Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

/hi5. I preordered him too! Hype for s2 next month :)

I just got a horrendous bill for my university textbooks, glad it's my final year :l

Yesss! I'm 100% ready for October to come, then January. He's got a spot next to Kageyama :cool:
I just picked up Super Mario Maker from Gamestop today along with an Amaura, Tyrunt, Bunnelby, and Pancham plushies... :)
Two vinyl records:

Janis Joplin/Big Brother and the Holding Company - Cheap Thrills
John Lennon/Yoko Ono - Double Fantasy

I went out to my garden and got a huge bowl of the biggest, prettiest tomatoes I have ever grown. Can't wait to make dinner tonight.

I went out to buy food, plasters, and get a key cut for my friend moving in tomorrow. Then I found a game shop opposite the key cutting place. It was like destiny.

Won't come for at least a week or two, but I finally bought a hula hoop.
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boots were doing 3 for 2 on all hair products so naturally i bought about 12 dry shampoo's (i swear i do shower)

I went out to buy food, plasters, and get a key cut for my friend moving in tomorrow. Then I found a game shop opposite the key cutting place. It was like destiny.

:D Grats, the Jigglypuff ones are so pretty :'D
A book; Haruki Murakami's Norwegian Wood

And some glitter-glue pens for my cousin since we are celebrating her birthday tomorrow
I got the ESO Imperial City DLC as a birthday gift from my guild (because they insist on giving their guildmaster gifts..... for some reason...... and making me all humiliated and embarrassed......) AHHHHH!!!!!! I LOVE IT! I LOVE MY GUILD TOO MUCH!!!!! <3
tomorrow I'm going to put some money on my DS and pre-order/pre download HHD! (if you can even do the predownload yet lol) does this count?
Okay heres something I actually got TODAY: Some lemon iced tea mmmmmmm yum ^.^
bought a new jacket a few days ago since the weather will be getting chilly soon
its pink and adorable :~)