the night cause it was TOO warm. Can't wait for it to get colder in winter, I am legit going to live in it!
Got my Callie, Marie, and Purple Squid(whatever realname lol) yesterday finally! Moved in Cece and Vich? already, just gotta order all the Inkwell crap before I jav a blast with him in town ^^